I have set a time limit on editing...

Basically people were crying that somebody could have done it, I got tired of the crying it goes straight to my head.
Yeah. Well people like Epi, he posted personal information, and later decided that wasn't such a good idea. It's not like there aren't legitimate reasons to edit old posts.
Yeah. Well people like Epi, he posted personal information, and later decided that wasn't such a good idea. It's not like there aren't legitimate reasons to edit old posts.
They can ask me, Grind, or Beefs. We can still edit the posts.
Anything two or more days old will no longer be accessible for editing.

That's okay, it gives me plenty of time to sober up and go back and delete all my drunken offensive insults.

Or not, some of them look even better when I'm sober.
LOL... I didn't fuck with Oncie, he fucked with me. He basically lied through his teeth and when called on it, couldn't back it up. He then accused me of editing my posts, which I didn't do.

Yeah, Onceler lied, you're telling the truth.

And Bush really got the intelligence wrong, and Al Gore would have invaded Iraq too.

It's about as believable. Try selling it to...you know, I can't think of anyone who would buy either story.
well, since I'm JPP Staff - I should totally get a vote on this.

My vote is ,"whatever"
Yeah. Well people like Epi, he posted personal information, and later decided that wasn't such a good idea. It's not like there aren't legitimate reasons to edit old posts.


Also, thanks for bringing the bear back.

Damo: 3 days is better cause the number 3 is more complete. I'm a number expert so you should listen to me.
I think you should have an hour or less. The only time I ever use edit is if I make a mistake, and that is immediate.

Any other use of it, would only be for nefarious purposes.
Well, I have no clue what 'nefarious' means, so my "JPP Staff" vote goes to 4 days.
Well, I have no clue what 'nefarious' means, so my "JPP Staff" vote goes to 4 days.

It means she would only do it to help her friend Tiana understand better.

I'm with Darla on this one. I think its best when used for correcting typos or spelling. Other than that, its just rewriting what you said.