I hope the American people wake up soon and ask this President be impeached.


New member
he took an oath to cause no harm and to protect our constitution...

In just a few short months, he has caused us nothing but harm economically, is acting like a dictator, and has spit on our Constitution..
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The economy is already showing signs of life, which is remakable considering the short time they've had to address the crisis.

And he's at 68% in a new poll. Nyah, nyah.
he took an oath to cause no harm and to protect our constitution...

In just a few short months, he has caused us nothing but harm economically, is acting like a dictator, and has spit on our Constitution..

Damo I think this message somehow got dated 8 years too late.
The economy is already showing signs of life, which is remakable considering the short time they've had to address the crisis.

And he's at 68% in a new poll. Nyah, nyah.

funny, my 401k isn't showing any improvements as it continues to fall and we have in two months heaped a dept on not only our children, but our grandchildren that is STAGGERING..

and you keep finding these polls from where, Pmsnbc..because the last I saw, he has already fallen below 50%, faster than even President Bush for his first three months in office...
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funny, my 401k isn't showing any improvements as it continues to fall and we have in two months heaped a dept on not only our children, but our grandchildren that is STAGGERING..

and you keep finding these polls from where, Pmsnbc..because the last I saw, he has already fallen below 50%, faster than even President Bush did for his first three months in office...

New WSJ poll - that's the conservative WSJ.

Not sure what your 401K is invested in, but mine has gone up over the past 3 weeks, going on 4, as have most Americans.

If the GOP had their way over the past few months, the big 3 would be gone, as would 3-4 more huge banks, and the stock market would be around 3,000.
commerce clause people. the pres or congress can mess with the economy all they want to. thanks libs, for opening that chasm as wide as the grand canyon in 1934.
The US economy would and will rebound in spite of Obama....
The US markets would recover even if Paris Hilton or Rosie O'Donnell got elected....

Obama influence won't be felt for some months in the future and more in the actual economy(jobs) and living standard(taxes), rather than in the stock market....
The US economy would and will rebound in spite of Obama....
The US markets would recover even if Paris Hilton or Rosie O'Donnell got elected....

Obama influence won't be felt for some months in the future and more in the actual economy(jobs) and living standard(taxes), rather than in the stock market....

Bravo...bravo! :D My sentiments exactly!

I do stand by my prediction though... we could all be huddled around the burning tire, eating shit sandwiches, and the Obamanites would be telling us how much better off we really were. The US government has already established, if you print and pump enough money into the economy, it grows. The problem is, you're devaluing money, so the growth doesn't exceed the inflation, and it stifles out in a couple or three years.

What the Democrats have in store, will bankrupt this country.
Obama Nation = Abomination! :)
"Bravo...bravo! My sentiments exactly! "

Of course, of course. If the economy tanks even before he's inaugurated, it's ALL Obama; it's his recession...he created it & is 100% responsible.

But, if it recovers as a result of direct action he's taken, he has absolutely nothing to do with it; the economy is cyclic, and Presidents have no influence.

Careful, Dix; your true colors are showing again.
I'm not talking about his influence on the economy, though his all doom and gloom trash talk and taking over companies like a dictator hasn't helped it..

I'm talking about the massive dept he has heaped on us in just three months..
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I'm not talking about his influence on the economy, though his all doom and gloom trash talk and taking over companies like a dictator hasn't helped it..

I'm talking about the massive dept he has heaped on us in just three months..

Yeah it took Bush a couple of years. Thats the increased efficiency of Team Obama though.
funny, my 401k isn't showing any improvements as it continues to fall and we have in two months heaped a dept on not only our children, but our grandchildren that is STAGGERING..


Again, it's not like we haven't been this far up before. We paid it off perfectly well. The generation following the 40's was one of the most prosperous in American history. Besides, refusing to do a stimulus would, in all likelihood, produce a debt as % of GDP GREATER than with the stimulus in the end. We should do this because we love our children, unlike conservatives.

And there are several very prosperous nations with much greater debt as a % of their GDP, like Italy and Japan.
The US government has already established, if you print and pump enough money into the economy, it grows. The problem is, you're devaluing money, so the growth doesn't exceed the inflation, and it stifles out in a couple or three years.

You're an idiot. You don't even know what you're talking about.

Again, it's not like we haven't been this far up before. We paid it off perfectly well. The generation following the 40's was one of the most prosperous in American history. Besides, refusing to do a stimulus would, in all likelihood, produce a debt as % of GDP GREATER than with the stimulus in the end. We should do this because we love our children, unlike conservatives.

And there are several very prosperous nations with much greater debt as a % of their GDP, like Italy and Japan.

You don't love children, you kill children!!!!

Again, it's not like we haven't been this far up before. We paid it off perfectly well. The generation following the 40's was one of the most prosperous in American history. Besides, refusing to do a stimulus would, in all likelihood, produce a debt as % of GDP GREATER than with the stimulus in the end. We should do this because we love our children, unlike conservatives.

And there are several very prosperous nations with much greater debt as a % of their GDP, like Italy and Japan.

The difference is that before we were spending money to guarantee our freedom. Obama is printing money just to pacify segments of society until we are enslaved. That's a relevant difference.
why don't you tell us how you loved Bush's trillion dollar short fall, and that's not even counting the war cost they hid.
You really are an embarassment, what's left of the former conservatives are the uneducated white, and rednecks that fear diversity.
I bet your in one of those groups. You certainly don't sound like someone who earned wealth.
why don't you tell us how you loved Bush's trillion dollar short fall, and that's not even counting the war cost they hid.
You really are an embarassment, what's left of the former conservatives are the uneducated white, and rednecks that fear diversity.
I bet your in one of those groups. You certainly don't sound like someone who earned wealth.

can you ever stick with the topic at hand?