I identify as a lesbian

I identify as someone who wants to force Yurt into having a sex change operation........perhaps they could turn him into a Watermark.......
Got ButtYurt on ignore, but if the thread title is any indication... :whoa: Good for him/her/it/them. No wonder he has a deep-seated need to keep referring to a very obviously male JPP guy as "she."

This place is getting a bit too touchy-feely and icky for my tastes. Just sayin'. Well, maybe just this thread.
I think he walked out onto the beach yesterday & saw to hot girls in bikinis kissing & can't get it out of his head.........

Couple more days a rain otta wash that out of his head..:evilnod:

Got ButtYurt on ignore, but if the thread title is any indication... :whoa: Good for him/her/it/them. No wonder he has a deep-seated need to keep referring to a very obviously male JPP guy as "she."

This place is getting a bit too touchy-feely and icky for my tastes. Just sayin'. Well, maybe just this thread.
We used to have a male poster called Dixie. Confused the hell out of everyone. While Jade is far less confusing, we have history working against us, here.
Got ButtYurt on ignore, but if the thread title is any indication... :whoa: Good for him/her/it/them. No wonder he has a deep-seated need to keep referring to a very obviously male JPP guy as "she."

This place is getting a bit too touchy-feely and icky for my tastes. Just sayin'. Well, maybe just this thread.

1. If I'm on ignore as you claim, then STFU.

2. If this place bothers you so much, LEAVE. BU BYE. No one will miss you and your constant whining about this board. Fuck off bitch :)