I joined another board


Verified User
I joined another board and this board does not allow multiple threads. It makes sense, keeps the board cleaner. But on this board, you have to create multiple threads because of the thread ban.

That is okay, it is not my board. But this thread ban does not make the forum user friendly.

Enjoy! I might leave this board, I might not. Just my thoughts.

Also, why is it so many posters think I'm all these other posters?

I've been accused of being 6 other posters. 6.

That is wildly weird. And a moderator made one of the accusations.

What kind of board is this?
well, you don't have to make a clone thread. christie makes threads I would otherwise comment in but I am permabanned from all of them. I find other things to do with my time though.
well, you don't have to make a clone thread. christie makes threads I would otherwise comment in but I am permabanned from all of them. I find other things to do with my time though.

I want to discuss the topic, what do you care? Other than multiple threads.

I see your time is well spent responding to this thread.

Enjoy! I might leave this board, I might not. Just my thoughts.


Oh no please don't go

You have brought so much to the board and elevated the conversation in ways I thought unimaginable

JPP would never be the same without you

I do hope you got the sarcasm. Just because you started this thread I am putting you on thread ban
Fucked up in its own way.
Most boards frown on sock puppets, here they love them.
But it's not an echo chamber and that's a good thing.
Every board has their evince, iolo is on every board.
Life goes on.

Iolo is on six boards only. With only a short time to comment, less than that is too boring, and a lot have banned me for thinking! :)
this site used to be the best sight

then grind bought it

sociopaths don't make good judges of right and wrong