I just found a thread of me predicting 2008 crash

They merely denied the evidence I was giving for a very bad economy coming

Just like they do now

Then I bumbed it in 2013

Man what a thread
01-26-2008, 02:20 PM #1 | Top evince's Avatar evince evince is online now
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Default Oh my Fucking God!

This is just unbelievable.

Its a Shanty town in california of 350 people and growing due to home loss
Here is the funny part

Not one right winger admitted that I was correct

Even when I bumbed it years later
Remember how all the right used to say no one could have predicted it coming?

There were people who did

They were Keynesian adherents like me

Not Austrians

Then even the Austrian school agreed only the Keynesian ideas would fix it

Then they did fit the mess


The debate is over

No more Austrian crap ideas
You seem to have forgotten the history

Your Republican butt holes claimed no one saw the crash coming remember

And I was treated like trash for CORRECTLY predicting what then happened
You seem to have forgotten the history

Your Republican butt holes claimed no one saw the crash coming remember

And I was treated like trash for CORRECTLY predicting what then happened

Conservatives now belatedly claim to have supposedly always been against the Iraq War and claim they were not blindsided by the Great Bush Recession.

But I have been on message boards long enough to remember them telling me invading Iraq was an awesome idea, and I remember them talking up the Bush economy right up to the eve of the Great Republican Recession.
Conservatives now belatedly claim to have supposedly always been against the Iraq War and claim they were not blindsided by the Great Bush Recession.

But I have been on message boards long enough to remember them telling me invading Iraq was an awesome idea, and I remember them talking up the Bush economy right up to the eve of the Great Republican Recession.

no they aren't.

I was for it at the time. now i've changed.

i've learned much more about history and the lies of the military industrial complex, and the intention of the globalist warmonger nazi genociders.

why have you changed your mind, but in the wrong direction?

I've gotten better.

You've gotten worse.

no they aren't.

I was for it at the time. now i've changed.

i've learned much more about history and the lies of the military industrial complex, and the intention of the globalist warmonger nazi genociders.

why have you changed your mind, but in the wrong direction?

I've gotten better.

You've gotten worse.


Oh fuck you

It was the Republican Party that lied us to war

It was the Republican Party economic ideas that crashed the economy in 2008

You were with it all
I'm more surprised by the fact that you've been here so long. I was barely out of high school at that point.

I’ll be 65 soon

The whole reason I began doing online debate was I saw us being lied to war

I saw lies being proffered by the Republican Party after 911

I have been Fighting an ever growing pile of Republican Party lies most of my adult life

It has been evil since Nixon when I was in high school

Ike was the last good Republican
I remember their montra that no one saw it coming

While me and uscitizen were discussing it well over a year before the market dived

Democratic Party lawmakers on Tuesday sent Paulson a letter asking that he push for rules that would allow as many homeowners as possible qualify for the rescue plan.

“It would be a sad irony if this attempt to correct the damage done by poor underwriting standards ... was undone by criteria that made loan modifications and workouts available to too few borrowers,” the lawmakers wrote.

And they didn’t listen to the Democrats