I just found a thread of me predicting 2008 crash

Oh fuck you

It was the Republican Party that lied us to war

It was the Republican Party economic ideas that crashed the economy in 2008

You were with it all

i was and i was wrong.

they were wrong.

now it's the dems doing it.

they are also wrong.

why are you with the deep state perpetual war machine?
I remember their montra that no one saw it coming

While me and uscitizen were discussing it well over a year before the market dived

your mantra is fake news.....

Seventeen. That's how many times, according to this White House statement (hat tip Gateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress has cooperated only once. In spring 2007, as House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank likes to point out, the House did pass a bill in response. The Senate did not act until 2008; Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd spent most of 2007 camped out in Iowa running for president. The legislation passed by Congress in 2008 enabled Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to put Fannie and Freddie into federal conservatorship this summer when they failed. But it didn't prevent them from spewing a huge amount of toxic waste, in the form of subprime and Alt-A mortgages, into our financial institutions from 2004 to 2007. As Stephen Spruiell points out in The Corner on National Review Online, Fannie and Freddie spewed out $1 trillion worth (face value) of subprime mortgages between 2005 and 2007. That's a whole lot of toxic waste. For more detail, consult the items referred to in my previous blogpost on this subject (most of the comments seem to have been disputes about the plot line of the movie It's a Wonderful Life, which I should think could be settled by consulting a reference work).

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation.
Your team broke the world wide economy

It happened after 7 years of republicans in control

Now your going to go back to saying the same disproven lies

It’s all the republicans ever do
The democrats didn’t lie us to war asshole


and started a war with russia.

they're doing it now.

lying about what has been going on right on russia's border, then acting all fucking innocent and pointing fingers.
You seem to have forgotten the history

Your Republican butt holes claimed no one saw the crash coming remember

And I was treated like trash for CORRECTLY predicting what then happened

Inversion fallacy. Omniscience fallacy.
No, you can't get away with a blatant lie like that!
Oh fuck you

It was the Republican Party that lied us to war

It was the Republican Party economic ideas that crashed the economy in 2008

You were with it all

No. It was speculation, fueled by easy money from the Fed, ordered by Congress...a Democrat congress.
It was Democrats that bailed the banks out too, printing even MORE money to do it.
I’ll be 65 soon

The whole reason I began doing online debate was I saw us being lied to war

I saw lies being proffered by the Republican Party after 911

I have been Fighting an ever growing pile of Republican Party lies most of my adult life

It has been evil since Nixon when I was in high school

Ike was the last good Republican

You know nothing about Ike and the controversies he faced. If you don't like Trump or Reagan, you won't like Ike.
Accurate facts can give one a good indication a crash is coming BUT ONLY if you use the proper economic theory

Fake economic philosophy like the Austrian school of economics that tries to do economics without using MATH don’t work


You know

The ones the Republicans hate