I just had a converstaion with God for real. please read


OK. first off, I have some crazy disability going on... Probably Guillione Barre Syndrome... And it wrecked my life as a wood floor guy. Can hardly walk let alone use machinery. I developed the symptoms in Dec 2019 and my last bit of work was March 2020 where I struggled through my biggest project ever which was 10 500sqft units installed and finished in three week window. LOL I was wrecked even if I was healthy. Anyway, I have been struggling with what I will do with myself. Although I'm quite bright, I'm a loser on paper. Like serious nobody. So I have been having suicidal ideation and embracing a nihilist attitude but I dream of a solution that would be something I would love to do.

Let me fill in another detail to the story....

My good friend and neighbor had an accident the week before Christmas and is fucking paralyzed. I love the dude and it hurts so much. So I was trying to figure out some way to help him.

Now back to the story...

I have been tooting my horn about how awesome I play and I was thinking about making videos of me playing with my cool playlist in the background while my other Neighbor, who is a killer musician on the guitar and a fellow conspiracy nut like me, talks with me about current events. I envision a fun poker/current events/cool music video experience. I am very fun to watch play when it goes well LOL. My neighbor comes over every night to watch and drink some brews and we laugh and talk the shit.

That's when it hit me that I could help my paralyzed friend by making him the star of the show. The whole venture will be about helping disabled people and my friend specifically.
So I've been thinking about it intensly and syaing LOL what a pipe dream

now the God part

So, I'm playing a tourney and I've had good luck. I have 3 times the starting chips and Imagining if this was a video people could watch to learn how to play well and I start to think about my friend and how He'll be the star of the show and I'm suddenly hit with a big bet (other guy was all in and I called it)with 2/8 suited spades and I have an irresitable urge to call it.
The flop comes 222 and I'm stunned

Now the good part.
I'm still more preoccupied with my friend and the plans to create the show so I am just checking the bets and I find myself in the very next hand with a hand so crazy it was almost a straight flush draw

Not kidding flop 3 4 5 clubs on the flop turn is a 7 and river 3
I had 77 with a club

I suddenly realized God was getting my attention and wanted me to do this thing I imagine

So I cried out that I believed him and meant it with every fiber
And I realized in that moment that God and I are one

And I had the very next hand comes to me with 22
I said to God to give me quad dueces to prove it one more time and the flop came with a single 2.
Then I felt God chuckle in me and he gave me the full house on the river

Every one of these hands I checked and didn't bet at all and let everyone see it.

Then God told me to call every bet and give the chips away and it's what I did

I know this sounds insane and made up and I don't care if you scoff. I am shaken to my core and I was seriously crying when this was happening and I realized God was speaking to me.

And so I had to document this moment so I will always remember that we are all one in this universe
And I have absolute faith that I will make this crazy idea work so my buddy can feel alive and hopefiully we can make some money to fund his care
Fuck, I forgot to mention how the music I was playing at the time was my all time favorite, Joe Sample's album "Old Faces Old Places", a CD that I used to own back in the 90s and which I played basically non-stop for about 5 years. I literally know every single note in my head.

Everything was so perfect that I can't find any other explanation, nor do I even want to try. pattern recognition is about my best talent as an autist, so I know a cleatr sign when I see it

Sounds cliche, but praise be to God
I am a believer now.
Holy shit, I played a free roll and won one hand and knew God was messing witht he game so I decioded to justn check or call whatever happens and I'm stll at the table with doubl;e the starting chips at break LIOL
God is real and he's funny as hell
Holy shit you guys, I was just checking and calling any bet and I was up to 12K while other players had like 2K
LOL I don't know how else to explain it. God is fucking real you guys

Finally the players realized what my game was and the took the chips, but I survived 40 minutes
I hope you guys believe me. Doesn't matter to me, but it happened none the less. Wow. I am a changed person after this.
You know how I roll. I'll show a way around this. Exactly, we know who you are.

Being inconsiderate can be defined as careless of the rights or feelings of others.
Inconsiderate people may also act without respect for the rights or feelings of
others and being thoughtless towards others. Those who possess these traits
are often referred to as inconsiderate people.

self centered:
1 : independent of outside force or influence : self-sufficient.
2 : concerned solely with one's own desires, needs, or interests.

So I asked the cop. Do you have a business card? He said just take my badge number.

No, with a title like that and your trolling and posting gibberish from 4chan record, I'm not even going to bother.
OK. first off, I have some crazy disability going on... Probably Guillione Barre Syndrome... And it wrecked my life as a wood floor guy. Can hardly walk let alone use machinery. I developed the symptoms in Dec 2019 and my last bit of work was March 2020 where I struggled through my biggest project ever which was 10 500sqft units installed and finished in three week window. LOL I was wrecked even if I was healthy. Anyway, I have been struggling with what I will do with myself. Although I'm quite bright, I'm a loser on paper. Like serious nobody. So I have been having suicidal ideation and embracing a nihilist attitude but I dream of a solution that would be something I would love to do.

Let me fill in another detail to the story....

My good friend and neighbor had an accident the week before Christmas and is fucking paralyzed. I love the dude and it hurts so much. So I was trying to figure out some way to help him.

Now back to the story...

I have been tooting my horn about how awesome I play and I was thinking about making videos of me playing with my cool playlist in the background while my other Neighbor, who is a killer musician on the guitar and a fellow conspiracy nut like me, talks with me about current events. I envision a fun poker/current events/cool music video experience. I am very fun to watch play when it goes well LOL. My neighbor comes over every night to watch and drink some brews and we laugh and talk the shit.

That's when it hit me that I could help my paralyzed friend by making him the star of the show. The whole venture will be about helping disabled people and my friend specifically.
So I've been thinking about it intensly and syaing LOL what a pipe dream

now the God part

So, I'm playing a tourney and I've had good luck. I have 3 times the starting chips and Imagining if this was a video people could watch to learn how to play well and I start to think about my friend and how He'll be the star of the show and I'm suddenly hit with a big bet (other guy was all in and I called it)with 2/8 suited spades and I have an irresitable urge to call it.
The flop comes 222 and I'm stunned

Now the good part.
I'm still more preoccupied with my friend and the plans to create the show so I am just checking the bets and I find myself in the very next hand with a hand so crazy it was almost a straight flush draw

Not kidding flop 3 4 5 clubs on the flop turn is a 7 and river 3
I had 77 with a club

I suddenly realized God was getting my attention and wanted me to do this thing I imagine

So I cried out that I believed him and meant it with every fiber
And I realized in that moment that God and I are one

And I had the very next hand comes to me with 22
I said to God to give me quad dueces to prove it one more time and the flop came with a single 2.
Then I felt God chuckle in me and he gave me the full house on the river

Every one of these hands I checked and didn't bet at all and let everyone see it.

Then God told me to call every bet and give the chips away and it's what I did

I know this sounds insane and made up and I don't care if you scoff. I am shaken to my core and I was seriously crying when this was happening and I realized God was speaking to me.

And so I had to document this moment so I will always remember that we are all one in this universe
And I have absolute faith that I will make this crazy idea work so my buddy can feel alive and hopefiully we can make some money to fund his care

I wish you well. I know sometimes when hard times hit people, they look up to God for advice. It seems like it's something natural in human beings.
LOL God wouldn't let me fall asleep tonight. So I open up 4chan and behold! The perfect thread to spread my message... God's message, rather

is Freemasonary evil?
>close friend became a freemason 10 years ago
>was very religious Christian
>traveled afterwards began a syncretic journey learning about every religion
>dropped his Christian faith
>now says he only believes in the "almighty within"
>says he became a better man wanted me to join the craft even though i said i would never
Here's what I wrote and expected to be called a nut, but I followed up with some golden ratio stuff that stuns people who understand math

Holy fuck, I just had this happen to me two days ago. I was desperate to find a new way to make a living since I can't do my trade anymore due to Gullione Barr Syndrome (I think, Docs don't know). I've been stewing in self pity for the last year as my savings dwindled. I was into some serious suicide ideation and the only thing that brought me joy was winning poker tournaments and listening to my favorite music. My neighbor mentioned how it was so kool to just watch and that made me think I could make videos and start a youtube channel and if it works, I can spread the message to defeat the globalists. Also my friend got paralyzed just before christmas and I thought we could drum up donations for him.
So here's the good part
I'm playing a tourney and doing well early on. I have 3 times the chips as everyone else and I pissed them off with some crazy all ins. LOL
So I'm thinking about my buddy and the [potential show and I think, hey, we'll make the whole thing about him, not me. And right then someone goes all in and I have 28 spades and I can't resist the urge to call.
Flop comes 222
next hand I get 77 dark cards
Flop comes 345 in my suit
I realize God wants me to do this thing
I scream out that I believe in you for real for the first time in my life
Give me the straight flush and I'm your servant for the rest of my life
God delivers a 7 and I feel him giggle
I scream again the same bargain
God chuckles and delivers a 3 for a full house. I'm just checking the bet since I wanted to see the straight flush and have everyone see it after the quads. LOL so I just check and show everyone
Next hand I have 22 and I yell for Gods to give me another quad and I flop a 2
Then God slaps two 7s down in a row and I check again to show the crowd.
Then God says "Now give it away. Call any bet "
And I did. I called an obvious straight with J3 and I was never more happy

>True story
>Changed person
I wish you well. I know sometimes when hard times hit people, they look up to God for advice. It seems like it's something natural in human beings.

Thank you. I'm a changed person. I'm so sorry for the awful things I've said here and the truth is, I love you guys
I read the OP only because someone quoted it; I have tinfoil on ignore because reasons. Tinfoil, I'm sorry you are having to deal with this health thing, and hope that things get better for you. Take care.
I read the OP only because someone quoted it; I have tinfoil on ignore because reasons. Tinfoil, I'm sorry you are having to deal with this health thing, and hope that things get better for you. Take care.

If he's having health issues he really needs to say that rather than what he did. Most believers commune with God in some way but he made it sound like some kind of Biblical, God spoke to me thing in his title. I didn't want to bother because half of that stuff comes not from believers but posers and fruitcakes.