I just had a converstaion with God for real. please read

LOL just had another test from God, this time at the subway shop where the black girl works that thinks all white people are racists (you can see it in her eyes)
I was pulling away after getting a sandwich when the car next to me opened their car door and collided with my rear bumper. I stopped asap but the car door was messed up. And who is behind the wheel? The black girl I talked about above. LOL I knew instantly what it was and I told her before she even got out of the car that this was God testing me and showing her that white people are not racists

I offered to take the blame since I was the car moving and it wasn't clear that it wasn't my fault and she didn't have insurance anyway so it was the right thing to do
So her passenger who opened her door is a white girl.
Is this gonna get turned into a white privilege thing, y'all?
Look at that rich white business owner covering up for his kind
See, they never face any consequences
Life on easy mode

You decide. It can go either way and God will be happy
I think I may be being decieved by the devil here. I just called my dad and told him about how a seedling I had that I didn't plant in a pot of dirt that had a lid on it that was leftover from the seedling attempts for the new garden this year. We're at about 6 weeks.
Here's a pic above post
I love my dad and the lord just made me scold my dad about the supposed age of our souls with me sternly telling him I have a very old sole

LOL guys have no words. I'm now afraid to call my dad again in case God wants a little rush by ticking my dad off

God just told me why he chose me
We were in the elevator heading up to see my dad in the hospital where he had had a bleeding ulcer if I'm remembering correctly, but anyway I asked my brother if dad was still on blood thinners, and he said yeah, and I kind of annoyed and shocked asked WHY! and a doctor in the elevator looked like he saw a ghost
Guys, the lord appears to find my life fodder for his amusement. Not sure where to go here. I don't want to hurt my family
Maybe the thread ends here.

I'm gonna check
We'll see what happens.
I made a video to explain but they did the same thing again with the video.
I'm really scared now. There's no doubt my information is too important
I'm sorry you won't get to see it. Mott will when he comes over again some day. The video is fine, but Gmail still won't allow me to get the password reset from bitchute
Anyone know any free hosting sites?
I'll probably stop posting now. Maybe something new will happen that I have to share, but other than that, I guess I'm done.

Thank you, everyone, for putting up with my crazy interpretations of my imagination
Just pray for Darrell
I'll probably stop posting now. Maybe something new will happen that I have to share, but other than that, I guess I'm done.

Thank you, everyone, for putting up with my crazy interpretations of my imagination
Just pray for Darrell

I'll pray for both of you. For Darrell to heal and for you to stay strong so you can be there for him. God put you in his life for a reason.