I posted this days ago but apparently someone decided to delete it....

I applaud you sir. I have never in my entire history as a poster caused a meltdown as epic as this one. It's like a complete meltdown of the core.... The China Syndrome. It's beautiful to behold.

This thread needs to live on in the annals of JPP history. Epic.

I consider it a cry for help. He's way off the edge of the map.

I hope he gets the psychiatric help he needs.

you have crossed the line mother fucker!!!...

if I could get my hands on you right now I would tear youf fucking face off.....

you are a wothless piece of shit!!!!!......

kill yourself, cocksucker!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you've gone beyond the limit, you fucking whore.....if I could find you I would kill you!!!!
die, motherfucker
I woke up after my anger at Cypress and the other mother fucking cunts at JP and decided I had not been harsh enough......

I had told him I wanted to rip his face off......upon reflection I feel I should also reach down his throat, pull out his guts and flush them down the toilet......

what he said about me and my granddaughter is far worse than any 12b violation......it is also not against the rules......there is nothing I can do about it.......except leave........and I have......I did not want to leave without saying goodbye.......so I did......but someone deleted the post.......so despite what I said, I AM posting here again......

I spent more than a decade here and I enjoyed it.......thank you Damo for maintaining the board all those years.......I have made many friends.......you all know who you are and I will miss you.......if any of you can recommend a board where I can speak to you again send me a PM.......

I have also made enemies.......you all know who they are as well........I will not miss the mother fucking cunts at all.......in the last three years we have attracted a different type of poster.....each more poisonous than the last......they are eating this board like a cancer.....

but the cunts have won......they have driven PostmodernProphet from JPP......as the QueenWhore once posted "he thinks he's superior to us"......by leaving the cess pool you are bent on creating, I prove it......

again my last post......hopefully no one will delete this one.....goodby

Bad hair day? Hemorrhoids giving you fits?
I hereby award this pathetic flounce the JPP Weiner Victim of the Year Award. Judges?


It'll be a close call, but I'm thinking all 9s. :thup:
again my last post......hopefully no one will delete this one.....goodby

Fucking idiot can't even spell "goodbye" correctly. :palm:


Because I don't go out of my way to read pimp's shit posts, this is the first time I've seen this.

Sucks that he decided to come crawling back on his knees just like that loser Trump.
Thanks for bumping this EPIC meltdown. Perhaps the best ever. I love the 'tear your fucking face off' thing. Reminds me of Hannibal Lecter. You know the guy, he immigrated here from Mexico.

Oh, I wish, but he cant stay away, like a moth to a flame.

I'm guessing he called someone a cunt in real life and got punched in the face for it. He can do it here with impunity. And he LOVES that word. He even bought a word of the day calendar that has the same word every single day.
Thanks for bumping this EPIC meltdown. Perhaps the best ever. I love the 'tear your fucking face off' thing. Reminds me of Hannibal Lecter. You know the guy, he immigrated here from Mexico.

you look like shit without your face.......of course, you looked like shit before as well.....
As one who has spent far too long on this board I can speak to seeing it all. Many have come and gone while others have tried to leave and something keeps drawing them back. (There have also been a couple that have gone out in a blaze of glory in their final post to get permanently banned.)

But PMP is not the first to declare they are making their final post... until their next one.
I woke up after my anger at Cypress and the other mother fucking cunts at JP and decided I had not been harsh enough......

I had told him I wanted to rip his face off......upon reflection I feel I should also reach down his throat, pull out his guts and flush them down the toilet......

what he said about me and my granddaughter is far worse than any 12b violation......it is also not against the rules......there is nothing I can do about it.......except leave........and I have......I did not want to leave without saying goodbye.......so I did......but someone deleted the post.......so despite what I said, I AM posting here again......

I spent more than a decade here and I enjoyed it.......thank you Damo for maintaining the board all those years.......I have made many friends.......you all know who you are and I will miss you.......if any of you can recommend a board where I can speak to you again send me a PM.......

I have also made enemies.......you all know who they are as well........I will not miss the mother fucking cunts at all.......in the last three years we have attracted a different type of poster.....each more poisonous than the last......they are eating this board like a cancer.....

but the cunts have won......they have driven PostmodernProphet from JPP......as the QueenWhore once posted "he thinks he's superior to us"......by leaving the cess pool you are bent on creating, I prove it......

again my last post......hopefully no one will delete this one.....goodby

The internet is a sewer, PP.

If we, out of boredom, take a stroll through it, we will encounter a few floating turds.

I hope you're successful in breaking your habit,
but if you've got too much time on your hands,
it is hard.