I propose a new rule for JPP.

OH CRAP; they're ganging up on me now, instead of spending time with their loved ones.
And Grind keeps playing ignorant of my comment; but he might not be playing.
Hey Mods, can you please ban ILA just because he sucks?

You can ignore him and ban him from your threads, and ask your friends to do the same. In fact that option extends to everyone here. Wonder why those options are so rarely used...
In order to cut down on the incessant whining, I propose a new rule for JPP.

Make it an offense to request that Mods ban someone. In fact, I propose that the punishment for such unwarranted requests is to be banned from the forums for 1 week (with subsequent offenses garnering greater time out).

Anyone second the proposal?

no, if you do not like the main forum, current events, try app where there is less bs
hypocrite usfreedom:

Case 1: "waaah the mods ban anyone for no reason they are sooo mean modddd caboooose!!1"

- or -

Case 2: "oh so you don't want to ban people as much? waaaaaaa the mods wont ban people UNFAIR UNFAIR! ;_ ; "

Grind the unappreciated Mod. Maybe Obummer will make August 5th Mod Appreciation Day
Grind the unappreciated Mod. Maybe Obummer will make August 5th Mod Appreciation Day

Sounds like Grind the dumbass wants everyone to believe:
1. That he doesn't have selfesteem issues
2. That he knows what he's doing, even though he can't get his school papers in on time
3. No one knows it, when he's posting as one of his trolls
4. That he's really not ready to come out of the closet (not that there's anything wrong with that)
