I support Obama/Edwards

Agreed .. and not having more "Washington" experience can only be a plus.

Leadership equates to having the wisdom to lead and both Obama and Edwards possess the qualities for leadership.
Neither has the expereince doing so, again fact that is undisputable. Besides, I wouldn't like to go where they led, which is down the path to socialism.
Ron Paul/McCain (not as a ticket, just as people that look good)....Edwards if I absolutely have to vote Democrat (and the Republicans might force me to this year)...

Might have to write-in, though.
Neither has the expereince doing so, again fact that is undisputable. Besides, I wouldn't like to go where they led, which is down the path to socialism.

LOL. BAC is a socialist.

Obama has been referred to as something of a left-libertarian... he certainly believes in the markets.

Edwards is more of a populist FDR liberal, but we've elected far more leftward people to the presidency and it didn't result in "socialism".
Obama is history.........

John(Lt.)Kerry endorsed him going into the SC primaries...Edwards will take the lead in the South..on the DNC side...On the GOP side it will be a close call with McCain,Romney and Huckabee...they are pretty much running neck in neck! I know the truth hurts sometimes!
LOL. BAC is a socialist.

Obama has been referred to as something of a left-libertarian... he certainly believes in the markets.

Edwards is more of a populist FDR liberal, but we've elected far more leftward people to the presidency and it didn't result in "socialism".

FDR was a socialist in my book as well: Social Security, WPA.

Why? Why should I support people that haven't taken the time to ensure their own survival?

Because those that also paid into SS are receiving the benefits they paid for their predecessors...this is a catch all pension meant as supplemental or for those who fall between the cracks...what I have a problem with is transferring the premiums paid to uses that it was not intended for...'Illegals Medicade'...and general fund programs...put a lock box on the pension money already...problem solved!
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Ah, well.

The WPA was a stupid idea. But I agree with SS. Everyone needs a guaranteed pension at the end of their life.
SS is not a pension- it is a transfer of wealth from the young to the old, and anyone who plans on it for their retirement alone is setting themselves up for poverty. If that money was allowed to be invested privately you could retire at over 5 times your working income.