I think deregulation and self regulation work


Well-known member
Let the markets decide. And if someone gets sick or dies, just sue the company in court.

Meat Packer Admits Slaughter of Sick Cows

WASHINGTON — The president of a slaughterhouse at the heart of the largest meat recall denied under oath on Wednesday, but then grudgingly admitted, that his company had apparently introduced sick cows into the hamburger supply.

The executive, Steve Mendell of the Westland/Hallmark Meat Company of Chino, Calif., said, “I was shocked. I was horrified. I was sickened,” by video that showed employees kicking or using electric prods on “downer” cattle that were too sick to walk, jabbing one in the eye with a baton and using forklifts to push animals around.

Let the markets decide. And if someone gets sick or dies, just sue the company in court.

That is such an intellectually dishonest answer. Your implication is that if we had more regulation and government involvement then you can prevent anything and everything from going wrong. It's so transparent.
That is such an intellectually dishonest answer. Your implication is that if we had more regulation and government involvement then you can prevent anything and everything from going wrong. It's so transparent.

But letting the fox guard the henhouse is still butt-ass stupid. He's not saying government regulation will prevent everything. Now you're being dishonest.
Do you think food safety inspections should be beefed up and better funded, cawacko?

I don't know. I would want to know if we are funding it well enough as is and if the people we have working there are just not doing there job well.

My initial reaction is not that we need more money. That's not to say more money might not be needed. I want to know if we can be more productive with the money we are spending now.
Umm look for my shortage of veternarians thread on this.
Darned trial lawyers even cause vet shortages.
Or could it be that the FDA does not pay vets enough to inspect our food supply ?
they all seem to be moving to poodles and such.
Cypress would be an effective left wing shock jock if there were a market for it.
How many people getting sick from our food, not too many.
He is suggesting that this was an example of were we failed to police it properly.

You see there are many things the government is needed to keep us safe from unfettered commerce.

Some just refuse to face reality.
He is suggesting that this was an example of were we failed to police it properly.

You see there are many things the government is needed to keep us safe from unfettered commerce.

Some just refuse to face reality.

Desh, who is saying we don't need any regulation?
Popcorn Ingredient Tied to Lung Disease
Posted: 2008-03-14 09:35:34

WASHINGTON (March 14) - A chemical used to give butter flavor to popcorn can damage the lungs and airways of mice, U.S. government experts reported on Thursday.

Late last year, two makers of microwave popcorn -- ConAgra Foods Inc. and Weaver Popcorn Co. Inc. -- said they would stop using diacetyl in their products after concerns about lung problems were raised. Orville Redenbacher is one of ConAgra's brands.

Tests on mice show that diacetyl, a component of artificial butter flavoring, can cause a condition known as lymphocytic bronchiolitis, said the team at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health.

The condition can lead to obliterative bronchiolitis -- or "popcorn lung" -- a rare and debilitating disease seen in workers at microwave popcorn packaging plants and at least one consumer.

At least two microwave popcorn makers -- ConAgra Foods Inc and Weaver Popcorn Co Inc -- have said recently they would stop using diacetyl.

Laboratory mice made to inhale diacetyl vapors for three months developed lymphocytic bronchiolitis, the NIEHS team said.


I believe the flag was first raised on this ingredient about 2 years ago...yep very efficient govt.
Desh, who is saying we don't need any regulation?

RON PAUL, running as a Libertarian candidate: "(We should) Abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency and dismantle every other agency except the Justice and Defense Departments." Paul went on to say. "If elected president, Paul says he would abolish public schools, welfare, Social Security and farm subsidies."

Tom Delay said in the 1990s, something to the effect that he wanted to gut regulations.

BushCo. has gutted FDA inspections, and promoted a policy of industry self regulation and self policing.
I'm not against more regulation
more food checking would be good
so would checking more containers coming in.
Acting as if the free market is something opposite that is moronic cypress. '
But so is posting Joe Dirt mullett pictures of yourself
I'm not against more regulation
more food checking would be good
so would checking more containers coming in.
Acting as if the free market is something opposite that is moronic cypress. '
But so is posting Joe Dirt mullett pictures of yourself

Hey, don't be dissing mullets, it was very :cool: at the time.

I had one myself. My sons told me I looked like Jose' Canseco.
RON PAUL, running as a Libertarian candidate: "(We should) Abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency and dismantle every other agency except the Justice and Defense Departments." Paul went on to say. "If elected president, Paul says he would abolish public schools, welfare, Social Security and farm subsidies."

Tom Delay said in the 1990s, something to the effect that he wanted to gut regulations.

BushCo. has gutted FDA inspections, and promoted a policy of industry self regulation and self policing.

This quotation is from a news account you saw on Meet The Press, of a newspaper account written about a third party candidate from the 1980s, which the candidate himself repudiated on national television.

Since these are not the words of the candidate, is it at all possible that you are simply using someone else's uninformed account not because it is true, but because it solidifies your argument?

Your suggestion that anyone in this community has tried actively to make an argument for unregulated markets is without merit. If anything, I have seen far more concern among libertarians here--and in general, if you've been paying attention--on issues of war and peace and civil liberty.

Only now is the economy coming front and center, and I think many of the genuine arguments of Dr. Paul are being validated as we see the crashing of the dollar.

The leftist argument that being for limited, accountable government is equivalent to being for a near anarchism against the interests of the poor and public welfare is simply the equivalent of the right-wing argument that being against the war in Iraq means you want the terrorists to win. It is lowly demagoguery.
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If you get your own food then you don't need anyone to tell you what's okay to eat. But when you rely on many others to get your food there has to be inspection and regulation from the initial producer right through to the supermarket shelf. I don't think it's about ideology, it would seem to me to be common sense.