I thought Republicans were for the FREE MARKET?

From what I understand from a adult canadian customer that was at my home the other day. They had liberial goofs, the people got mad, and now are replacing them with consertative leaders again.

such is the cycle.
As far as a true conservative, I am more of a true conservative than many righties on here.

yea---right. I never heard of a consertative commie before espically--that says "the money you earn is not your own--it belongs to the community".

That is commie talk fucker!
As far as a true conservative, I am more of a true conservative than many righties on here.

You are probably right about that, USC.

The war-mongers, religious nuts, and power hungry idiots have ruined the term and forever linked it with the very practices that conservatism was against.
yea---right. I never heard of a consertative commie before espically--that says "the money you earn is not your own--it belongs to the community".

That is commie talk fucker!

What he is referring to, oh newbie to the voting world, is what true conservatism means.

If you listen to Neal Boortz, as you claim, you should understand.

It means smaller government, less interference, lower taxes, stricter adherence to the Constitution, and none of the messing with social and personal issues.

But the republicans grew a bigger government, interfered more, taxed as much, spent like drunken sailors, ignored the Constitution except when it suited their plans, and have been fighting with social issues and personal issues for years.
What he is referring to, oh newbie to the voting world, is what true conservatism means.

If you listen to Neal Boortz, as you claim, you should understand.

It means smaller government, less interference, lower taxes, stricter adherence to the Constitution, and none of the messing with social and personal issues.

But the republicans grew a bigger government, interfered more, taxed as much, spent like drunken sailors, ignored the Constitution except when it suited their plans, and have been fighting with social issues and personal issues for years.

I was here about a year ago, and all you fags are still here. UScitizen made that quote ("the money you amke is not your own, it belongs to the community"), and I acused him of not beiong an American citizen. That quote is a far cry from consertativism--and your just a commie for not seeing that. Your just a commie like he is anyway--a gay--hoimo--commie that reacts to anything that does not feel good to you. Both of you--simpol;y hate America--and your a couple of marksists commies---fuck you!
I was here about a year ago, and all you fags are still here. UScitizen made that quote ("the money you amke is not your own, it belongs to the community"), and I acused him of not beiong an American citizen. That quote is a far cry from consertativism--and your just a commie for not seeing that. Your just a commie like he is anyway--a gay--hoimo--commie that reacts to anything that does not feel good to you. Both of you--simpol;y hate America--and your a couple of marksists commies---fuck you!

find that quote.

I feel that I need to help my fellow man, if they are not just deadbeats. and I feel that a part of my governments role is to also help those in need.

Look up the definition of conservative.

I hate plastic shoes. Like dark suits, Drive an 18 yr old car, hate rap, etc.
I am conservative.
I am not however a Republican, which is an entirely different animal.
War monger against socialism, communisum and radical muslims--yep--that is me.

If I were in charge I would immediatly pull the troops out of Iraq so we can bomb them into oblivion--and any body else that looks at us sideways. Fuck anyone that rries to change the individual theme of America. Kill all the fuckers who can't mind their own business and trys.

The fact is--if they minded their own business--they would not have time to mind ours.
War monger against socialism, communisum and radical muslims--yep--that is me.

If I were in charge I would immediatly pull the troops out of Iraq so we can bomb them into oblivion--and any body else that looks at us sideways. Fuck anyone that rries to change the individual theme of America. Kill all the fuckers who can't mind their own business and trys.

The fact is--if they minded their own business--they would not have time to mind ours.

Neocon attitude, but for sure not conservative.
Well Maj, your attitude certainly doesn't follow conservatism very well.

Your homophobic remarks make it obvious that you oppose the advances we have made in accepting gays as part of our world. And as far as gay marriage goes, it shouldn't be an issue the government has a stake in, but the government insisted on offering benefits to select couples based on sexual orientation.

Now as far as bombing everyone who looks at us sideways, you are obviously one of the war-mongers that I was referring to. YOu want lower taxes, but you seem to want to spend billions on military attacks on other nations.

Can't have it both ways.

As far as us hating america, I cannot speak for USC, but if america becomes what you want it to be, I would indeed hate it. Thats why I have been an active patriot since I was old enough to do so. I help make sure that the lunatics don't get to run things for too long.

I am not a communist, a muslim, a homosexual, or any of the other names you think make you look tough and me look weak.

I am one of the people who didn't wait 24 years to get involved. How about you?
I love america, just hate about half of the people in it.
Well not truely hate all of them, but if they left I would be happier.
What he is referring to, oh newbie to the voting world, is what true conservatism means.


If you listen to Neal Boortz, as you claim, you should understand.

He is a libertarian.

It means smaller government, less interference, lower taxes, stricter adherence to the Constitution, and none of the messing with social and personal issues.

But the republicans grew a bigger government, interfered more, taxed as much, spent like drunken sailors, ignored the Constitution except when it suited their plans, and have been fighting with social issues and personal issues for years.

I do agree with the last part. that is not UScitizen. Your money is not your own--remember?
American attitude--you fuck with us--we take you out. simple as that. Self protection. We have the right.

And exactly how did Iraq fuck with us?

As a matter of fact, how did Vietnam and Korea fuck with us?