I was arrested at lunch..

I think you are still missing the point, the police officer's job is merely to enforce the laws on the books, it is up to a judge to evaluate evidence and decide if you intended to break the law, or if you were just a victim of circumstance. Your actual eyesight is not "clear" to anyone other than a professional trained eye examiner. My father drove until we took his keys away, claiming he could see just fine, he was almost legally blind. People are proud when it comes to their sight, and often over-state their ability.

The cop was doing what he is paid to do, he issued you a citation for breaking the law, and you did break the law. The next phase, the court case before a judge, is where consideration of evidence comes into play. Your best bet is to admit you violated the law, but offer the evidence of your corrected vision and give your explanation. It's reasonable, most people can understand it, and most courts would give you the benefit of the doubt. If you go in there all cocky and arrogant, like you are being here, the judge might just decide that you broke the law, regardless of your excuse, and fine you for it.

I think you need to get down off your high horse and humble yourself a little. No one likes a smart ass, especially not judges. Stop blaming the cop who was just doing his job, and accept responsibility for what YOU did wrong. Had you gone and gotten a new driver's license, none of this would have happened, correct? So, it is YOUR fault it happened, not the cops! YOU broke the law and the cop just did what we pay cops to do. We pay judges to evaluate evidence and decide on guilt or innocence.

Cops evaluate evidence and make these decisions every day of the week, you are dumb if you dont see that!
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Cope evaluate evidence and make these decisions every day of the week, you are dumb if you dont see that!

You really should simply accept the fact that this entire incident was YOUR fault. Quit whining. Remove that large stick from your sphincter and move on with your life. The cop did his job. You did not. Deal with it.



Here is how it happened, to counter those who claim I got special treatment.

I had a friend of mine represent me.

I happen to not use my first name, so most people know me by my middle and last name.

My friend called the prosecutor, used my first name and told the story. The prosecutor did not reconise that I used to work in her office. (I dont think we ever knew each other anyway.)

When she heard the story and how I had been charged with a crime, she thought it was so silly that she 1) Dropped the criminal charge, and for my trouble 2) dropped the speeding charge.

I am a free man. Now, in the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"


Here is how it happened, to counter those who claim I got special treatment.

I had a friend of mine represent me.

I happen to not use my first name, so most people know me by my middle and last name.

My friend called the prosecutor, used my first name and told the story. The prosecutor did not reconise that I used to work in her office. (I dont think we ever knew each other anyway.)

When she heard the story and how I had been charged with a crime, she thought it was so silly that she 1) Dropped the criminal charge, and for my trouble 2) dropped the speeding charge.

I am a free man. Now, in the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

Good going. I appreciate my brother being deputy chief of police in XXXXXX. When I was rolling through stop signs, I was lucky when caught.
Good going. I appreciate my brother being deputy chief of police in XXXXXX. When I was rolling through stop signs, I was lucky when caught.

The difference is that I did not use my name or connections. In fact the reason I did not try to throw the name I am known by is that I doubt they would have given me such a deal, the apperance of improprity and all!
The difference is that I did not use my name or connections. In fact the reason I did not try to throw the name I am known by is that I doubt they would have given me such a deal, the apperance of improprity and all!

I didn't use a name. My DL did it. From what you wrote I'm assuming your friend put in a word. I shouldn't do rolling stops, there was a reason for it, but still shouldn't. Nor should you speed.
I didn't use a name. My DL did it. From what you wrote I'm assuming your friend put in a word. I shouldn't do rolling stops, there was a reason for it, but still shouldn't. Nor should you speed.

My friend is an attorney who did not differentiate me from any other of his clients.