I wasn't a thief until 1997


Turns out, in 1997, I wasn't a thief.

In that year, congress bent over backwards for lobbyists, and made filesharing without profit illegal, and increased the pnealties at that. The founders would've balked at the concept of our modern intellectual 'property' empires and our relentless pursuit of good individuals. :whome:

First caveman comes out of the the caves, announces he has the alphabet, and charges everyone who uses it or anything like it 1000 dollars a use, for the next 140 years. The state grants him a monopoly, and that civilization dies.
The jurors were all 60, white, middle-class, idiots, who don't even know how to use a computer. Such bloodthirsty evil people should be revoked of their citizenship.

Some of the jurors who levied a $222,000 penalty last week against a Minnesota woman for illegally sharing music online would have liked her to pay the maximum $3.6 million penalty, one juror said.

Jammie Thomas, 30, is one of about 26,000 people the music industry has sued for copyright infringement and the first to take a case to trial.

The six record companies that sued her accused her of illegally dowloading songs and offering 1,702 for other people to download from her Kazaa file-sharing account. She denied ever using file-sharing software Relevant Products/Services.

The jurors quickly agreed unanimously that Thomas, a mother of two from Brainerd, had infringed the copyrights of all 24 songs examined in the trial, juror Lisa Reinke told The Associated Press Wednesday.

The deliberations then turned to how much Thomas should pay the six record labels that sued her, with the jurors settling on an award of $9,250 per song. They could have awarded the companies as much as $150,000 per song.

Reinke said she wasn't sure at first how much Thomas should pay. The jurors wrote on unsigned slips of paper the amounts they thought were right, Reinke said. They piled the papers on a table, and the foreman read off the amounts.

"A few said we could go up to 150 (thousand), and then other people said, 'No, that's way too high,'" she said. "We just all discussed it and gave our views and came up with an agreeable amount."

The law allowed them to award between $750 and $150,000 per song.

Reinke said she felt they picked the right amount during their 4 1/2 hours of discussion.

"You go too low, it's not going to stop the illegal downloading of music," she said. "People are going to think, 'I could do this, I could go through federal court and get off cheap.'"

The jurors included a few people who said before trial that they had downloaded legal music online and at least one who did not have a computer in their home.

One pronounced himself "the computer illiterate in the family."

Reinke, 41, who lives in International Falls, said jurors didn't talk about the verdict's impact on Thomas. Thomas has said she makes $36,000 a year working for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe.

"It's tough because you can't allow yourself to get involved emotionally," Reinke said. "You're there to do a job, and that's what you've got to do."

Thomas' attorney, Brian Toder, said on Wednesday that he may argue to the judge that the size of the verdict is out of proportion to the offense. The songs she was accused of sharing could have been bought legally for 99 cents each.

Record company attorneys claimed the problem was that Thomas made them available to millions of listeners.

Toder said he may also appeal the judge's ruling that the record companies had to show only that Thomas made the songs available online -- not that anyone actually downloaded them from her account.

The companies that sued Thomas were EMI Group PLC's Capitol Records Inc.; the Arista Records LLC label and its parent Sony BMG Music Entertainment, which is run by Sony Corp. and Bertelsmann AG; Vivendi SA's UMG Inc. and its label, Interscope Records; and Warner Bros. Records Inc., which is a unit of Warner Music Group Corp.
The next generation isn't going to stand for this kind of economic terrorism from an out of touch senile generation in the future. Just continue this outrage, and see what comes of it. You bully us today, tommorrow we're going to be the people in the seats of power, and we will set your evil right.
The next generation isn't going to stand for this kind of economic terrorism from an out of touch senile generation in the future. Just continue this outrage, and see what comes of it. You bully us today, tommorrow we're going to be the people in the seats of power, and we will set your evil right.

Just because you can steal easily doesn't make it right. A brick and mortar store is also "like, just a construct, man".
Filesharing is just another means of theft. Ie violation of copyright laws.
Congress just made specific punishments for this particular variety of theft.
Filesharing is just another means of theft. Ie violation of copyright laws.
Congress just made specific punishments for this particular variety of theft.

I agree, but that’s my perception which was shaped by the age I grew up in. Water’s contemporaries came of age during the heyday of Napster…they were shaped by this to believe free music is an entitlement. I’m interested in hearing their point of view because they might reshape the entire industry.
Filesharing is just another means of theft. Ie violation of copyright laws.
Congress just made specific punishments for this particular variety of theft.

Interesting how "Sharing" become "theft". For some reason, I thought you had to profit from something for it to be "theft".
Interesting how "Sharing" become "theft". For some reason, I thought you had to profit from something for it to be "theft".

Nope. All you have to do is deprive the originator of the work of whatever income might derive from the sale of the work that would have occurred had you not "shared" that work for free.
Nope. All you have to do is deprive the originator of the work of whatever income might derive from the sale of the work that would have occurred had you not "shared" that work for free.

I haven't deprived the big record companies that stripped the creator of the work of their copyright of a single cent from their monopoly abuse of the economics.

There are a number of economic reasons why you shouldn't try to force a non-rivalrous good to be rivalrous. It just doesn't make any sense. That's why it's pretty clear that banning sharing of music is ridiculous, and the US is the only real nation that pracitices it, with our government bought by the RIAA.
And if sharing a product was always conidered thievery, why was it not classified that way by the government until the RIAA bought it in 1997? Anybody?
Isn't it stealing to make a mix tape for your girlfriend?

Aren't libraries stealing? Think about all the money those people would be making if libraries didn't allow multiple uses of products? Aren't video rentals stealing? If you make yourself a telivision or any other product, aren't you stealing from the manufacturers of televions?
Interesting how "Sharing" become "theft". For some reason, I thought you had to profit from something for it to be "theft".

Nope not according to the notices on my DVD's.
You just have to reduce the copyright holders potential profit.

Stealing is ok as long as you give what you steal away ?