I watched Bill O'Reilly for the first time...

Darla, Damos closet door is not wide open yet either ;)
He defends McCain but won't vote for him....

Yeah right. If someone held a gun to my head, and say, guess how Damo is going to vote for once the he’s alone in the booth, and if you guess wrong, you’re dead…I’d have to go with McCain.
That is a question only Damo can answer.

He says he's not but you keep on insisting he is. I haven't seen you go after those on the left who claim they won't vote for certain Democrat contenders i.e. - Hillary. It's interesting your obsession with proving that he is going to vote for McCain.
He says he's not but you keep on insisting he is. I haven't seen you go after those on the left who claim they won't vote for certain Democrat contenders i.e. - Hillary. It's interesting your obsession with proving that he is going to vote for McCain.

Are you two kids going to have an announcement soon?
It matters not to me who Damo votes for. I haven't decided yet whether I will make a mark on the presidential side of my ballot in November. Can't find enough common ground where it counts with either Clinton or Obama and can't really agree with McCain on much. I truly will have to be campaigned this year if I am to make a mark at all.
He says he's not but you keep on insisting he is. I haven't seen you go after those on the left who claim they won't vote for certain Democrat contenders i.e. - Hillary. It's interesting your obsession with proving that he is going to vote for McCain.

The left are known for being more wishy washy flip floppers. The right known for marching in lockstep behind a great deciever.