I wish to register a complaint....

I still don't know what you're talking about...

What's sad is USF acts more childish than even Yurt ever did. And that's an accomplishment to be (not) proud of!

Oh I hear ya!

You wouldn't believe the filth that USF, ID and disloyal spread about me and my family before the frigitwats got the boot...I have told Damo I wouldn't go into details again on the boards, but suffice to say it was one of the main reasons so much attention is paid to posts implying pedophilia.
pan bangs everyone, right? what's the difference between a pansexual and a bisexual? seems to be the same thing.
Gender and sex.

Sex is the physical meat.
Gender identity is what you identify with.

Bisexualism is typically a physical attration, while pansexualism is a mental attraction as well.

Bisexuals like guy/gals, by definition. No mention of fetish or polyamory, just having sex with man/woman parts. It defines a physical attration.

But pans like guys/gals/tranies/drags/eunichs/that one fetish nobody ever discusses. A true pansexual's willingness to hump anything remotely human is quite a bit more extreme and liberal. This is more of a mental state of mind.

Sexual Orientation
Sexual orientation is an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, while asexuality (the lack of romantic or sexual attraction to others) is sometimes identified as the fourth category.

Gender Identity
Gender identity is a person's private sense of, and subjective experience of, their own gender. This is generally described as one's private sense of being a man or a woman, consisting primarily of the acceptance of membership into a category of people: male or female. All societies have a set of gender categories that can serve as the basis of the formation of a social identity in relation to other members of society.