Ice on Mars

the brains said water so I will take their word for it. I am assuming their conclusion was based on the temperature.
I am suprised the Religous Wackos are not all up in arms about this. THats prob why they do not include life detecting equipment, the Whackos fight to prevent it.
I am suprised the Religous Wackos are not all up in arms about this. THats prob why they do not include life detecting equipment, the Whackos fight to prevent it.

Religion will find a way to claim it .. and science, fact, truth, evidence, knowledge, wisdom, history, DNA, or common sense have never been an impediment to believers.
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This is a big deal and an historic event in scientific history. Perhaps one day we will have to leave this planet and form colonies on other planets for humans to survive.

Of course the planets we land on that already have inhabitants will be screaming, "OH NO, the humans are coming."

I cannot imagine any intelligent species being happy to see us.

I have always imagined that aliens looked at earth as sort of an orbiting dumpster.
Why do we keep sending stuff up that doesn't have the sensors to detect life?

Well, this isn't Star Trek. Spacecraft can't really operate "life detectors".

As the article states, at best they have instruments to measure possible organic compounds. And I'm not a biologist, but unless I'm mistaken, the optical and electrical techniques we have to measure microbial life in soils are too delicate to be flown on a spacecraft.