I'd like to introduce myself...

Most of the bitching is coming from the middle class. Most of the laughter about the bitching is coming from the rich who wonder why the middle class can't figure it out.
Most of the bitching is coming from the middle class. Most of the laughter about the bitching is coming from the rich who wonder why the middle class can't figure it out.

Personal opinion or fact? I'd say most of the middle class are working too hard to raise their families and trying to make ends meet to get too involved in politics....that's why FoxNews, AM radio, and yes...MSNBC are so popular....they tell people what to think....and those are the ones that aren't too busy watching "Real Housewives of Mayberry RFD" or "Dancing with Dildos" to be concerned with their surroundings.

No....make no mistake, it's coming from the wealthy trying to gain more power and control by buying airtime and sponsoring talking heads to spread disinformation to those busy people
Yeah, complaining about Wreality TV is funny, since it's basically liberal lifestyle being celebrated. News outlets exist - an idiotic public is going to be swayed by whoever presents it, for the simple fact that the people are morons. We can bitch about a "leftwing media" or "a conservative media/Fox," but we'd be too stupid in most cases to notice anyway.

I hear middle class people bitch a lot owing the the fact that I don't really know too many upper class people. Since there's a lot more of us, we're by default doing more of it. I'm also told that a lot of rich people just ignore it all as they go on with their lives...
There are a lot of studies which argue that family model wasn't really very common back in the day, but it certainly appeals to me. My question is, what is your problem with people who want to be rich? Also, who are you going to apply to for a livable wage except to one of those crazy rich bastards?

Personally, my goal isn't to keep everyone at the same income level. It's to turn proletarians into those of a situation befitting human being. And destroying the rich's means of theft is part of that.
Why is it that giant bags of douche are so predominantly Tea Party Republicans? At least Libertarians I can respect a little...they want their vision of "liberty" to extend to everyone....while teabaggers hide behind their guns and their twisted version of Christianity(think Taliban) to make sure that liberty only applies to like minded people.

So Christians are Taliban? Or is it just tea party people? And I thought I read you are Christian? Weird, if so because your values point otherwise.
I want liberty to extend to all but your version of Liberty that just may include too much socialism for me and on that I will oppose you at every turn. As I like one spoon of sugar in my iced tea not a thousand(liberal utopia syrup)!
Personally, my goal isn't to keep everyone at the same income level. It's to turn proletarians into those of a situation befitting human being. And destroying the rich's means of theft is part of that.

What theft would that be, exactly? Ownership of the means of production? Employer status? Larger investment and stock portfolios? The proles would be best suited if they stopped behaving like a bunch of retards and stopped voting for leftists as well as neocons.
Hi....I'm Steelplate, and I'm an alcoholic....no...just kidding. Although I do admit a penchant for microbrews.

Anyway...I'm 48 years old, married to a wonderful second wife after my first "monogomously challenged" one kicked my heart around one too many times. I served in the US Army from 1983-1986 and was honorably discharged. I mostly have worked in the Public Sector in an institution for the Developmentally disabled (mentally retarded, for the non-pc among us).
I hold no degrees, my world view and my insight is from experience and quite frankly, the school of hard knocks. I have held private sector jobs....I was a welder before I started working for the Commonwealth of PA and in 2000, I left the state after getting some IT certs to work in the private sector as first a technician, then promoted to senior tech, where I had 10 techs underneath me. After three years of this, I realized that my calling wasn't in the IT field...it was working with the DD. So, despite a decent degree of success, I applied and was granted reinstatement back to do the job I love.
On a personal note, I am a life long Steelers fan...which is the basis for my nickname, I am an outdoorsman and own a few weapons...just the basics...shotgun, deer rifle, .22 for plinking and a pistol and a compound bow. I play guitar and sing in an acoustic blues/folk/rock duo which gigs as schedules allow.
Politically, I am a registered Democrat and a lifelong Christian. I base my politics on the Jesus' words in the Judgment of Nations, better known as "the goats and the sheep" in the book of Matthew. That being said, our Constitution calls for individual rights and so, on social issues such as gay rights and abortion, I believe that it is important to put personal beliefs aside and look at these issues from a Constitutional perspective rather than a religious one...I may not personally agree...but they deserve the same rights as everyone else.

OK....that's about it. I look forward to discussing issues with you all. I will be as civil as I am treated. Thanks for reading this ridiculously long post!
Welcome to JPP....and remember...everyone here is a flaming asshole.....well accept me of course! :)

Oh.....and just so you and I have a proper understanding of each other.....in regards to your being a Steeler fan.....WHO DEY?!
Really? Narcissism? Assuming you are a Conservative....I think the narcissism card plays pretty weak from a bunch of people who's mantra in life seems to be "I got mine, go screw yourself".
3D isn't a conservative....he's not a liberal either....he's pretty much an idiot.......but he does appreciate a good set of hooters so we keep him around. :)
Why is it that giant bags of douche are so predominantly Tea Party Republicans? At least Libertarians I can respect a little...they want their vision of "liberty" to extend to everyone....while teabaggers hide behind their guns and their twisted version of Christianity(think Taliban) to make sure that liberty only applies to like minded people.
Wow.....you sound like my kind of guy.....too bad you're a Steelers fan! ;)