If Bush is so bad

It takes a 2/3 majority of congress to successfully impeach a President. The Dems do not have that majority and the Repubs will not vote against him. Heck 60% of Republicans still approve of what he has done.

Simple answer.
Because the Democrats are weenies. Trust me, though: Bush is bad. He is VERY bad. He is the most unqualified man to be elected President in modern times, and has been either absent or grossly incompetent on a wide range of issues. He has probably taken 50 years off of America's shelf life as a superpower; maybe more.

Next question, hack?
If Democrats are "weenies", why vote for them?

What ever happened to Cindy Sheehan?

Isn't there a Constitutional duty to impeach (when there are grounds)?

Are you admitting that there's no evidence of any crime, and the Dems know it?
What ever happened to Cindy Sheehan?

Isn't there a Constitutional duty to impeach (when there are grounds)?

Are you admitting that there's no evidence of any crime, and the Dems know it?

You're really falling short of the usual low expectation for Bush-lover stupidity.

Like I said, the Dems are weenies. They saw what a clusterf**k the GOP made for itself by impeaching Clinton in the '90's, and they're scared.

They never even followed through with the 2nd half of the Congressional investigation on intel & if it was manipulated before the war, which would have certainly been damaging for Bush, since there is already so much evidence on record.
You're really falling short of the usual low expectation for Bush-lover stupidity.

Like I said, the Dems are weenies. They saw what a clusterf**k the GOP made for itself by impeaching Clinton in the '90's, and they're scared.

They never even followed through with the 2nd half of the Congressional investigation on intel & if it was manipulated before the war, which would have certainly been damaging for Bush, since there is already so much evidence on record.

Which Democrat is going to get our troops out of Iraq the fastest ?
Why are you going to vote for the one who will?

Or are you going to vote for McCain and are just havin some funnn.

I will not for for any of the three bozos left in the race. If this is the best America can come up with for a leader, we're in deep shit.
Post it, please. I'll send it to Speaker Pelosi. She must not know of it's existence!

How's Cindy Sheehan these days?

Well her son is still dead.

So she's probably not doing as good as you are, for one thing. Your son isn't dead. You're not dead.

So you're doing better than Cindy Sheehan whose son is still dead. Does that make you feel good?
They should have impeached him.

They knew it would come to nothing because the Rs still in office would never vote against Bush.

They still should have done it and some in congress keep trying.

The intell is the evidence and Bush keeps hiding behind exsecutive privledge and refuses to turn over any of the peoples documents any time they are requested, they distroy emails which belong to the people and they refuse to tell us who they consult with while doing the peoples business.

The evidence is there and the dem congress just flet they would take crap for impeaching a president while we are at war.

Oh I mean while we are at Occupation.
I agree that the impeachment of Clinton for his lies about having sex with monica made it harder for the Democrats to impeach President Bush, even with ligitimate reasons, it would have taken the road of "they are impeaching him JUST to get back at the republicans" for impeaching President Clinton when they knew they could not get a conviction of such impeachment in the Senate.

It also could have made a mockery out of our Presidency with 2 Presidents being impeached in a row.

I take a different approach. I think that President Bush should have been impeached by the house, if there was evidence to do such. (which I believe there is enough evidence to do such)

And I believe that it should have gone to the Senate for the trial, for the President to have a chance to defend himself against the charges...this way, all the info would have been put before all of us, before the public too...and the republicans in the senate may have been oblidged with such overwhelming evidence, to convict him, and remove him from office or to find him innocent with the evidence.....

But allowing what I believe to be lawlessness continue by our leader, because the fear of "backlash" by our Congressmen and Senators does a disservice to our Constitution and to our Nation....

And sets us up for further abuse from future presidents.

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