If Bush is so bad

That's such a high bar indisputable sets for the Presidency: unless they impeach you, you've done a heckuva job...
just maybe they thought it might harm the country to do an impeachment when it had no chance of removing Bush?

Now I wish the republicans had thought of that one during the Clinton years.
You're impotent and irrelevant

Your irrational hatred has availed you nothing. You want to impeach him - and Vice President Cheney. You accuse them of "war crimes", corruption, and worse, continually. The shrill cries for impeachment are unceasing from the Left.

Yet not one indictment. No charges. Nothing.


Because...(fill in the blank)
bercause they own the justice department and the Republican majority refused to investigate anything.

They hold the record for fewest investigations.

They blank checked evderything Bush did. You see you cant convict someone until you investigate them and then try them. An Impeachment at this point is a waste of time. President Obama has said he will investigate them and Waxman has already started but they keep flat out refusing to testify about anything they have done. They will be in a qaundry after they are out of office. They will be forced to testify and if they leave the country to avoid it they will be nabbed by other countries who want to try them for war crimes.

You support and lick butt on the most corrupt admin in American history.
Not only that.............

Your irrational hatred has availed you nothing. You want to impeach him - and Vice President Cheney. You accuse them of "war crimes", corruption, and worse, continually. The shrill cries for impeachment are unceasing from the Left.
Yet not one indictment. No charges. Nothing.


Because...(fill in the blank)

They can't seem to reply or debate without using four letter words or have some form of sex attached!...and they wonder why I call them ...BIMBOS!

like the 108th and the 109th.
"All talk, ain't you?"

If it was up to me, I'd impeach him. I'd try to have him thrown in jail, too - after waterboarding, if possible.

It's not up to me, though.
Indisputable, for the 21st time - can you produce a quote or 2 from Democratic leaders "promising impeachment" if Americans elected a Dem Congress?

I know Chuck Hagel talked about it, but he's in the GOP.
Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said: "For the good of the country, and for what little is left of their reputations, Bush and Cheney should resign. If they do not, they can anticipate being dragged through the trauma of impeachment. My guess is that if they resign, they might be able to 'plea-bargain,' as it were, and the country would go easier on them for their crimes."

Does being Senate Majority Leader qualify Reid as a Democrat "leader"?

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