If elected

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Will some wingnut extremist like Dixie or Webway or Bravo or Little Acorn or some other kool-aid drinking jack booted, brown shirted, swastika waving fascist try to assassinate Obama and what would be the consequences if they did?
Will some wingnut extremist like Dixie or Webway or Bravo or Little Acorn or some other kool-aid drinking jack booted, brown shirted, swastika waving fascist try to assassinate Obama and what would be the consequences if they did?

I think its a distinct possibility. And I think there would be a nightmare of racial tensions and violence.

But I can also see an attempt on McCain if he wins. Especially by some black group who sees Obama's loss as another example of white supremacy.
Will some wingnut extremist like Dixie or Webway or Bravo or Little Acorn or some other kool-aid drinking jack booted, brown shirted, swastika waving fascist try to assassinate Obama and what would be the consequences if they did?
I don't think that people who are like bravo, etc. are going to assassinate him, I think it is far more likely some weirdo skinhead will try to do that.
The hostility of the presidential elections is growing.

As the public becomes more accepting of the rancor and anger, there are people who will see this as permission or at least as a sign they are following the will of the people.

I see it happening after either this election or the next.

I agree with you, Damo. I think the people like Bravo won't actually do anything. Their ranting provides a vent.
I don't think that people who are like bravo, etc. are going to assassinate him, I think it is far more likely some weirdo skinhead will try to do that.

Then again, unless i'm the only one who escaped the need to send in a photo of my head when registering, how can you differentiate a fruitloop homicidal skinhead from us regular fruitloop skinheads who would just like to slap some politicians about a bit?
I think its a distinct possibility. And I think there would be a nightmare of racial tensions and violence.

But I can also see an attempt on McCain if he wins. Especially by some black group who sees Obama's loss as another example of white supremacy.

A religious zealot wanting president Sarah ?
Then again, unless i'm the only one who escaped the need to send in a photo of my head when registering, how can you differentiate a fruitloop homicidal skinhead from us regular fruitloop skinheads who would just like to slap some politicians about a bit?
The easiest way to tell is the difference in weapon choice. If you notice, open-hand slapping doesn't tend to require sniper rifles.
Then again, unless i'm the only one who escaped the need to send in a photo of my head when registering, how can you differentiate a fruitloop homicidal skinhead from us regular fruitloop skinheads who would just like to slap some politicians about a bit?

I think the list of people who DON'T want to slap some politicians about a bit is pretty short.

And they mostly work for AIG.
The easiest way to tell is the difference in weapon choice. If you notice, open-hand slapping doesn't tend to require sniper rifles.

Yes, but you have no idea who owns a sniper rifle and an intention to bag themselves a genuine President.

For all you know half of the posters here are 400 pound women, pretending to be men on the internet in between chocolate breaks, and the other half are posting from prison having already attempted to kill a President.

(you know who you are people)
Yes, but you have no idea who owns a sniper rifle and an intention to bag themselves a genuine President.

For all you know half of the posters here are 400 pound women, pretending to be men on the internet in between chocolate breaks, and the other half are posting from prison having already attempted to kill a President.

(you know who you are people)

congrats Charver, You figured out the con posters on here :clink:
Yes, but you have no idea who owns a sniper rifle and an intention to bag themselves a genuine President.

For all you know half of the posters here are 400 pound women, pretending to be men on the internet in between chocolate breaks, and the other half are posting from prison having already attempted to kill a President.

(you know who you are people)
I also assume that, if you grip it properly, one could really get a good slap in with a sniper rifle. I'll have to rethink that. Maybe we should just arrest all the bald men and send them to Australia.
Yes, but you have no idea who owns a sniper rifle and an intention to bag themselves a genuine President.

For all you know half of the posters here are 400 pound women, pretending to be men on the internet in between chocolate breaks, and the other half are posting from prison having already attempted to kill a President.

(you know who you are people)

I'd bet that most people with a hunting rifle would qualify as a sniper according the to media. They certainly didn't hesitate to brand that guy who was shooting people a few years ago around DC a "highly trained military sniper".
I also assume that, if you grip it properly, one could really get a good slap in with a sniper rifle. I'll have to rethink that. Maybe we should just arrest all the bald men and send them to Australia.

What?? The bald men?? Oh Damo, you cruel man.
Mainstream right wing magazines and news organizations as well as the McCain campaign are pushing the idea that Obama is secretly a black nationalist-Maoist Manchurian candidate intent on working within the system to subvert the system and to implement Maoist policies. I'm not fucking kidding:

Second, and relatedly, Obama's radicalism, beginning with his Alinski/ACORN/community organizer period, is a bottom-up socialism. This, I'd suggest, is why he fits comfortably with Ayers, who (especially now) is more Maoist than Stalinist. What Obama is about is infiltrating (and training others to infiltrate) bourgeois institutions in order to change them from within — in essence, using the system to supplant the system. A key requirement of this stealthy approach (very consistent with talking vaporously about "change" but never getting more specific than absolutely necessary) is electability. With an enormous assist from the media, which does not press him for specifics, Obama has walked this line brilliantly. Absent convincing retractions of his prior radical positions, though, we should construe shrewd moves like the ostensibly reasonable Second Amendment position as efforts make him electable.

That's from the National Review. This is the mainstream of right-wing thought these days. Here is what you get with this nonsense:

Note: John McCain says this guy is right.

And this:

And this:

And McCain supporters yelling "terrorist" and "off with his head" and "kill him" and other such nonsense. It's out of control.

At this point I don't think the Republican plan is to win the election but to make the country more or less ungovernable and to so poison the electorate as to make bipartisan cooperation impossible.
I can certainly see someone (from whichever side loses) getting violent.

There will surely be screams of election fraud and cheating from whoever is not elected.
I can certainly see someone (from whichever side loses) getting violent.

There will surely be screams of election fraud and cheating from whoever is not elected.

I agree that someone from whichever side loses could get violent, but it is 100% clear that the strategy of the McCain campaign is to foment rage and anger among their supporters directed at Obama. While supporters either side could get violent, only one side is using violent rage as a campaign tactic. It's disgraceful and they should really cut that shit out.
I agree that someone from whichever side loses could get violent, but it is 100% clear that the strategy of the McCain campaign is to foment rage and anger among their supporters directed at Obama. While supporters either side could get violent, only one side is using violent rage as a campaign tactic. It's disgraceful and they should really cut that shit out.

I agree.