If elected

I think its a distinct possibility. And I think there would be a nightmare of racial tensions and violence.

But I can also see an attempt on McCain if he wins. Especially by some black group who sees Obama's loss as another example of white supremacy.

Me thinks the former vastly more likely than the later. I'd say there's a greater probability of McCain dying in office of natural causes.
I think were getting a bit away from my point. We all pretty much agree that if elected some wingnut will want to off the nigger. That being said. If it were to occur, what would the consequences be?

I think such an occurance could spell the end for the Republicans as a political party. The Bush years have, effectively, done what the Johnson years did. He alienated an entire generation of youth from the Republican party.

If a right wing activist were to assassinate Obama most decent people would abandon any affiliation with that party.