If Foley Were A Democrat....

Democrats can have pedophiles actually engaging in sex with kids, and they get standing ovations and re-elected numerous times

Really? Who? Name him.... If you say Studds, you are being a hypocrite....Studds did not have sex with someone under the age of 12, he was 17, of legal age but most certainly a Minor!

The same with Foley...he is not a pedofile....he preys on young men, minors and has used his power over and over and over again to befriend these boys for sexual "talk" or sexual satisfaction in the physical so we are finding out, with his offer of his apartment for a blow job....so the latest page to come out says...
Technically, you are correct: Foley is not a pedophile, he is a hebephile.
I was listening to someone yesterday, and they made a fairly relevant point, I think. They pointed out, Hastert and Republicans were aware that Foley had a fondness for the appearance, maturity, and physical characteristics of young men. This was what was derived from the emails, and all that could be considered a "red flag" to anyone reading them. Foley had an attraction and fondness for the physical attributes of young men.

This being said, isn't that exactly the position of the Boy Scouts of America, in requiring their leaders not be physically attracted to young men? Doesn't the Care4All argument apply across the board, to the Boy Scouts, who feel compelled to discriminate based on an adult male's fondness for young men?

I would be interested to know if Robdawg is offended by the inference, that the Republicans should have known about Foley's unacceptable behavior, based on the mere fondness he had for young male physical attributes? Is that fair, Rob?
Mel Reynolds. He was caught on tape, soliciting a threesome with 14-year-old Catholic school girls. But it's interesting to note, you now feel that a Congressman having sex with young men who served as pages, is not all that wrong, if they happen to be a certain age, especially if they also happen to be a Democrat. I'm glad you clarified this, because I was starting to think you actually thought Foley's actions were unacceptable, now I know it's just because he is a Republican.

No, I do think it was wrong of Studds to start this relationship with this minor, and he said that what he did was wrong also, because it was a subordinate...but the point is that Studds, did not continue pursuing teenage boys as Foley has done for over a decade in Congress, it appears now.

If studds had not changed his life for the better and had not truely repented I would be screaming from the rooftop that he was the SAME as foley, as you guys seem to want to bring out.

Regardless, I would not have reelected him after the incident because I would have thought that he would not have been able to control himself and would have gone after other pages....

But HE DID NOT.... and you gotta give him credit for that, imo.


Reynolds, is scum...and as close to a pedophile as they come, though I am not sure that 14 is considered pedophilia, though it should be imo.
No, I do think it was wrong of Studds to start this relationship with this minor, and he said that what he did was wrong also, because it was a subordinate...but the point is that Studds, did not continue pursuing teenage boys as Foley has done for over a decade in Congress, it appears now.

If studds had not changed his life for the better and had not truely repented I would be screaming from the rooftop that he was the SAME as foley, as you guys seem to want to bring out.

Studds wasn't ever caught going after boys again, but his gay subordinate page was by his side when he gave his press conference, and neither of them renounced their "love" for one another. So, where you get this "repentance" from, I have no clue. Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?

I somehow doubt Foley will continue pursuing young boys anymore, now that he has been caught. Of course, that wasn't the issue, was it. People who have an attraction to children, are sick and twisted inside, Care, they don't simply "repent" and get over that. It is why the recidivism rate for pedophiles is so high, and why we should have tougher sentences for them.
I somehow doubt Foley will continue pursuing young boys anymore, now that he has been caught. Of course, that wasn't the issue, was it. People who have an attraction to children, are sick and twisted inside, Care, they don't simply "repent" and get over that. It is why the recidivism rate for pedophiles is so high, and why we should have tougher sentences for them.

is the inherent contradiction in that statement as obvious to anyone else?
Why do you put the caviat at 2-3 years? If a Democrat OR Republican, knew that Foley had engaged in this behavior, it is their responsibility to inform the authorities immediately, there is not a 2-3 year window on this, or a 2-3 month window. If someone knew what was going on, and deliberately held the information so as to effect a national election, that is a serious matter as well. You wouldn't accept me telling you, I would support Hastert's removal, only if he knew about it for more than 6 months, but not less. We have quite a bit to investigate here, and I fully support prosecution for those involved in this, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, and whether they withheld information about a crime for 2 months or 2 years.

Pelosi and Emmanuel have declined a polygraph, so that tells me, they knew about this. The whole thing is beginning to stink like 3 day old tuna, and what's ironic, is if it comes out that democrats played dirty tricks here, they stand to lose more votes than the scandal gained them.

Dixie, I have some advice to give you. Take it or leave it. But, keep in mind, I've been right about virtually everything from Iraq to foreign policy, to tax cuts. And you've been wrong about virtually everything.

With regard to Foley, one thing that will NEVER sell to american Mothers is:

"Hey who leaked this thing??!!"


"Hey, look over there at what some democrats did years ago!!"

I don't know how well you know american mothers, but they ain't buying that. Those are the type of diversions and excuses American mothers deal with on a daily basis, when thier naughty teenagers and children get into trouble. American mothers don't fall for diversions and excuses.
Prissy, why are you so concerned about Mothers? Do you wish you had your Mommy, or something? I don't know, it seems sort of odd to me, you are the only one who is mentioning Mothers, like they are the only people who vote, and they only have one opinion.

Most Mothers I know, are just as concerned about a political party who would keep kids at risk of a pedophile, so that they don't spoil the October Surprise before Florida has a chance to change their ballots. Most Mothers weren't real hot on Hillary being cheated on by her husband, with a child young enough to be their daughter. And most Mothers live in a completely different realm of the universe as you do, since you evolved from a simple-cell organism, and don't apparently have a Mother!
I somehow doubt Foley will continue pursuing young boys anymore, now that he has been caught. Of course, that wasn't the issue, was it. People who have an attraction to children, are sick and twisted inside, Care, they don't simply "repent" and get over that. It is why the recidivism rate for pedophiles is so high, and why we should have tougher sentences for them.

is the inherent contradiction in that statement as obvious to anyone else?

Only to those who see no difference between "being attracted to" and "pursuing actively" when it comes to pedophilia. I suppose you know more about this than I do, and I should defer to your expertise on the subject. Perhaps Foley will indeed continue to pursue young boys, it is a sickness, and he can't help himself, and I know how intimately well you understand this. Thanks for clearing that up for us. My point, however, was that Foley would not be pursuing boys from the well of Congress anymore, as he is no longer there.
Okay, I didn't expect you to think I was right.

Keep telling your republican leaders to blame "leaking Democrats", Bill Clinton, ABC News, and some whacko Democrat from 1983.

Good strategy. American parents know diversion and excuse-making when they see it. That's why every new poll from Rasmussen to Time show 2/3s of americans think Republican leadership is hiding something, and lying.
since you evolved from a simple-cell organism, and don't apparently have a Mother!


You slime eating dog

You scum sucking pig

You son of a motherless goat!
Only to those who see no difference between "being attracted to" and "pursuing actively" when it comes to pedophilia. I suppose you know more about this than I do, and I should defer to your expertise on the subject. Perhaps Foley will indeed continue to pursue young boys, it is a sickness, and he can't help himself, and I know how intimately well you understand this. Thanks for clearing that up for us. My point, however, was that Foley would not be pursuing boys from the well of Congress anymore, as he is no longer there.

so.... does this mean that you will answer all of my replies to you, or just those that you can make slanderous and slimey innuendo-laden jabs at me about? Foley is a gay man who has the hots for young guys. Now you can say that is a sickness or you can chalk it up to sexual preference...I really don't care which. I have never said that Foley was a pedophile...just a gay republican congressman who abused the trust of his office by hitting on the teenage pages who were serving under the protection and supervision of the House.... And the real crime is that Hastert and his staff were warned and did nothing. That will keep the religious right home on election day....

For you to suggest that Foley will all of a sudden stop being gay or stop liking young teens is ridiculous. Despite your sick little comments, I have a healthy sex life with a wife and three kids.... how's your's there, Dixie? Still got that smarmy glamour shots up on your dating website where you talk about long walks on the beach and quiet times with the girl of your dreams? My guess is your "sex life" involves a lot of girlie magazines and late night "carrot cuffing".

Now that you have obviously taken me off your ignore list (as if I ever was there), I hope this means that are getting ready to get your checkbook out and write me that $100 check you KNOW you'll owe me next month.

If I were a real generous guy, I'd change the bet to be that we'd take control of the house instead of just pick up seats in both chambers.....

but shucks... for assholes like you who repeatedly infer that I rape my own son, I am nowhere near that generous.

Get ready to pay up.... dickhead.