If Obama loses...

What should the Democratic Party do differently next time around?

I've long said that your party is out of touch with regular Americans. Most Americans are in the center, but you dolts continue to nominate far-left candidates. I predicted Kerry would lose for that reason. I predict that Obama will also lose.

Here's a thought: why not nominate a moderate like Evan Bayh?


LIsten, there are two parties in America.

Republicans are extremist reactionary neo-monarchists.

Democrats are far right.

So in the race between the reactionary and the person far on the right, I choose the person far on the right.

thats not change... i think thats more of the same.

It's this type of change $$$.

Face it the wealthiest americans are better than you. Just learn to accept your role you'll be happier.
It's this type of change $$$.

Face it the wealthiest americans are better than you. Just learn to accept your role you'll be happier.

hmmm that thing called the CONSTITUTION which was signed right here in Connecticut says we're all equal.
Look Rob thinks the Constitution means something today. Ha! How quaint!

The Constitution has basically just been an irrelevant piece of paper since 1933.
You think a Democratic President and Democratic Congress will be trustworthy?

Not necessarially, but it might be a necessary evil to maybe undo some of the stuff that Bush and the republicans screwed the pooch on. Like reregulating the banking industry to where it was.

And yes I know clowntoon was president when glass steagal (sp?) was undone, but it was a Republican congress I believe.
And that was not the only undoing.
Also some better decisions on globalization and free trade agreements would seem to be in order.
And a couple of middle to liberal supremes would be nice as well.

You just can't bring yourself to admit that bush sucks can you ?
blame it on his approval rating :D
We are not created equal. For instance toppy is a short little shrimp.

We should however be treated equal by our government.
lol more tax subsidies for the oil companies who are posting record profits, more free giveaways to Iraq who hasn't demonstrated their own ability to take care of their own country as we spend billions a month to support them while they have trillions in their own reserve. NO realistic energy independant plan from McCain just ravaging the environment so we can have another disaster. I remember when they were saying we have the technology to drill and transport oil back around the exxon disaster in Alaska.


You are an idiot.

First off, as I already demonstrated, Obama voted for the Bush-Cheney energy bill which included nearly 3 billion dollars in subsidies and 15 billion in tax breaks for oil companies.

McCain voted against it.

No realistic energy plan? Obama is the one claiming that he will eliminate use of foreign oil within 10 years WITHOUT drilling. McCain, by contrast, has proposed a very achievable plan of drilling, in addition to investing in renewable energy such as CNG, hydrogen, nuclear, wind and solar, just to name a few.

Ravaging the environment? You really don't know anything about John McCain, do you.
What should the Democratic Party do differently next time around?

I've long said that your party is out of touch with regular Americans. Most Americans are in the center, but you dolts continue to nominate far-left candidates. I predicted Kerry would lose for that reason. I predict that Obama will also lose.

Here's a thought: why not nominate a moderate like Evan Bayh?

The only one I see out of touch with Ameria is niave little boys like you who haven't seen shit, have never been no where, hasn't read shit, hasn't studied shit, has never had a piece of ass but knows everything.