If This Case Was A Horse-race It Would Be A Walkover

A valid point. Most of those who gripe about Biden's $2 trillion infrastructure plan fail to recognize that the cost is less than a third of our annual military budget.

The RWers in this country have created an endless money drain cycle with the defense budget. "We're the toughest nation in the world, no one fucks with us" ---> "We NEED a strong military so no one fucks with us" ---> "We're the toughest nation...... "
The U.S has been sent packing in every military engagement we've incited since the end of WW2.

To Althea: Get your facts straight before you spout Communist talking points.

The Korean and the Vietnam wars were not military defeats:

America used a small percentage of its military might and WEAPONRY in Iraq and Afghanistan. Should it ever come to an all-out war this country fights to win instead of fighting PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY wars like Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq type wars, it would not take long to defeat an enemy country, or countries, so long as the U.S. military is fighting for their country not fighting for the U.N.’s global agenda.


Korea was the first PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY war. It ended in a truce. American troops are still there:

. . . the U.N.’s Korean War is technically the longest war because it never ended thanks to President Wilson’s PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY war policy.


Do you think the U.S. Military was sent packing in Iraq?

A United Nations INTERNATIONAL COALITION in the Gulf War stopped Bush the Elder from going all the way to Bagdad. Had Bush toppled Saddam Hussein in 1990 there would have been no need to invade Iraq after 9-11-2001.

Parenthetically, media mouths applauded Bush the Elder’s Desert Storm because the U.N. was in charge from start to finish. Desert Storm —— like Korea —— was a Peace Without Victory war. Total Victory was secondary. Total defeat in the Vietnam War was primary because the United Nations opposed victory.



Incidentally, the Korean and Vietnam Wars were fought for the same reason with one major difference separating the two. The United Nations supported the Korean War while it opposed the Vietnam War. Hence, anti-Vietnam War demonstrators brought retreat and political defeat to their own country, while demonstrating against the Korean War would have amounted to demonstrating against the United Nations, the one thing Communists will never do.


The United Nations did not sanction the Vietnam War that ended in a political defeat:

John Kerry was not famous when he first betrayed the country. Kerry was a U.S. Senator in 1995 when General Bui Tin was interviewed:

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995


You can bet that the crowd in Hanoi were shaking their heads in bewilderment when Kerry first went to Congress. Kerry did give the old Commies a good laugh when they saw the traitor they met in Paris in 1971 go on to run for president and later become secretary of state. In short: Bui Tin had every reason to save Kerry from disgrace by not thanking him publicly along with Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark et al.

Kerry not becoming president in 2004 was the one and only time he disappointed North Vietnam.


Afghanistan is also a United Nations war. Then-Senator Biden called for that war —— while President

Biden's plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan splits Congress -- but not just on party lines
By Jeremy Herb
Updated 6:44 PM ET, Tue April 13, 2021


Basically, U.N.-lovers in both parties do not want to see the United Nations get the blame for starting the Afghanistan War. Naturally, withdrawal will give American Communists another opportunity to claim another victory over the U.S. Military.

Parenthetically, the United Nations spent decades trying to tell the U.S. Military where it fights, and what it fights for; so any money Democrats give to the U.S. Military will end up in United Nations hands to pay for U.N. sanctioned wars as well as serve the U.N. as so-called ‘Peacekeepers’.

Time for us to realize the high tech toys cannot win wars anymore. In fact, we're getting attacked every day in cyberspace, while the MIC wastes billions on obsolete weaponry.

To Althea: Only God knows how many billions China’s & Russia’s military-industrial-complexes spend on obsolete weapons.

This one gave me a laugh:

Finally, John Kerry gave Iran billions to develop nuclear bombs. Ask John Kerry if he considered nuclear weapons obsolete.

---> "We NEED a strong military so no one fucks with us" ---> "We're the toughest nation...... "

To ThatOwlWoman:
It must be true because the U.S. Military never loses even when they are betrayed politically from within.
To Althea: Get your facts straight before you spout Communist talking points.

The Korean and the Vietnam wars were not military defeats:

America used a small percentage of its military might and WEAPONRY in Iraq and Afghanistan. Should it ever come to an all-out war this country fights to win instead of fighting PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY wars like Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq type wars, it would not take long to defeat an enemy country, or countries, so long as the U.S. military is fighting for their country not fighting for the U.N.’s global agenda.


Korea was the first PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY war. It ended in a truce. American troops are still there:

. . . the U.N.’s Korean War is technically the longest war because it never ended thanks to President Wilson’s PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY war policy.


Do you think the U.S. Military was sent packing in Iraq?

A United Nations INTERNATIONAL COALITION in the Gulf War stopped Bush the Elder from going all the way to Bagdad. Had Bush toppled Saddam Hussein in 1990 there would have been no need to invade Iraq after 9-11-2001.

Parenthetically, media mouths applauded Bush the Elder’s Desert Storm because the U.N. was in charge from start to finish. Desert Storm —— like Korea —— was a Peace Without Victory war. Total Victory was secondary. Total defeat in the Vietnam War was primary because the United Nations opposed victory.



Incidentally, the Korean and Vietnam Wars were fought for the same reason with one major difference separating the two. The United Nations supported the Korean War while it opposed the Vietnam War. Hence, anti-Vietnam War demonstrators brought retreat and political defeat to their own country, while demonstrating against the Korean War would have amounted to demonstrating against the United Nations, the one thing Communists will never do.


The United Nations did not sanction the Vietnam War that ended in a political defeat:

John Kerry was not famous when he first betrayed the country. Kerry was a U.S. Senator in 1995 when General Bui Tin was interviewed:

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995


You can bet that the crowd in Hanoi were shaking their heads in bewilderment when Kerry first went to Congress. Kerry did give the old Commies a good laugh when they saw the traitor they met in Paris in 1971 go on to run for president and later become secretary of state. In short: Bui Tin had every reason to save Kerry from disgrace by not thanking him publicly along with Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark et al.

Kerry not becoming president in 2004 was the one and only time he disappointed North Vietnam.


Afghanistan is also a United Nations war. Then-Senator Biden called for that war —— while President

Biden's plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan splits Congress -- but not just on party lines
By Jeremy Herb
Updated 6:44 PM ET, Tue April 13, 2021


Basically, U.N.-lovers in both parties do not want to see the United Nations get the blame for starting the Afghanistan War. Naturally, withdrawal will give American Communists another opportunity to claim another victory over the U.S. Military.

Parenthetically, the United Nations spent decades trying to tell the U.S. Military where it fights, and what it fights for; so any money Democrats give to the U.S. Military will end up in United Nations hands to pay for U.N. sanctioned wars as well as serve the U.N. as so-called ‘Peacekeepers’.

To Althea: Only God knows how many billions China’s & Russia’s military-industrial-complexes spend on obsolete weapons.

This one gave me a laugh:

Finally, John Kerry gave Iran billions to develop nuclear bombs. Ask John Kerry if he considered nuclear weapons obsolete.

To ThatOwlWoman:
It must be true because the U.S. Military never loses even when they are betrayed politically from within.
We've been getting our asses kicked in every military engagement since Korea.

We don't win wars. We show off our superior toys, but we never close the deal.

Nope. Throw a few bombs at some brown people in another land, shake each other's hands, and walk off into the sunset pretending that we "won" -- American military tactics.
JPP Libs must get their talking points from:


I have not read any of John Mueller’s books. I did read the book review.

Assuming the review is accurate, Mueller’s latest effort does not lay the blame on Woodrow Wilson’s PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY, nor does Mueller accuse the United Nations —— both are the reasons for this country’s disastrous war policy.

This is the only thing I could find worth noting:

To make America a prosperous and successful country again, it must destroy its parasitic class of security hysterics and war hawks who set policy in Washington.

Revolver Book Review: “The Stupidity of War” — To Save America We Must Abolish “Defense-Diplomacy” Complex
May 11, 2021 (6h ago)

Nope. Throw a few bombs at some brown people in another land, shake each other's hands, and walk off into the sunset pretending that we "won" -- American military tactics.

This shit above passes for leftist "wisdom". You're a fucking dumbass