If Trump loses, what happens to the Republican party?


Well-known member
Where does the Republican party go without Trump.

They have given up most of their traditional values, and they really have few core issues other than whatever Trump says.... so...

If you were rebuilding a new party, what issues and core ideologies would you want as the basis of that group?
Where does the Republican party go without Trump.

They have given up most of their traditional values, and they really have few core issues other than whatever Trump says.... so...

If you were rebuilding a new party, what issues and core ideologies would you want as the basis of that group?
anti-globalism is the movement.

it's spreading like wildflowers.

parties be damned.
Where does the Republican party go without Trump.

They have given up most of their traditional values, and they really have few core issues other than whatever Trump says.... so...

If you were rebuilding a new party, what issues and core ideologies would you want as the basis of that group?
how about satanism and pedophilia as guiding issues?
FOX News Poll:

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Heels Up Harris-49%

Aug. 9-12
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Where does the Republican party go without Trump.

They have given up most of their traditional values, and they really have few core issues other than whatever Trump says.... so...

If you were rebuilding a new party, what issues and core ideologies would you want as the basis of that group?

There will be a lot of public recrimination and calls from within the party, for the need to reconnect to those traditional, core conservative values you pointed out they've lost.

Same thing they do after every election loss.

Then some even worse than Trump wannabe dictator(s) will garner the support of the right's drooler idiot base.

People who are too stupid to have learned anything from the damage Trump caused.

Then they'll just double down on the spiteful ignorance that Trump awakened and unleashed in them.

Look for Marjorie Trailer Queen and Lauren Boobert to ascend the ranks.

Jim Jordan, Ron DeSantis, etc, etc.

IOW, things will get worse rather than better.
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The Repub party does not exist. Trump took it ever, entirely. The McConnell types thought they could use Trump to get power and initiate their policies. They did not see how ego-driven and crazy he is. Trump runs them. He has put poorly qualified people in many court positions. He is the party. Several Trumpys have won elections. They are not going to evaporate when Trump goes to jail. The Repub party has created serious problems for themselves that will take a long time to resolve.
Have lived long enough to know the predicted demise of a major political party never comes to fruition

If Trump loses, and the probable chaos afterwards, 1/6 on steroids, the GOP will settle in and re-emerge divided between MAGA II minus Trump and anyone resembling what we used to recognize as traditional Republicans. The latter will arise in the end, and a lot of that depends on the state and direction of the Democrat Party
Where does the Republican party go without Trump.

They have given up most of their traditional values, and they really have few core issues other than whatever Trump says.... so...

If you were rebuilding a new party, what issues and core ideologies would you want as the basis of that group?
You have to admit, Trump has caused even democrats to change their tune about open borders.
Where does the Republican party go without Trump.

They have given up most of their traditional values, and they really have few core issues other than whatever Trump says.... so...

If you were rebuilding a new party, what issues and core ideologies would you want as the basis of that group?
Why do you care?
Now there is a content response, “why do you care,” sound like an elementary school playground

Just another example why “copy and paste” can’t offer anything other than corny copy and paste memes and GIFs off the internet

Poor anchovies,
I was addressing the receptionist at a call center who has never posted anything positive about Trump or the republican party.
As long as you asked for a meme,
Yere ya go dummy,

There will be a lot of public recrimination and calls from within the party, for the need to reconnect to those traditional, core conservative values you pointed out they've lost.

Same thing they do after every election loss.

Then some even worse than Trump wannabe dictator(s) will garner the support of the right's drooler idiot base.

People who are too stupid to have learned anything from the damage Trump caused.

Then they'll just double down on the spiteful ignorance that Trump awakened and unleashed in them.

Look for Marjorie Trailer Queen and Lauren Boobert to ascend the ranks.

Jim Jordan, Ron DeSantis, etc, etc.

IOW, things will get worse rather than better.
Maybe, but I am trying to be hopeful. If they double down, I think they will continue to lose influence. Do you think they can get back to the traditional conservative social values, after having supported Trump?