If Trump loses, what happens to the Republican party?

You have to admit, Trump has caused even democrats to change their tune about open borders.
I think Democrats are in the same place they were, we need a reform package that allows a certain level of amnesty but also restructures the law relating to how one gets permission to be here. The Congress must act, its not really up to the president.
Maybe, but I am trying to be hopeful. If they double down, I think they will continue to lose influence. Do you think they can get back to the traditional conservative social values, after having supported Trump?
That's a question nobody can answer and which only time will tell.

I think hard core conservatives (which sadly, is most of them I fear) are giddy with the thrill and release from social constraints that Trump brought them. The freedom to be shameless about being unrepentant assholes. That's a genie that would be hard to put back in the bottle. I fear they're just going to continue or get even worse.

And honestly, we've got too many of our own extreme weirdos on the left who are egging them on and giving them what they feel is justification for backing scum like Trump.

I'm not sure I even want to know what the world is going to be like fifty years from now.

If humans even still exist by then.

Give it back to the animals and insects, I say.

They deserve it more than we do.
When Trump is declared the loser the Revolution will massively ramp up their taking out of enemies. The way those who have refused to take the death jabs have been treated will closely resemble what is coming for MAGA.
I think Democrats are in the same place they were, we need a reform package that allows a certain level of amnesty but also restructures the law relating to how one gets permission to be here. The Congress must act, its not really up to the president.
Ah Yes....the endless pretending that Constitutional America is not dead and gone.....

If Trump loses, what happens to the Republican party?​

AIPAC will find them all condos in Occupied Palestine.
Trump has a whole town in Occupied Syria;
