If you dont worship like the government wants you to... You are second class.

Sorc just said he was above on this thread. Jarod I believe. My impression is that you are unless Rev. Wright was your pastor and then you would find God again. Cypress might not believe.

I am no athist. I have a strong belife in God. Just not the God of any organized religen I have found yet!
Well, I most defintely am not an atheist. And Rev Wright is not my pastor. I don't believe humans need other humans to serve as intermediaries between themselves and God. All that does is put power in someone else's hands.

Well, that would make four ( i'm not counting cypress since I have no idea and wouldn't make that assumption). It might be slightly higher than average.

HEY, lets you and me start a church...
HEY, lets you and me start a church...

A lot of people don’t understand the difference between a disdain or even contempt for organized religions, and atheism. Actually, I think it’s just republicans who don’t understand the difference.
There are plenty of people not smart enough to figure out that God and Church are two seperate things.