If you happen to be living in California

i vote in ca and will vote no on 8 - i do not like discrimination or hate against groups

this nation is about freedom

but, you are entitled to your opinion

so any that read this, please vote no on 8 - if you live in ca that is

ps the constitution (state and national) is about rule of law and one of the best things ever to happen - they protect both of us

our supreme courts interpret those constitutions and clarify laws - i may not always agree with them, but we have to live by them
forget what the above commentor said and vote yes okay?

bye thanks for your time and thanks for reading this.
I live in California and will be voting Yes On 8

The homosexual lobby and activists wish to impose their views on the rest of us by changing the traditional definition of marriage through the courts.

The people of California have every right to reaffirm the legal definition of marriage as between a man and woman ONLY.
Yes that is great. Good to here another person who repects traditional values.

yes, traditional prejudice

i doubt that any homosexuals want to impose their way of life on others - more a live and let live attitude that i wish others would adopt

still, you both are doing what you think right and your votes count

this is a constitutional amendment to overturn a ca supreme court decision - rule of law will will out

please vote no on 8 - thank you
It will be a massive step forward for gays in America if proposition 8 is defeated.

Likewise, gays will step ten years backwards if it is defeated. It's really one of the most important things happening in this election.
For those two posters who insist we vote Yes....

Please tell me how it will effect you if gays are granted the rights involved in a marriage?

Its not a religious thing, because the rights and priviledges are not granted by a church.

Tell me how it will effect YOU or your marriage is two men or two women are married.

And leave the "its traditional" bullshit off. If you want tradition, then pay your future father-in-law a dowery and expect your wife to obey you and stay home as a housewife.
For those two posters who insist we vote Yes....

Please tell me how it will effect you if gays are granted the rights involved in a marriage?

Its not a religious thing, because the rights and priviledges are not granted by a church.

Tell me how it will effect YOU or your marriage is two men or two women are married.

And leave the "its traditional" bullshit off. If you want tradition, then pay your future father-in-law a dowery and expect your wife to obey you and stay home as a housewife.

oh no, not fair, you are using logic in an illogical situation

their religion states that homosexuals are evil and not accepted in god's eyes

you are correct, it does not affect my marriage or the marriages of my family members - it does no harm except that it is evil in god's eyes

I am voting YES on 8, just to piss off liberals, homo's and anybody else. I hate seeing happy homo's.
Yes that is great. Good to here another person who repects traditional values.

When do you think gays became a part of the population?

They have always been in our population.

They have always been treated like crap.

So the tradition you wish to keep alive is treating a segment of the human population like crap for the sake of a word?

Wow Jesus would be real proud of that huh?
For those two posters who insist we vote Yes....

Please tell me how it will effect you if gays are granted the rights involved in a marriage?

Its not a religious thing, because the rights and priviledges are not granted by a church.

Tell me how it will effect YOU or your marriage is two men or two women are married.

And leave the "its traditional" bullshit off. If you want tradition, then pay your future father-in-law a dowery and expect your wife to obey you and stay home as a housewife.

It will affect me because I perfer not to be walking down a store andd seeing a gay couple with a ring signifiying their marriage.

Marriage is a religous rite and what gays do is everything against religion therefore they shouldn't have the right to marry. Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is all I have to say.
It will affect me because I perfer not to be walking down a store andd seeing a gay couple with a ring signifiying their marriage.

Marriage is a religous rite and what gays do is everything against religion therefore they shouldn't have the right to marry. Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is all I have to say.

So its about jewelry? You want to deny a couple the rights that other couples have just so you won't have to see a gay couple with wedding bands on?

My wife and I can:

1) Get tax breaks
2) Make decisions about each other's medical care if one of us in unable.
3) Obtain joint health, home and auto insurance
4) Inherit from each other without a will
5) Take bereavement or sick leave to care for each other or our child
6) Choose the final resting place for each other
7) Get wrongful death benefits for each other or our child
8) Get a division of property in a divorce
9) have joint child custody
10) Have each other covered under Social Security or Medicare

Please point out which of those have ANYTHING to do with your religious beliefs?

Please tell me, other than YOUR religious beliefs, what possible reason can their be for denying these benefits to a portion of our society just because you dislike them.
Well let me answer your question with another question. What good does it do to society to all them the right to marry? Why do we have to show respect to these social undesirables if they themselves do nothing to help this country? Why should we give them the right to marry, must we go against all moral values to allow a small minority the right to marry? Should we go against everything the bible says?
that lays it out pretty well Sol :clink:

this sanctity of marricge crap is just veiled biggorty and fear of difference. And in the final result wanting to take someone elses freedom on how to live their life away from them.

I am not gay and never expect to be gay.
Well let me answer your question with another question. What good does it do to society to all them the right to marry? Why do we have to show respect to these social undesirables if they themselves do nothing to help this country? Why should we give them the right to marry, must we go against all moral values to allow a small minority the right to marry? Should we go against everything the bible says?

First of all, the bible has no bearing in the matter. We are talking about laws of our land, which is not ruled by any single religion.

Second, what the hell makes you think they don't contribute. They pay taxes, vote, serve in charities, and are even decorated war veterans. They contribute as much as anyone does.

Its funny that you would deny them rights because you think they are social undesireables. And yet the law allows convicted murderers and rapists to be married while in prison.

And who gets to decide what is desireable or undesireable to our society? Is that strictly left up to christians?

Now I have answered your question. Can you answer mine?
Well I believe the law of the land should be in the hands of Christians.Marriage is between one man and one woman! Not a man and a man.or even a woman and a woman. if men were supposed to be with men, and women with women, they'd be able to make babies together.
And I'm sorry for those of you that don't believe there is a God. You'll find out the hard way.