If you happen to be living in California

Well I believe the law of the land should be in the hands of Christians.Marriage is between one man and one woman! Not a man and a man.or even a woman and a woman. if men were supposed to be with men, and women with women, they'd be able to make babies together.
And I'm sorry for those of you that don't believe there is a God. You'll find out the hard way.

You can believe all you want. I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is the efforts to create laws based on the bible or christianity. That goes against the US Constitution.

And I guess that any couple who is unable to have children should not be married either?

I am not asking any church to do gay marriage ceremonies. But your insistence that gays not be afforded the same benefits as straights based solely on YOUR religious beliefs.
Well let me answer your question with another question. What good does it do to society to all them the right to marry? Why do we have to show respect to these social undesirables if they themselves do nothing to help this country? Why should we give them the right to marry, must we go against all moral values to allow a small minority the right to marry? Should we go against everything the bible says?

We do it for them, not society. Rights are for the individual. I shouldn't have to justify my right of privacy or speech to society. I shouldn't have to justify my right to equality to society. It's just something that's there, and once we give society the ability to start questioning and revoking these rights based on collective preference we will have tyranny.

And you are a troll. No real person would use the term "undesirables" seriously.
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Well I believe the law of the land should be in the hands of Christians.Marriage is between one man and one woman! Not a man and a man.or even a woman and a woman. if men were supposed to be with men, and women with women, they'd be able to make babies together.
And I'm sorry for those of you that don't believe there is a God. You'll find out the hard way.

And stone women to death for infidelity like the bible specifies.
Treat your slaves good and all is well with god too.
Well let me answer your question with another question. What good does it do to society to all them the right to marry? Why do we have to show respect to these social undesirables if they themselves do nothing to help this country? Why should we give them the right to marry, must we go against all moral values to allow a small minority the right to marry? Should we go against everything the bible says?

since when did the bible become the law

homosexuals go about their lives and pay taxes like other citizens - should they not have the same rights

if they do not break the law, why not let them become full citizens

what legal crime are they committing by existing

when i worked in frisco, i meet several homosexuals, one of my bosses there was one of the best bosses i ever had

ps if you are a guy and want to/work where there is an excess of available women, frisco is the place to be - me, i am married, but there were temptations...:)
to any gays that live in the central coast area of california, i am licensed to perform marriages and will perform custom marriages, including homosexuals

Rev. Rich - rgjhopwood@verizon.net

i live in the santa ynez valley