ignore list

I'd rather not say but you are not one of them.
It's kind of a tradition around here to post a screen shot of each individual you are ignoring, each time they post. To remind them that you are not reading their contributions.
(If you are ignoring quite a few, just screenshot and post the entire page. There's some kind of award for the one who ignores the most...)
It's kind of a tradition around here to post a screen shot of each individual you are ignoring, each time they post. To remind them that you are not reading their contributions.
(If you are ignoring quite a few, just screenshot and post the entire page. There's some kind of award for the one who ignores the most...)

<dispensing Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs(tm)> Good advice, Toxic! Conversely, he could do like you do -- post that he has them on ignore, while still avidly reading all their comments -- but then forgetfully referring to something they said when responding to someone else. This definitely builds trust in your veracity. lol </Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs(tm)>
you cant survive without banning anyone from anything

I have never banned anyone from anything on every site I have been on

the entire internets

hell I have never even neg repped (groaning in this site) a single person.

I do it with words

and Ive been playing on the internets for nearly two decades
Not sure why Fowl is responding so negatively to my suggestion...she started the tradition, after all.
And is currently second in line for that award;)
<dispensing Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs(tm)> Good advice, Toxic! Conversely, he could do like you do -- post that he has them on ignore, while still avidly reading all their comments -- but then forgetfully referring to something they said when responding to someone else. This definitely builds trust in your veracity. lol </Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs(tm)>

Top obsession alert. BTW, that is what you do, ironic.
What's that, Buttyurt? I can't hear you..... lol


Yet you know I was talking to you and of course you responded.

Like I said, your post is ironic because that is what you do. I find it humorous that you constantly talk and whine about people you supposedly have on ignore. If you're truly ignore them, why do you spend so much time talking about them?

And literally not a day goes by that you don't make probably a dozen or more posts about Top.
Yet you know I was talking to you and of course you responded.

Like I said, your post is ironic because that is what you do. I find it humorous that you constantly talk and whine about people you supposedly have on ignore. If you're truly ignore them, why do you spend so much time talking about them?

And literally not a day goes by that you don't make probably a dozen or more posts about Top.

Yet here you are, giving TOP a pass for once again bringing her drama to a thread where it doesn't belong. Hypocrite.