ignore list

Yet here you are, giving TOP a pass for once again bringing her drama to a thread where it doesn't belong. Hypocrite.

She merely suggested the OP do what several posters do. That is not drama.

And why is you ran away from the thread where you had no problem with the OPs anonymous sources, yet demanded I provide non anonymous sources? Hypocrite.
She merely suggested the OP do what several posters do. That is not drama.

And why is you ran away from the thread where you had no problem with the OPs anonymous sources, yet demanded I provide non anonymous sources? Hypocrite.

Oh please. You're just embarrassing yourself now. Owl wasn't the topic (haha) of this thread until Toxic brought her up... in her usual snide, underhanded fashion. Go and reread the thread, especially #9, and get back to me. Also, post someone else's screen shots... that is, if you can find them.

Oh and yurtsie... I don't run away from threads. Your accusations of running away are so prolific most of us can't keep up with what you're talking about. Apparently your purpose here is to attack people you disagree with, and you are good at it. I'll give that to you.
Entirely possible. Is owl the only one who does it? Go to the war zone to see more of Owls obsession. Top merely said good morning and Owl flew into a manic multi post Top rant.

The subject is this thread yurtsie, and stop trying to pretend that Toxic and her poodle aren't obsessed up to the eyeballs.
What's that, Buttyurt? I can't hear you..... lol



Nice work, lass!

I do not know what all the commotion is about....I rarely pay attention to the plaintive whines, the girlish gossip. the salacious slander of rightwing posters.

But I will take this opportunity to commend you, Jade Dragon, Althea, and some of the other lefties that showed up here in the last six months.

This message board attracts subhuman rightwing racists like pig shit does for horseflies, and it was outstanding to get some informed, interesting, and educated posters in here. Keep up the good work!
Now we just need one of the comprehensive screenshots! How kind that someone was thoughtful enough to provide examples for unclerichie....
you cant survive without banning anyone from anything

I have never banned anyone from anything on every site I have been on

the entire internets

hell I have never even neg repped (groaning in this site) a single person.

I do it with words

and Ive been playing on the internets for nearly two decades

Then you must be rich, lol.
And how can we get on the list?

who's list are you looking to be put on? because the best way i've found to be put on the ignorant liberals list is to consistently show them to be the wrongful morons they are concerning the constitution. The best way i've found to be put on a conservatives ignore list is to continue to show how cops are nothing but armed government enforcement agents with no respect or duty to follow the laws themselves.
who's list are you looking to be put on? because the best way i've found to be put on the ignorant liberals list is to consistently show them to be the wrongful morons they are concerning the constitution. The best way i've found to be put on a conservatives ignore list is to continue to show how cops are nothing but armed government enforcement agents with no respect or duty to follow the laws themselves.

All the above works, thanks.
Entirely possible. Is owl the only one who does it? Go to the war zone to see more of Owls obsession. Top merely said good morning and Owl flew into a manic multi post Top rant.

That is very vague, per se. How about proving some details next time but I know you cons are sort of lazy and illiterate so I forgive you this time. Just don't do it again, mkay?
The subject is this thread yurtsie, and stop trying to pretend that Toxic and her poodle aren't obsessed up to the eyeballs.

They both are. Why do you think I asked them all to stop a few months ago. I just find it ridiculous that scowl and Jaded and apparently you, want people to believe it is Top who obsessed, yet they talk about Top every day and often in threads Top hasn't even posted in.

And Top hasn't really made an issue about obsession that I am aware of.

Why don't you call them for constantly talking about Top?
That is very vague, per se. How about proving some details next time but I know you cons are sort of lazy and illiterate so I forgive you this time. Just don't do it again, mkay?

Nothing vague about what I said. Further, Christiefan made the claim she referred to owl, thus the burden is on Christiefan to prove who claim. Or do liberals believe that if one makes a claim, it is up to someone else to prove them wrong?
christiefan915;23315b54 said:
Oh please. You're just embarrassing yourself now. Owl wasn't the topic (haha) of this thread until Toxic brought her up... in her usual snide, underhanded fashion. Go and reread the thread, especially #9, and get back to me. Also, post someone else's screen shots... that is, if you can find them.

Oh and yurtsie... I don't run away from threads. Your accusations of running away are so prolific most of us can't keep up with what you're talking about. Apparently your purpose here is to attack people you disagree with, and you are good at it. I'll give that to you.

Then why did you fail to explain why you didn't have a problem with the OPs anonymous sources, but demanded I provide non anonymous sources?

You never explained nor answered why.

So, yes, you did in fact run away, Christiecrite.
I did not specifically refer to anyone in my post....
This thread asked a question about the ignore function. I just shared a couple of JPP "traditions"....
It's kind of a tradition around here to post a screen shot of each individual you are ignoring, each time they post. To remind them that you are not reading their contributions.
(If you are ignoring quite a few, just screenshot and post the entire page. There's some kind of award for the one who ignores the most...)

<dispensing Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs(tm)> Good advice, Toxic! Conversely, he could do like you do -- post that he has them on ignore, while still avidly reading all their comments -- but then forgetfully referring to something they said when responding to someone else. This definitely builds trust in your veracity. lol </Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs(tm)>

Just to remind people that it was owl who jumped all over Top. Top didn't even mention her.