ignore list

Then why did you fail to explain why you didn't have a problem with the OPs anonymous sources, but demanded I provide non anonymous sources?

You never explained nor answered why.

So, yes, you did in fact run away, Christiecrite.

Like I said, dummy... you make so many accusations and so many call outs I have no idea which particular thread you're referring to. Why haven't you named it?

How about YOU stop running away from THIS, yurtsie. You finally admit what we all know... that you are the poster formerly called Yurt and are now calling yourself Yaya.

You keep making the feeble excuse that you're not Yurt, you're Yaya because that's true in the technical sense. But in reality you are Yurt posting under a different name and afraid to admit it.

Who's the runner now, yurtsie?
How I know Yurt can't stop her obsession with me.

How I show Yurt that I don't give a shit what she has to say about anything.

How JPP sees and responds to Buttyurt and her master Toxic Top:

There's never been a drama on this forum that yurt hasn't inserted himself into. He lives for this stuff.
Like I said, dummy... you make so many accusations and so many call outs I have no idea which particular thread you're referring to. Why haven't you named it?

How about YOU stop running away from THIS, yurtsie. You finally admit what we all know... that you are the poster formerly called Yurt and are now calling yourself Yaya.

You keep making the feeble excuse that you're not Yurt, you're Yaya because that's true in the technical sense. But in reality you are Yurt posting under a different name and afraid to admit it.

Who's the runner now, yurtsie?

Your obsession with Yurt is noted. And as I asked you before, why are you so obsessed with this issue? What difference does it make to you?

As to running away, first you denied it, now you're claiming you don't remember, despite the fact I spelled it out for you. Youre a pathetic liar whose obsession with Yurt Hass addled your mind.
There's never been a drama on this forum that yurt hasn't inserted himself into. He lives for this stuff.
That is simply not true. Why do you enjoy lying so often? And it is hoo you whining about me injecting myself into their drama, which I haven't, while you're knee deep in it.

No wonder you get along with the HEATHERS, you a human projector and chronic liar.
That is simply not true. Why do you enjoy lying so often? And it is hoo you whining about me injecting myself into their drama, which I haven't, while you're knee deep in it.

No wonder you get along with the HEATHERS, you a human projector and chronic liar.

You are in almost every thread that Owl posts, criticizing her, and you're also in the threads by Toxic and her poodle, joining them in criticizing Owl. None of this is any of your business but you insist on making it so. I'm projecting nothing. Any reading of the threads and posts shows that I'm being truthful and you're lying.
yeap lies and infantile insults

the right is completely bankrupt

they have stabbed the republican party to death with racism and election cheating

nothing left but the bleeding out now
Your obsession with Yurt is noted. And as I asked you before, why are you so obsessed with this issue? What difference does it make to you?

As to running away, first you denied it, now you're claiming you don't remember, despite the fact I spelled it out for you. Youre a pathetic liar whose obsession with Yurt Hass addled your mind.

I think it's stupid to pretend you're somebody else instead of just copping to the truth. You've given yourself away so many times a child could see what you're up to.

Maybe you thought you'd reinvent yourself but your true personality came out pretty quickly.

Now name the thread I'm supposedly running from, already.
You are in almost every thread that Owl posts, criticizing her, and you're also in the threads by Toxic and her poodle, joining them in criticizing Owl. None of this is any of your business but you insist on making it so. I'm projecting nothing. Any reading of the threads and posts shows that I'm being truthful and you're lying.

I criticize Owl for stuff she does here and shit she says about me. You're knee deep in their Amazon drama. What a dishonest hypocrite you are.
I think it's stupid to pretend you're somebody else instead of just copping to the truth. You've given yourself away so many times a child could see what you're up to.

Maybe you thought you'd reinvent yourself but your true personality came out pretty quickly.

Now name the thread I'm supposedly running from, already.

Again, what difference does it make? I asked you this before and you never answered. Why do you care so much about it?

I bumped it CE, already :pke:
I criticize Owl for stuff she does here and shit she says about me. You're knee deep in their Amazon drama. What a dishonest hypocrite you are.

You must be joking. Maybe you should count up the number of posts you've made v. the number I've made about that drama.

Even you have to be smart enough to realize her comments to you are in response to yours. And this ^ is just an admission about how invested you are in the feud.
You must be joking. Maybe you should count up the number of posts you've made v. the number I've made about that drama.

Even you have to be smart enough to realize her comments to you are in response to yours. And this ^ is just an admission about how invested you are in the feud.

I don't care about the feud and in fact have repeatedly asked them all to stop. Unlike you who jumped right in and went after Top and defended Owl.

So once again, you're being dishonest.
I don't care about the feud and in fact have repeatedly asked them all to stop. Unlike you who jumped right in and went after Top and defended Owl.

So once again, you're being dishonest.

:rolleyes: You don't care about the feud like little kids don't care about Santa. If you really didn't care you'd ignore all of them. But you don't.
I think it's stupid to pretend you're somebody else instead of just copping to the truth. You've given yourself away so many times a child could see what you're up to.
Maybe you thought you'd reinvent yourself but your true personality came out pretty quickly.
Now name the thread I'm supposedly running from, already.

No wonder the thing has his/her head up Toxic's ass so far he can see tonsils -- she did exactly the same thing on Amazon! She'd get banned, there would be blessed silence and actual adult discussions for a while. Then she'd gather up enough aluminum cans and cash them in to be able to make a qualifying Amazon purchase, and get a new account. Sometimes, when the can pickings were lean, she'd beg someone like Mason, Sheila, EE, etc. to buy her an acct. She'd make up a new name and lurk and pretend not to be Toxic. But just like with Buttyurt the Titmouse Yoyo, the real personality would eventually surface again. Tip for the sneaks: If you don't want to out yourself, don't go after the same ppl your prior incarnation had it in for. You know, like Buttyurt and Christiefan
:rolleyes: You don't care about the feud like little kids don't care about Santa. If you really didn't care you'd ignore all of them. But you don't.

Why should I ignore them? I'm not a coward like them. I don't talk behind their backs, I say it directly to them.

And AGAIN my issues with them ARE NOT about the feud. You are the one who took sides in the feud, I ha e not and don't discuss it, unlike you.

Screw you and your lies.
No wonder the thing has his/her head up Toxic's ass so far he can see tonsils -- she did exactly the same thing on Amazon! She'd get banned, there would be blessed silence and actual adult discussions for a while. Then she'd gather up enough aluminum cans and cash them in to be able to make a qualifying Amazon purchase, and get a new account. Sometimes, when the can pickings were lean, she'd beg someone like Mason, Sheila, EE, etc. to buy her an acct. She'd make up a new name and lurk and pretend not to be Toxic. But just like with Buttyurt the Titmouse Yoyo, the real personality would eventually surface again. Tip for the sneaks: If you don't want to out yourself, don't go after the same ppl your prior incarnation had it in for. You know, like Buttyurt and Christiefan

See, here is Owl talking all kinds of shit about me, so not ignoring me, but cowardly talking behind my proverbial back.

And who brought up the feud?


Not me.

Watch Christiecrite have no problem with Owl's post.
No wonder the thing has his/her head up Toxic's ass so far he can see tonsils -- she did exactly the same thing on Amazon! She'd get banned, there would be blessed silence and actual adult discussions for a while. Then she'd gather up enough aluminum cans and cash them in to be able to make a qualifying Amazon purchase, and get a new account. Sometimes, when the can pickings were lean, she'd beg someone like Mason, Sheila, EE, etc. to buy her an acct. She'd make up a new name and lurk and pretend not to be Toxic. But just like with Buttyurt the Titmouse Yoyo, the real personality would eventually surface again. Tip for the sneaks: If you don't want to out yourself, don't go after the same ppl your prior incarnation had it in for. You know, like Buttyurt and Christiefan

Your last sentence says it all! Me, Zappa, Thing 1, Phantasmal.... it's just Yurt V. 2.0.

Btw, you had to buy merchandise to get an account on the Amazon forums? That's weird.