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I know Mason claims to have given Top an account. But to the best of my knowledge the rest of her post are lies. Top never asked me to start an account for her and a little fact you could get free posting accounts by just getting a free e-book. That is how Bowel and Mason were able to create such a sock army. She hates me because I'm friends with Top and I rejected her advances when I first started on Amazon. As they say he'll has no fury like a woman scorned.

Why can't you guys just let it go?
That thread is not about the feud, liar.

Also go find one post of mine where I get involved in their old board feud or where I have taken sides.

Prove your claim.

Everything with the Amazonians traces back to the feud, liar. Why else would someone criticize another's good fortune in getting a scholarship, just pure mean-spiritedness?
Changing the subject? This is about Y O U chuckling along when Toxic's poodle started this ugly thread.

So you have not called them out, but say I must call out Top. (even though I pro Ed I did)

Why is you need me to call top out, when you haven't called out Owl or Jaded.

BTW, you sound just like the HEATHERS by calling her Toxic and Eagle her lapdog. Looks like you're their bitch.
Everything with the Amazonians traces back to the feud, liar. Why else would someone criticize another's good fortune in getting a scholarship, just pure mean-spiritedness?

Was it about the feud? Yes or no.

I don't like you, so when I insult you on something new, it has nothing to do with what we argued about last year.

Get it, got it, good.
So you have not called them out, but say I must call out Top. (even though I pro Ed I did)

Why is you need me to call top out, when you haven't called out Owl or Jaded.

BTW, you sound just like the HEATHERS by calling her Toxic and Eagle her lapdog. Looks like you're their bitch.

It's not about me no matter how big the blizzard of words you write to hide the point.
Was it about the feud? Yes or no.

I don't like you, so when I insult you on something new, it has nothing to do with what we argued about last year.

Get it, got it, good.

Hahaha. If you don't like me then everything you insult me about goes back to that.
Changing the subject? This is about Y O U chuckling along when Toxic's poodle started this ugly thread.

You don't have to. All my stuff was in retaliation from the crap Yurt, and the Eagle queef gave out. I usually give smart ass sass to people being scumbags. It's sad that the haters can't see that. Normally I'm nice, outside of head slapping scumbags. Yurt couldn't even handle a recipe discussion without being a prick.
I know Mason claims to have given Top an account. But to the best of my knowledge the rest of her post are lies. Top never asked me to start an account for her and a little fact you could get free posting accounts by just getting a free e-book. That is how Bowel and Mason were able to create such a sock army. She hates me because I'm friends with Top and I rejected her advances when I first started on Amazon. As they say he'll has no fury like a woman scorned.
It's not about me no matter how big the blizzard of words you write to hide the point.

Why did you make it about me?

Why is it okay for you to ask if I've ever called out Top, but not okay for me to ask you if you have called owl or Jaded out?

So if I ask you to prove you did or said something , you are not allowed to ask if me if I'm done the same?
No wonder the thing has his/her head up Toxic's ass so far he can see tonsils -- she did exactly the same thing on Amazon! She'd get banned, there would be blessed silence and actual adult discussions for a while. Then she'd gather up enough aluminum cans and cash them in to be able to make a qualifying Amazon purchase, and get a new account. Sometimes, when the can pickings were lean, she'd beg someone like Mason, Sheila, EE, etc. to buy her an acct. She'd make up a new name and lurk and pretend not to be Toxic. But just like with Buttyurt the Titmouse Yoyo, the real personality would eventually surface again. Tip for the sneaks: If you don't want to out yourself, don't go after the same ppl your prior incarnation had it in for. You know, like Buttyurt and Christiefan

Why can't you guys just let it go?

Hey if Bowel backs off I will. But I am not going to sit back and let her or anyone lie about or insult me. You are doing a pretty good job of feuding yourself. So it''s a little hypocrital to tell us to let it go when you are engaged in the same thing. No offense meant.
You don't have to. All my stuff was in retaliation from the crap Yurt, and the Eagle queef gave out. I usually give smart ass sass to people being scumbags. It's sad that the haters can't see that. Normally I'm nice, outside of head slapping scumbags. Yurt couldn't even handle a recipe discussion without being a prick.

You've never started threads about me?

You've never trolled my threads and had to be retro banned?

You've never made a thread whining that I ban you from my threads, despite the fact you ban me from yours?


Hey if Bowel backs off I will. But I am not going to sit back and let her or anyone lie about or insult me. You are doing a pretty good job of feuding yourself. So it''s a little hypocrital to tell us to let it go when you are engaged in the same thing. No offense meant.

My issue with them is what is happening on this board, not another board.

I understand the desire to defend against lies, but this has been going on for months and it is all over the board. That really is my main contention is that is not just a couple of threads, it is all over the board in multiple threads on what seems like a daily basis.

Feel free to do want you believe is best. I stopped asking a few months ago and should have left it at that.
No wonder the thing has his/her head up Toxic's ass so far he can see tonsils -- she did exactly the same thing on Amazon! She'd get banned, there would be blessed silence and actual adult discussions for a while. Then she'd gather up enough aluminum cans and cash them in to be able to make a qualifying Amazon purchase, and get a new account. Sometimes, when the can pickings were lean, she'd beg someone like Mason, Sheila, EE, etc. to buy her an acct. She'd make up a new name and lurk and pretend not to be Toxic. But just like with Buttyurt the Titmouse Yoyo, the real personality would eventually surface again. Tip for the sneaks: If you don't want to out yourself, don't go after the same ppl your prior incarnation had it in for. You know, like Buttyurt and Christiefan

You don't have to. All my stuff was in retaliation from the crap Yurt, and the Eagle queef gave out. I usually give smart ass sass to people being scumbags. It's sad that the haters can't see that. Normally I'm nice, outside of head slapping scumbags. Yurt couldn't even handle a recipe discussion without being a prick.

Hey cock sucker I haven't talked about you out of respect for your delicate condition but you insist on bad mouthing me. So if you want a fucking fight bring it on little boy.
My issue with them is what is happening on this board, not another board.

I understand the desire to defend against lies, but this has been going on for months and it is all over the board. That really is my main contention is that is not just a couple of threads, it is all over the board in multiple threads on what seems like a daily basis.

Feel free to do want you believe is best. I stopped asking a few months ago and should have left it at that.

I agree about the threads, and if you look who has created the majority of those threads? I came here after Amazon and had no desire to continue the feud but alas the cesspool crew wouldn't let it die. So as long as I am attacked I WILL defend myself.