ignore list

Just to show another example of how hypocritical and ridiculous Jaded is.

Just the other day I made a thread about Netflix shows and movies. Jaded made two posts and both had nothing to with Netflix and were solely insults towards me.

So she was a prick in a thread about Netflix and that is totally cool.

As to her recipe thread, which she can't let go and can't stop obsessing over, I was responding to someone else being a prick and wouldn't you know it, she of course did not ban that person.

you cant survive without banning anyone from anything

I have never banned anyone from anything on every site I have been on

the entire internets

hell I have never even neg repped (groaning in this site) a single person.

I do it with words

and Ive been playing on the internets for nearly two decades
internets? Did Al Gore create more than one Internet, wackjob?
I appreciate you understanding. We are a lot alike in that we don't take shit without throwing it back. :)


The HEATHERS are ridiculous. For example, Christiecrite actually told me I should ignore scowlwoman and Jaded, and when I pointed out I was mostly responding to their attacks on me, she had no problem with their insults and they insult and talk about me daily and not once has Christiecrite asked them to stop.

Just amazing. Sad really.
Don't forget about the secret of downloading an e-book instead. I got many an account that way, trying to deal with the report trolls. Sock accounts became a necessity back on Amazon.

True,I went years with one account,that I used for buying,one I used for posting,then during the purge Amazon banned my long time posting account.
I didn't want to use my buying account as it was the account I used only to post with my BFF.
So I turned to my new friend Owl.
She taught me how to get accounts.
So to avoid the on going purge,I built a sock army.
If Amazon banned one,I added two,I changed the names often.
During this time Top ask me to get an account from Owl.And give it to her.
I wasn't going to do that,so I made Top the Lily account.
Top started using the very account I got her to attack me.
So I gave the password to Lily to Owl,for a few days,all three of us used it.Then Owl changed the password,cutting Top out of the loop.
About then someone posted the ebook trick,and most everyone had socks.
But few had sock armies.

The HEATHERS are ridiculous. For example, Christiecrite actually told me I should ignore scowlwoman and Jaded, and when I pointed out I was mostly responding to their attacks on me, she had no problem with their insults and they insult and talk about me daily and not once has Christiecrite asked them to stop.

Just amazing. Sad really.

Poor you!
And there it is...the "secret"to Amazon account creation...I wonder where Stone (and the rest of us) got that little tidbit of info?
Blabber keyboard? She threw her best bud right under the bus...;( He shared that with all of us:)
(Quite the "story", btw, Fowl ;) I doubt even Christie bought any of that mess.....And that $50 to get an account thing? Never was an issue for any of us, at any time)
You didn't buy that...did you Christie? Do give her credit for most bizarre claim of the day, though:)

Eddie the Bear posted on the forum the e-book trick!That's when everyone started making socks.
No wonder the thing has his/her head up Toxic's ass so far he can see tonsils -- she did exactly the same thing on Amazon! She'd get banned, there would be blessed silence and actual adult discussions for a while. Then she'd gather up enough aluminum cans and cash them in to be able to make a qualifying Amazon purchase, and get a new account. Sometimes, when the can pickings were lean, she'd beg someone like Mason, Sheila, EE, etc. to buy her an acct. She'd make up a new name and lurk and pretend not to be Toxic. But just like with Buttyurt the Titmouse Yoyo, the real personality would eventually surface again. Tip for the sneaks: If you don't want to out yourself, don't go after the same ppl your prior incarnation had it in for. You know, like Buttyurt and Christiefan

Yeah,Top would dodge heavy threads,for a day or two,then she would revert to the Top we loved to hate,out herself get banned.
While she was banned between accounts,she would lurk and mass report friends and enemies
I know Mason claims to have given Top an account. But to the best of my knowledge the rest of her post are lies. Top never asked me to start an account for her and a little fact you could get free posting accounts by just getting a free e-book. That is how Bowel and Mason were able to create such a sock army. She hates me because I'm friends with Top and I rejected her advances when I first started on Amazon. As they say hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

Pure Bullshit,Owl never made advances to you!
Plus your timeline is wrong,Top asked me for the Lily account before the e-book trick was common knowledge.
After everyone found out,Top made her own accounts.And banning met nothing,as in 5 minutes anyone could be back.
True,I went years with one account,that I used for buying,one I used for posting,then during the purge Amazon banned my long time posting account.
I didn't want to use my buying account as it was the account I used only to post with my BFF.
So I turned to my new friend Owl.
She taught me how to get accounts.
So to avoid the on going purge,I built a sock army.
If Amazon banned one,I added two,I changed the names often.
During this time Top ask me to get an account from Owl.And give it to her.
I wasn't going to do that,so I made Top the Lily account.
Top started using the very account I got her to attack me.
So I gave the password to Lily to Owl,for a few days,all three of us used it.Then Owl changed the password,cutting Top out of the loop.
About then someone posted the ebook trick,and most everyone had socks.
But few had sock armies.

Hey dick head how many times have denied having socks? You outed yourself again you stupid mother fucker.
Pure Bullshit,Owl never made advances to you!
Plus your timeline is wrong,Top asked me for the Lily account before the e-book trick was common knowledge.
After everyone found out,Top made her own accounts.And banning met nothing,as in 5 minutes anyone could be back.

Sorry but Bowel is a spurned woman. To bad the truth hurts.
Hey dick head how many times have denied having socks? You outed yourself again you stupid mother fucker.

I outed myself about my Amazon sock army?lol
Obviously EE,I wasn't about to admit to a sock army during the purge,I was already getting about 3 bans a week,without Amazon knowing I had a sock army.
I think by then end,I had about 20 socks banned from the purge till the end.
So? Do you like me?

Just because I don't like you has little to do with current disagreements. Stop being asinine.

My feelings toward you as a person are neutral. My feelings about your posts is that you whine on and on and on and never know when to drop a subject.
I outed myself about my Amazon sock army?lol
Obviously EE,I wasn't about to admit to a sock army during the purge,I was already getting about 3 bans a week,without Amazon knowing I had a sock army.
I think by then end,I had about 20 socks banned from the purge till the end.

How many socks do you have here I know of at least 5.
Just to show another example of how hypocritical and ridiculous Jaded is.

Just the other day I made a thread about Netflix shows and movies. Jaded made two posts and both had nothing to with Netflix and were solely insults towards me.

So she was a prick in a thread about Netflix and that is totally cool.

As to her recipe thread, which she can't let go and can't stop obsessing over, I was responding to someone else being a prick and wouldn't you know it, she of course did not ban that person.


OMG you cannot be serious. This was your first post, and you wonder why Jade wrote what he did.

Lost in Space 2018

Great show.

Too bad cowards Jaded and creeper stalker Cypress have to ban people from such ordinary threads.

I like the update of the show.