ignore list

Poor you!

That Buttyurt post was hilarious. I have the miserable little spunk on ignore and have since he had a meltdown on Jade's recipe exchange thread. So how in the word can I be making "attacks" on his tender buttercups? lol

Just more of the Poor Pitiful Me Toxic Self-Pity Syndrome.

Yeah,Top would dodge heavy threads,for a day or two,then she would revert to the Top we loved to hate,out herself get banned.
While she was banned between accounts,she would lurk and mass report friends and enemies

I recall you sending me that email/message/whatever it was where she bragged about reporting ppl. Of course publicly she denied it, as passive-aggressive sociopaths generally do.
That Buttyurt post was hilarious. I have the miserable little spunk on ignore and have since he had a meltdown on Jade's recipe exchange thread. So how in the word can I be making "attacks" on his tender buttercups? lol

Just more of the Poor Pitiful Me Toxic Self-Pity Syndrome.


You honestly are claiming you're not attacking and insulting me with this post?

Pure Bullshit,Owl never made advances to you!
Plus your timeline is wrong,Top asked me for the Lily account before the e-book trick was common knowledge.
After everyone found out,Top made her own accounts.And banning met nothing,as in 5 minutes anyone could be back.

WTF! That's fucking hilarious. Oh how he wishes. This does explain a lot though. *Now* I see why he trails after me, starting threads in my honor, doing any and everything he can for my attention. Classic projection. It seems to be a common ailment among RWNJs.

Wish I had a copy of these advances. Did they go something like "Hey, sailor, new in town?" lol

Eddie posted it first,then a bunch of others,who all made socks,including EE and Top.
But still cried about my sock army.

You admit to having a sock army, at first denied having any socks here, then you admit you do have socks and when someone doesn't believe you about having a new sock, you're perplexed.

You admit to having a sock army, at first denied having any socks here, then you admit you do have socks and when someone doesn't believe you about having a new sock, you're perplexed.


Big difference Jr.Socks are allowed here.
They weren't at Amazon.
But Amazon attacked us with a purge banning people over nothing.
We fought back the purge with socks.