ignore list

Hello TOP,

It's kind of a tradition around here to post a screen shot of each individual you are ignoring, each time they post. To remind them that you are not reading their contributions.
(If you are ignoring quite a few, just screenshot and post the entire page. There's some kind of award for the one who ignores the most...)

Nope. I won't be doing that. Sounds a bit vindictive, too. One of the reasons I place people on Ignore is to deny them the endorphin rush of any response.

Trolls live for the endorphin rush of seeing a response to their posts. It is better to remove any feedback they might get from their atrocious and unacceptable behavior. That would include screen shots.
Hello TOP,

Nope. I won't be doing that. Sounds a bit vindictive, too. One of the reasons I place people on Ignore is to deny them the endorphin rush of any response.

Trolls live for the endorphin rush of seeing a response to their posts. It is better to remove any feedback they might get from their atrocious and unacceptable behavior. That would include screen shots.

What is your opinion of posters who claim someone is on ignore, but talk about them and behind their proverbial back, nearly or everyday?
You're welcome....Have a blessed afternoon...
You'll enjoy that that book! And benefit tremendously from it's message!

"It's message"? A "teacher" writing "it's" (a contraction) rather than the correct possessive form, "its"?


Pretty early to be waltzing with J. Daniels, isn't it?

Hello TOP,

Nope. I won't be doing that. Sounds a bit vindictive, too. One of the reasons I place people on Ignore is to deny them the endorphin rush of any response.

Trolls live for the endorphin rush of seeing a response to their posts. It is better to remove any feedback they might get from their atrocious and unacceptable behavior. That would include screen shots.
with all due respect, that's a lot of people. :)
Has Top mentioned she is a teacher on this board? If not, Owl has given out personal information and in violation of the rules.
I have, because I am a retired teacher....but she swears up and down that I am not. (although, if you ask nicely, she or Mason can share a screenshot of the page with the link to my teaching credentials=they've posted it before)
That being said... Don't harsh her mellow...let her enjoy her "moment"....
Have you ever seen anyone so excited over an contraction? We have a special name when she makes noises like that here, btw.... I'm just happy that I could make her day. :laugh:
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Top talked about being a teacher all the time, Yurt. It's not private info, you daft crybaby. If it was you'd be in trouble for talking about my kidney stones so much. Go back to school till you understand what private info is. Here I'll even school you a little.

Which is private info?
A. My favorite Star Wars character.
B. A profession, or hobby I discuss
C. Family member names.
D. On site photos.
Top talked about being a teacher all the time, Yurt. It's not private info, you daft crybaby. If it was you'd be in trouble for talking about my kidney stones so much. Go back to school till you understand what private info is. Here I'll even school you a little.

Which is private info?
A. My favorite Star Wars character.
B. A profession, or hobby I discuss
C. Family member names.
D. On site photos.

He would vote A