ignore list

Now, Stone...you know very well that Fowl and Mason have posted A Ton of personal information-about many different individuals...maybe you should suggest that they go back to school until they understand what private info is...
Did you want me to make up a multiple choice test question to see if you can recall all that they've posted...and been banned for?
Are you up for that? You can pick stuff they posted on Amazon, Stuff they posted on the cesspool, or stuff they posted here...
Now, Stone...you know very well that Fowl and Mason have posted A Ton of personal information-about many different individuals...maybe you should suggest that they go back to school until they understand what private info is...
Did you want me to make up a multiple choice test question to see if you can recall all that they've posted...and been banned for?
Are you up for that? You can pick stuff they posted on Amazon, Stuff they posted on the cesspool, or stuff they posted here...

Show us the thread,post,sentence,word of personal information posted here.
If not you got nothing.
Top talked about being a teacher all the time, Yurt. It's not private info, you daft crybaby. If it was you'd be in trouble for talking about my kidney stones so much. Go back to school till you understand what private info is. Here I'll even school you a little.

Which is private info?
A. My favorite Star Wars character.
B. A profession, or hobby I discuss
C. Family member names.
D. On site photos.

I ASKED if she did. Reread what I said.

Now, when are you going to accept my fourth attempt at peace with you? I can let this shit go like pushing the flush button, I'm not emotionally invested in this and can make peace.

Can you?(
I have, because I am a retired teacher....but she swears up and down that I am not. (although, if you ask nicely, she or Mason can share a screenshot of the page with the link to my teaching credentials=they've posted it before)
That being said... Don't harsh her mellow...let her enjoy her "moment"....
Have you ever seen anyone so excited over an contraction? We have a special name when she makes noises like that here, btw.... I'm just happy that I could make her day. :laugh:

Showing the new girl,where to put the cafeteria garbage,hardly qualifies for being a teacher.