ignore list

So you admit you didn't know the actual rules and somehow I am responsible for that and am whatever you're trying to insult me with. You must be a liberal and thus hate my pro gay marriage beliefs, so long as the government is the arbiter of that, pro pott legalization.... I could go on.....

I debate the issues (most of the time) regardless of party stance. Most would call me an independent.

Grow up. If you click on the Forum Rules link at the bottom of this very page, you will see a different set of rules. Our discussion had nothing to do with your political persuasions or my political atheism. I don't know where you live, but it is too early for you to be drunk posting.
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Hello UnkaRitche,

with all due respect, that's a lot of people. :)


But I have not found that to be an issue.

There are so many posters on this site I still find plenty of very stirring civil discourse without the trolls. More than I can keep up with in the time I wish to dedicate to this place.
Grow up. If you click on the Forum Rules link at the bottom of this very page, you will see a different set of rules. Our discussion had nothing to do with your political persuasions or my political atheism. I don't know where you live, but it is too early for you to be drunk posting.

Yaya's an independent. An independent fruitcake that is.
So you admit you didn't know the actual rules and somehow I am responsible for that and am whatever you're trying to insult me with. You must be a liberal and thus hate my pro gay marriage beliefs, so long as the government is the arbiter of that, pro pott legalization.... I could go on.....

I debate the issues (most of the time) regardless of party stance. Most would call me an independent.

Well what's stopping you? You got an anchor tied to your ass?
Good morning!
(They never met a rule they couldn't break...lol....who gets to survive? The "POSse or the rules? TBD ;)
You sent me personal info?
Did he?
(And he told you where you could direct you where to find said personal info...Fowl mentioned it as well...
I thought they had been warned about even suggesting that they had personal info and could share it...)
you cant survive without banning anyone from anything

I have never banned anyone from anything on every site I have been on

the entire internets

hell I have never even neg repped (groaning in this site) a single person.

I do it with words

and Ive been playing on the internets for nearly two decades

I notice that * always has you on his ignore list. What's he afraid of? I look at a ban list as sort of a moat to keep out derailers of the thread. I never do it on a political topic, though. My ban list is on an apolitical discussion.
Did he?
(And he told you where you could direct you where to find said personal info...Fowl mentioned it as well...
I thought they had been warned about even suggesting that they had personal info and could share it...)

Cork it butt hummer. You talk to much, you even worry your pet.