ignore list

Rule 12 is about prohibiting pornography in general and pedophilia in particular. There is no part b.

Rule 1 deals with publishing another's personal information. Again, there is no part b.
Rule 12 is about prohibiting pornography in general and pedophilia in particular. There is no part b.

Rule 1 deals with publishing another's personal information. Again, there is no part b.

12(a) - No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification.

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over
wtf is wrong with you? you play dirty pool.

Toxic has claimed for years that she's an ex-teacher, special ed even. Yet she mocks ppl with mental disabilities, the poor, LGBT ppl, black/brown ppl, etc. Interestingly, her "proof" is a plaque. Her state has no record.
12(a) - No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification.

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over

Thanks. I clicked on the "forum rules" at the bottom of the page, and it doesn't go into that detail. But we do know that rule 12.b is not about posting another's personal information.
Now, Stone...you know very well that Fowl and Mason have posted A Ton of personal information-about many different individuals...maybe you should suggest that they go back to school until they understand what private info is...
Did you want me to make up a multiple choice test question to see if you can recall all that they've posted...and been banned for?
Are you up for that? You can pick stuff they posted on Amazon, Stuff they posted on the cesspool, or stuff they posted here...

<Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs>Actually, Mason and myself have not posted "A Ton of personal information" (hic) about anyone here -- even you, despite your running to tell the mods that we did. Funny that the mods don't agree with you -- or we would have been banned long ago.

But sure, please post all this alleged stuff. We'll wait. While you dredge through The Toxic Files, we'll discuss how you stalked ppl's FB pages, used their family members' names for your sock accounts, went to their Amazon reviews and put negative votes on them because you didn't like that person, posted their employers' names publicly, mocked their professions and/or claimed they didn't have such a profession, took photos from their FB pages and along with your buttbuddy ET (English Teacher), used them as blackmail. You mocked one woman for allegedly having agoraphobia, you mocked Jade Dragon for OCD. You mocked another for being from a foreign country (Iran). Then there were the constant attacks on Lisa E. for not being able to have children. You drop lies about yourself and others as casually as Trump drops trou. I could go on, but meh. You've pretty much outed your ugly personality here without any help from anyone else. The above stuff is just the icing on the cake. </Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs>
Top is desperate, since I assume she means when Mason was banned. Meaning it was already dealt with. I forget what he was banned for though.

It was a Rule 12b thing, he said something about Toxic working with children but not in those words. It was a 2-week ban, IIRC.

It was not personal info, as she claims.
you cant survive without banning anyone from anything

I have never banned anyone from anything on every site I have been on

the entire internets

hell I have never even neg repped (groaning in this site) a single person.

I do it with words

and Ive been playing on the internets for nearly two decades

I doubt your handlers would let you put anyone on ignore.
<Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs>Actually, Mason and myself have not posted "A Ton of personal information" (hic) about anyone here -- even you, despite your running to tell the mods that we did. Funny that the mods don't agree with you -- or we would have been banned long ago.

But sure, please post all this alleged stuff. We'll wait. While you dredge through The Toxic Files, we'll discuss how you stalked ppl's FB pages, used their family members' names for your sock accounts, went to their Amazon reviews and put negative votes on them because you didn't like that person, posted their employers' names publicly, mocked their professions and/or claimed they didn't have such a profession, took photos from their FB pages and along with your buttbuddy ET (English Teacher), used them as blackmail. You mocked one woman for allegedly having agoraphobia, you mocked Jade Dragon for OCD. You mocked another for being from a foreign country (Iran). Then there were the constant attacks on Lisa E. for not being able to have children. You drop lies about yourself and others as casually as Trump drops trou. I could go on, but meh. You've pretty much outed your ugly personality here without any help from anyone else. The above stuff is just the icing on the cake. </Toxic Attention Whore Crumbs>

You talk about her everyday and you claim she is an attention whore.

What are you talking about? I merely gave you da factual information about the rules because you were ignorant of the rules.

You provided a different set of rules which doesn't appear when clicking the link at the bottom of the page. I thanked you for that.

According to that, a rule 12b violation involves accusations of pedophilia. I asked you who might have accused another contestant of pedophilia.
Thanks again for your help, but you seem to have reached your limit of knowledge of the particulars.
You provided a different set of rules which doesn't appear when clicking the link at the bottom of the page. I thanked you for that.

According to that, a rule 12b violation involves accusations of pedophilia. I asked you who might have accused another contestant of pedophilia.
Thanks again for your help, but you seem to have reached your limit of knowledge of the particulars.

I sent you a PM with the particulars.
You provided a different set of rules which doesn't appear when clicking the link at the bottom of the page. I thanked you for that.

According to that, a rule 12b violation involves accusations of pedophilia. I asked you who might have accused another contestant of pedophilia.
Thanks again for your help, but you seem to have reached your limit of knowledge of the particulars.

So you admit you didn't know the actual rules and somehow I am responsible for that and am whatever you're trying to insult me with. You must be a liberal and thus hate my pro gay marriage beliefs, so long as the government is the arbiter of that, pro pott legalization.... I could go on.....

I debate the issues (most of the time) regardless of party stance. Most would call me an independent.
So you admit you didn't know the actual rules and somehow I am adult. You must be a liberal and thus hate my pro gay marriage beliefs, so long as the government is the arbiter of that, pro pott legalization.... I could go on.....

I debate the issues (most of the time) regardless of party stance. Most would call me an independent.

I'd call you naive,who hasn't seen a photo of Toxic twat.You're in for a surprise.