I'm back home!


Staff member
For those of y'all who didn't know... There was a blizzard in my area of Colorado in which I was stuck in my truck... Whiteout conditions stopped my ability to move, then snow drifting closed around stopping freezing my truck into an inescapable trap. For 13.5 hours I sat in my truck, checking my tailpipes to make sure the snow wouldn't cause Carbon Monoxide to build up in the cabin and kill me... the National Guard finally got to me and got me out. And today, after about 10 minutes of digging with a shovel and one backhoe with a chain my truck was pulled free and I was able to drive home on the newly opened roads.

It was an adventure.

Here was the view from my truck:

For those of y'all who didn't know... There was a blizzard in my area of Colorado in which I was stuck in my truck... Whiteout conditions stopped my ability to move, then snow drifting closed around stopping freezing my truck into an inescapable trap. For 13.5 hours I sat in my truck, checking my tailpipes to make sure the snow wouldn't cause Carbon Monoxide to build up in the cabin and kill me... the National Guard finally got to me and got me out. And today, after about 10 minutes of digging with a shovel and one backhoe with a chain my truck was pulled free and I was able to drive home on the newly opened roads.

It was an adventure.

Here was the view from my truck:

Glad you were recused and now back home! Cyclone bomb craziness. My friend said it was drizzle then instantaneous whiteout! She’d never seen anything like it.
Holy shit. Now that is what I call an adventure...although I woulda shit my pants.

Glad you are okay.
The road I was on is normally a total blackout for cell service except certain points, one of which I was centered on when I had to stop... So I had internet, I was able to call for help, but nobody could get out there. I sat in there listening to True Crime podcasts and waited... waited... waited...
The road I was on is normally a total blackout for cell service except certain points, one of which I was centered on when I had to stop... So I had internet, I was able to call for help, but nobody could get out there. I sat in there listening to True Crime podcasts and waited... waited... waited...
Do you carry emergency provisions? I had them in my car when I lived in Alaska!
For those of y'all who didn't know... There was a blizzard in my area of Colorado in which I was stuck in my truck... Whiteout conditions stopped my ability to move, then snow drifting closed around stopping freezing my truck into an inescapable trap. For 13.5 hours I sat in my truck, checking my tailpipes to make sure the snow wouldn't cause Carbon Monoxide to build up in the cabin and kill me... the National Guard finally got to me and got me out. And today, after about 10 minutes of digging with a shovel and one backhoe with a chain my truck was pulled free and I was able to drive home on the newly opened roads.

It was an adventure.

Here was the view from my truck:


Holy crap! Glad you're okay. How were you able to check your tailpipes? How were you found?
The road I was on is normally a total blackout for cell service except certain points, one of which I was centered on when I had to stop... So I had internet, I was able to call for help, but nobody could get out there. I sat in there listening to True Crime podcasts and waited... waited... waited...

Ah, I see.

True crime podcasts, right up my alley.
Do you carry emergency provisions? I had them in my car when I lived in Alaska!

I keep a blanket and some snacks, but not too much. I knew somebody would get to me and I had a full tank of gas. Even after 13.5 hours of idling I only used about 1/8th of the tank. I could have stayed for quite some time without being in any danger. I did have to step out and pee once.
Holy crap! Glad you're okay. How were you able to check your tailpipes? How were you found?

I was actually able to check them by using my backup camera. The wind created a pocket back there and there was no danger at all of buildup, which was nice. There were some people that had it much worse. One guy didn't do that and was very nearly dead when they got to him. The National Guard came out in snowcats and got us. There was about 57 or so cars stuck on the road in front of me, which was one of the reasons I had to stop. Though most of the night I couldn't see anything and may as well have been alone...
The road I was on is normally a total blackout for cell service except certain points, one of which I was centered on when I had to stop... So I had internet, I was able to call for help, but nobody could get out there. I sat in there listening to True Crime podcasts and waited... waited... waited...

Gods. How did you stay warm? Do you carry an emergency kit with water, food, blanket, etc.? How many other ppl were stuck there? Glad you're okay. Damn, that's a story for the g-kids.
For those of y'all who didn't know... There was a blizzard in my area of Colorado in which I was stuck in my truck... Whiteout conditions stopped my ability to move, then snow drifting closed around stopping freezing my truck into an inescapable trap. For 13.5 hours I sat in my truck, checking my tailpipes to make sure the snow wouldn't cause Carbon Monoxide to build up in the cabin and kill me... the National Guard finally got to me and got me out. And today, after about 10 minutes of digging with a shovel and one backhoe with a chain my truck was pulled free and I was able to drive home on the newly opened roads.

It was an adventure.

Here was the view from my truck:


Experiences like that keep life interesting and only make you stronger. Glad you are ok.
For those of y'all who didn't know... There was a blizzard in my area of Colorado in which I was stuck in my truck... Whiteout conditions stopped my ability to move, then snow drifting closed around stopping freezing my truck into an inescapable trap. For 13.5 hours I sat in my truck, checking my tailpipes to make sure the snow wouldn't cause Carbon Monoxide to build up in the cabin and kill me... the National Guard finally got to me and got me out. And today, after about 10 minutes of digging with a shovel and one backhoe with a chain my truck was pulled free and I was able to drive home on the newly opened roads.

It was an adventure.

Here was the view from my truck:


Holy cow! I am glad to see that you are okay.