"I'm blacker than Barack Obama."

Midcan (a white woman) just wishes that Blago had known his place and kept to his spacious 5 rooms, instead of getting all big-headed and trying to sell Senate seats at the embarrassment of the DNC...

OMG, it is bad enough Damocles can read my thoughts and motivations, an odd quality for a presumed Buddhist, and Southern Man, a person with definite Freudian hangups over racism, calls me a racist, but now I am a woman! My wife of nearly 39 years will be a bit surprised. You guys fit the pattern so well it is unbelievable - no thought, none.

No wonder you can't answer the TE below, you have no thoughts.

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=23529"]Which is which? - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

This book is interesting and points back in an interesting way to this TE.

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=21380"]A Conservative Wakes Up - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Being-Certain-Believing-Right-Youre/dp/031254152X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8"]Amazon.com: On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not (9780312541521): Robert Burton: Books[/ame]

PS I've had the same profile since Politics dot com '03 and yet no one reads it?
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OMG, it is bad enough Damocles can read my thoughts and motivations, an odd quality for a presumed Buddhist, and Southern Man, a person with definite Freudian hangups over racism, calls me a racist, but now I am a woman! My wife of nearly 39 years will be a bit surprised. You guys fit the pattern so well it is unbelievable - no thought, none.

No wonder you can't answer the TE below, you have no thoughts.

Which is which? - Just Plain Politics!

This book is interesting and points back in an interesting way to this TE.

A Conservative Wakes Up - Just Plain Politics!

Amazon.com: On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not (9780312541521): Robert Burton: Books

PS I've had the same profile since Politics dot com '03 and yet no one reads it?
I can read them because you put them on the board for us to read.
Yeah, she admitted that once on FP. I guess most people took her for a guy because most of the women we've ever chatted with have used a feminine name and discussed life on female terms in the Off Topic... Midcan just spouts leftist nonsense, like the one in my sig (for those of you who thought they were gone because Keeley stands out more)...
Midcan's profile biography (the bold is mine):

Old fashioned liberal, mostly democratic, veteran, husband, father, and still way too happy. And now
LOL. You're on here all, "He couldn't possibly be poor five rooms is huge..."

Just a few days ago you'd have been telling me how he needed help to get out of that poverty and how it was the D Party who helped him... now. "He was rich because they had a kitchen!"

I remember that Monty Python sketch where the Irish dudes tried to one up each other. You're like the last guy, "You're lucky! We lived in a pond, me and my sixteen brothers and sisters sharing some algae huddled together for warmth.... I remember waking up in the morning and having to sweep the pond before cooking breakfast for all my siblings then swimming to school..."

Luxury! We lived in a box in the middle of the motorway...
A racist!!! The replies truly boggle my mind. You can tell a racist from these comments? You guys are beyond naive. Our first apartment had three rooms, our first house which we lived in for over thirty years only had five rooms, until I finished the basement and made a extra bedroom. Five includes all, everything, and we sure as hell didn't seem poor or maybe we didn't know it. You guys care to tell me! Or do I need to list them for you psychics. I come from a family of 14 so I know poor too, and I know three double beds in one room with six or seven boys sleeping and fighting till dad threatened us or....

I bet you even have a black friend...
Another democrat that got misquoted.....

CHICAGO - Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Monday that it was stupid for him to tell Esquire magazine that he's "blacker than Barack Obama" and that he doesn't believe it anyway.

In an interview on WLS Radio in Chicago, Blagojevich explained he was speaking metaphorically to the reporter whose story appears in the February issue of the magazine. He said his comments were made out of frustration with the way blacks and others who are struggling are treated by government.


"I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment."

View attachment 338

Yes, Blago, "metaphorically" the measure of your "blackness" is always in how poor you were.

I'm just glad it's the D's that are putting their feet in their mouths...
Yes, Blago, "metaphorically" the measure of your "blackness" is always in how poor you were.

I'm just glad it's the D's that are putting their feet in their mouths...

anyone else see the irony and humor of Damocles cheering on a republican poster, and their posts about democratic racism, when said poster has this as his avatar?

anyone else see the irony and humor of Damocles cheering on a republican poster, and their posts about democratic racism, when said poster has this as his avatar?
Yes, we all see that, but I'm not "cheering on" the poster, but I am laughing at the irony of the current circumstances. Irony abounds at this moment, and I am glad that it isn't the Rs who are putting their feet in their mouths.

Nice attempt at distraction, but we'll keep this on point. Blago now says that he didn't really mean that he is "blacker" than Obama when he said that because he was poor and had to shine shoes he was "blacker than Obama"...
Well, Midcan, you shouldn't go around telling stories. You specifically stated that you are a woman back on FP. Now STFU.

LOL I once wrote I wanted to be reincarnated as a woman as their organisms are so much more intense but that's about it. Can one tell the sex of a poster from their comments? An interesting experiment. Your busty girl takes up too much space, even though I momentarily fall in love.

"To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time." James A. Baldwin

Any James Baldwin readers out there. I wonder what he would think of balgo's idiocy.

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
I do recall the comment about reincarnation, although I never knew you wrote. One time I do recall someone making a comment about your status and opinion as a male, and you fired back by stating that you were a middle-aged, white woman... Don't blame me if I took you at your word. In fact, I thought it was kind of neat, because just about every woman I've ever chatted with on these sites are up front about being women, but it really doesn't need to be apparent to anyone if they don't do that.