I'm complimenting The Obama on this one.


Loyal to the end
Many of the pundits are complaining that America isn't taking the lead on Libya. 'America is a military leader and shouldn't take a back seat to anybody.'

Meh. Its about time the Brits and the French took the heat for managing the unsupervised school-yard that is the middle east. Let them spill blood and treasure.
Unfortunately, the US is on this party whether the people or Congress like it or not.
Not much of a party if we play our cards right. Control the battle with AWACS, lob some cruise missiles, let a few hundred Frenchmen and a few thousand Muslims die.
stick to the current unique situation.????...Get real

In about 10 posts, the pinheads will be talking about Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Saddam, Bush, Reagan and maybe even Nixon if they can spin it his way.....:palm:
Many of the pundits are complaining that America isn't taking the lead on Libya. 'America is a military leader and shouldn't take a back seat to anybody.'

Meh. Its about time the Brits and the French took the heat for managing the unsupervised school-yard that is the middle east. Let them spill blood and treasure.

That's very white of you.
Many of the pundits are complaining that America isn't taking the lead on Libya. 'America is a military leader and shouldn't take a back seat to anybody.'

Meh. Its about time the Brits and the French took the heat for managing the unsupervised school-yard that is the middle east. Let them spill blood and treasure.

(Excerpt) Throughout the day Sunday, Libyan TV showed a stream of what it said were popular demonstrations in support of Gadhafi in Tripoli and other towns and cities. It showed cars with horns blaring, women ululating, young men waving green flags and holding up pictures of the Libyan leader. Women and children chanted, "God, Moammar and Libya, that's it!"

"Our blood is green, not red," one unidentified woman told the broadcaster, referring to the signature color of Gadhafi's regime. "He is our father, we will be with him to the last drop of blood. Our blood is green with our love for him." (End)

The international community is supporting terrorists/traitors in a foreign country.

On the other hand the comment "Our blood is green, not red," may be a veiled reference denoting a link to the alien, reptilian "gods" of old.

(Excerpt) It is very well known that the Sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization to have ever been recorded on Earth which blossomed out almost overnight around 3800 B.C. in Mesopotamia, the land between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.....

The Sumerian people called them Anunnaki which translates into "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came." For those who haven't connected the dots quite yet, this is the first evidence we have from Sumerian records of beings coming from outer space....."As if to convince us that they knew what they were talking about, the ancient Sumerians have left for us countless depictions of aircraft, rockets, and other vehicles for flying both through the atmosphere and through space.....

In conclusion, it is evident that the Sumerian people described something that to them seemed supernatural; however, today it is clear that this may have been the first recorded data of the Reptilians. The Anunnki were known to play "god" roles and control civilizations through worship or "work for." For example, it is known that Egyptians not only worshiped their "gods" but worked for them.

Taking the description of these "beings," one can only deduce that they are the very reptilian aliens we know and hear about today. This is why Anunnaki are believed to be the Reptilians of modern day alien enthusiast. They have wanted massive world wide control in the past and today they seem to be plotting and planning their agenda to once again control our human civilization. (End)

Maybe the situation in Libya is much more complex than it appears on the surface. It looks like a sizable portion of the population, not just his army goons, are supporting Gadhafi.

It just seems strange to me so many countries, along with the UN, were so quick to jump on the war wagon.
That's very white of you.

Rumour has it that that was coined during a conversation between whisky Liz and Phil the Greek over afternoon tea in Buck House many years ago. Of course I could be wrong!
And so very predictable of you. If I didn't know any better, I would say you sure waste a lot of time getting hurt and offended by people "you hardly know".

Exercise your options. Choose ignore and then you can only communicate with those that stroke you.

I am choosing it now, ya big ol baby!

That's very white of you.

With all the known countries with genocide/refuge camps does it make sense to jump into Libya under the pretext of humanitarian aid? Is the average Libyan worse off than the average Somalian?

Children dying from illness/starvation in numerous African countries and Libya is more qualified for humanitarian aid?

I saw a news report the other day. Five (5) civilians killed by Gadaffi's troops. OMG! A whole FIVE people makes the news when dozens of children are dying every day in other countries.

The humanitarian aid excuse is crap! So, the question is, "Why are we there?"

Any ideas, DY?