I'm Interested in Talking with Liberal and/or Democrat Parents for a TV Doc-Series


New member
Hello Everyone!

I work for a well-known production company based in Southern California who is currently in development on a TV docu-series project about politically active families - and more specifically - parents with liberal political beliefs raising pre-teens, teens, and/or young adults with conservative views. This series will air on a major cable network, and will be intelligently presented, unbiased, and heartfelt in tone. If you, or someone you know has this family dynamic, I'd love to hear from you.

I'd be happy to discuss the project in greater detail with anyone who might be interested in learning more or potentially participating. Please feel free to PM me on this site for more info about the series, the company I work for, and my personal email address.

Thank you!
LOL When I saw that you had responded in this thread the first thing that popped into my minds was "I bet he said all our liberals have eaten their children.".
Hello Everyone!

I work for a well-known production company based in Southern California who is currently in development on a TV docu-series project about politically active families - and more specifically - parents with liberal political beliefs raising pre-teens, teens, and/or young adults with conservative views. This series will air on a major cable network, and will be intelligently presented, unbiased, and heartfelt in tone. If you, or someone you know has this family dynamic, I'd love to hear from you.

I'd be happy to discuss the project in greater detail with anyone who might be interested in learning more or potentially participating. Please feel free to PM me on this site for more info about the series, the company I work for, and my personal email address.

Thank you!

nonexistant humans types
I wasn't joking and neither was TDK when he said "we must go back to being 90% white".
Poor naive racist Borbo

I love the way that you appointed yourself as the JPP thought police, do you do that on other forums as well? I recommend that you go to your nearest safe space as quickly as possible.

Safe space, according to the organization Advocates for Youth, is “A place where anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or challenged on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, age, or physical or mental ability; a place where the rules guard each person’s self-respect, dignity and feelings and strongly encourage everyone to respect others.” Some such places even contain pillows, soothing music, milk and cookies, and videos of puppies.

In addition to infantilizing adults, this practice often means protecting students from opinions that they don’t happen to agree with, or shielding them from ideas that challenge their beliefs, which has always been one of the most valuable benefits of a college education. In any case, college campuses, along with the cities and states they’re in, are already designed to be safe from violence and discrimination based on the rule of law enforced by the police and courts. In point of fact, most of these colleges nestled in American cities are among the safest places on earth. If you want to build a safe space for people who really need it, go to Syria or Somalia. And if this opinion triggers you or makes you feel unsafe then you haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in the world.

Microaggressions are comments or questions that slight, snub, or insult someone, intentionally or unintentionally, in anything from casual conversation to formal discourse. According to the University of California publication Tool: Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send, examples include:

  • Asking, “Where are you from or where were you born?” or “What are you?” This implies someone is not a true American.
  • Inquiring, “How did you become so good in math?” (to people of color) or suggesting “You must be good in math” (to an Asian), which is stereotyping.
  • Proclaiming, “There is only one race, the human race” or “I don’t believe in race.” This denies the significance of a person of color’s racial/ethnic experience and history.
  • Opining, “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” or “America is the land of opportunity.” This suggests that the playing field is level, so if women or people of color do not fill all jobs and careers in precise proportion to their population percentages, it must mean that the problem is with them, or that they are lazy or incompetent and just need to work harder.

Yes, language matters, and some comments that people make are cringe worthy (e.g., saying “you people” to a group of African Americans, or “you’re a girl, you don’t have to be good at math”). But do we really need a list of DOs and DON’Ts handed out to students and reviewed like they were five-year olds being taught how to play nice with the other kids in the sandbox? Can’t adults work out these issues themselves without administrators stepping in as surrogate parents? And who determines what constitutes “hate,” “racist” or “sexist” speech? Who it happens to bother or offend? Students? Faculty? Administration? And as with the problem of trigger words, the list of microaggressions grows, turning normal conversation into a cauldron of potential violations that further restricts speech, encourages divisiveness rather than inclusiveness, and forces people to censor themselves, dissemble, withhold opinion, or outright lie about what they believe.

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I love the way that you appointed yourself as the JPP thought police, do you do that on other forums as well? I recommend that you go to your nearest safe space as quickly as possible.

http://www.skeptic.com/reading_room...white supremacists will not be taken lightly.
Your amoral racist comraderies will not go unnoticed here Borbo. Lie down with swine and their stink will follow you wherever you go. Sympathies with white supremacists will not be taken lightly.

Maybe we should use the Voight-Kampff test on you like they did to the replicant named Leon in Bladerunner? As I said to the other troll Moonbat, if you don't like it then fuck off, I do not need validation from a prick like you. Actually Leon the Replicant fits you like a glove, it is so you!!
