I'm Interested in Talking with Liberal and/or Democrat Parents for a TV Doc-Series

Your amoral racist comraderies will not go unnoticed here Borbo. Lie down with swine and their stink will follow you wherever you go. Sympathies with white supremacists will not be taken lightly.

Hello Everyone!

I work for a well-known production company based in Southern California who is currently in development on a TV docu-series project about politically active families - and more specifically - parents with liberal political beliefs raising pre-teens, teens, and/or young adults with conservative views. This series will air on a major cable network, and will be intelligently presented, unbiased, and heartfelt in tone. If you, or someone you know has this family dynamic, I'd love to hear from you.

I'd be happy to discuss the project in greater detail with anyone who might be interested in learning more or potentially participating. Please feel free to PM me on this site for more info about the series, the company I work for, and my personal email address.

Thank you!

Sorry, as a liberal parent, a reality TV show is one of the LAST things I would expose them to.
Maybe we should use the Voight-Kampff test on you like they did to the replicant named Leon in Bladerunner? As I said to the other troll Moonbat, if you don't like it then fuck off, I do not need validation from a prick like you. Actually Leon the Replicant fits you like a glove, it is so you!!


who wants to validate a fucking racist?

no one but racists huh

gulp the tar dino

quit fighting that tar

just gulp it down and your pain will end sooner
I was approached about a Reality Television show regarding my law practice. I did not take time to determine if it was a scam or not, but no way would I want something like that in my life even if it were legit.

I know someone who was approached by a scam, he was promised a reality television show if he would pay for the pilot and then an ad agency to promote it. More than $100,000 later all he has is a CD with a silly pilot episode on it.