I'm John McCain and I approve this Message.


Verified User
I have finally come up with a way that the McCain campaign can unite the entire republican party behind him.

Ad opens with ominous music and several stills of war scenes from the Civil War to the War on Terra. In Between the stills words flash on the screen.



Charleton Heston-esque voice begins:

"Since Saul of Taursus became Saint Paul, we Christians have patiently waited for a day that has yet to come."


"Now with John McCain getting closer and closer to the Whitehouse, we have our chance of getting that much closer to Aramageddon."

"John McCain promises there will be more wars and he will do everything he can to follow through with that promise."

McCain on Screen:

"As your President, I will do everything I can to bring about a convergence of occurences sure to bring Jesus back to earth. One of my first actions as your commander in chief will be to form the Office of the Seven Seals."

Pat Robertson:

"When the campaign started I endorced America's Mayor, but now, like Saul, I have seen the light. John McCain is our last best chance of bringing about Armageddon in my life time. I mean honestly, I thought that this Bush was a sure thing but that guy can screw up a wet dream and a free lunch."

Heston-esque voice:

"Come 'Super Tuesday' voters in states across this fruited plain of ours will have their chance to have their voice heard. Be sure that when you step into that tinkered with Diebold voting machine, you vote for God. Make sure you vote for Armageddon."

McCain's voice:

"I'm John McCain and I endorce this message and the end of the world."
Now that is just about the level of rightwing retort I expected. I was trying to help close the gap between social conservatives and McCain. If you can somehow paint this as a theological win you can get lots of the republican base to jump on the McCain bandwagon.
Now that is just about the level of rightwing retort I expected. I was trying to help close the gap between social conservatives and McCain. If you can somehow paint this as a theological win you can get lots of the republican base to jump on the McCain bandwagon.

Let me guess...

At some point this weekend the leftwing nuts sent out mass emails stating that they needed their lemmings to start "John McCain is a warmonger" type campaigns because they knew he was the one Rep that could beat the Dem frontrunners. So the theme of the day is.... "McCain will take us to war again and again and again".

Out of all the candidates, no one understands the horrors of war better than McCain. It isn't even close. He is not going to toss away the lives of our troops just to prove that he is tough. He will go if he sees that there is a need, but he is not going to go looking for war as many seem to want to pretend he will.

This type of leftwing talking point is beneath you. Which is why you received my previous response.
Let me guess...

At some point this weekend the leftwing nuts sent out mass emails stating that they needed their lemmings to start "John McCain is a warmonger" type campaigns because they knew he was the one Rep that could beat the Dem frontrunners. So the theme of the day is.... "McCain will take us to war again and again and again".

Out of all the candidates, no one understands the horrors of war better than McCain. It isn't even close. He is not going to toss away the lives of our troops just to prove that he is tough. He will go if he sees that there is a need, but he is not going to go looking for war as many seem to want to pretend he will.

This type of leftwing talking point is beneath you. Which is why you received my previous response.
And you sir need a sense of humor. I thought it was funny and from the response I am still the ONLY one that does. It was more a poke at the social Christo-conservatives in the republican party than at McCain. If the Evangelical Base is going to vote for McCain, he needs a hook and I thought that this might be it.
And you sir need a sense of humor. I thought it was funny and from the response I am still the ONLY one that does. It was more a poke at the social Christo-conservatives in the republican party than at McCain. If the Evangelical Base is going to vote for McCain, he needs a hook and I thought that this might be it.

Ahhhh, there is the rub.... comedy requires TIMING.... this might have been funny a few weeks ago before all the other "McCain is a war monger" type threads.

Also, try not to act too innocent.... as I seem to recall seeing a couple of posts from you that contained the "McCain says 1000 more years" line of crap that is so popular among the lemmings on the left.

Lastly, you cannot really blame me for assuming you were serious... who knew lawyers had a sense of humor?
Ahhhh, there is the rub.... comedy requires TIMING.... this might have been funny a few weeks ago before all the other "McCain is a war monger" type threads.

Also, try not to act too innocent.... as I seem to recall seeing a couple of posts from you that contained the "McCain says 1000 more years" line of crap that is so popular among the lemmings on the left.

Lastly, you cannot really blame me for assuming you were serious... who knew lawyers had a sense of humor?
ROFLMAO you can fuck right off about my sense of humor. and You are right I did jump on McCains 1000 more years of war.
Let me guess...

At some point this weekend the leftwing nuts sent out mass emails stating that they needed their lemmings to start "John McCain is a warmonger" type campaigns because they knew he was the one Rep that could beat the Dem frontrunners. So the theme of the day is.... "McCain will take us to war again and again and again".

Out of all the candidates, no one understands the horrors of war better than McCain. It isn't even close. He is not going to toss away the lives of our troops just to prove that he is tough. He will go if he sees that there is a need, but he is not going to go looking for war as many seem to want to pretend he will.

This type of leftwing talking point is beneath you. Which is why you received my previous response.

Since it is McCain who has said US troops can be in Iraq for one hundred years, and it is McCain who sang “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” and it is McCain who now said that there will be more wars, your complaints that he is being spun by the “left wing” sound slightly hysterical.
Since it is McCain who has said US troops can be in Iraq for one hundred years, and it is McCain who sang “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” and it is McCain who now said that there will be more wars, your complaints that he is being spun by the “left wing” sound slightly hysterical.

Thank you for providing such a nice example of the idiocy that is coming from the left.....

1) McCain said IF there were no more attacks on the troops and they weren't dying in Iraq, then Americans wouldn't care whether or not there was a troop presence in Iraq for the next 100 years. That IF is huge in putting his comments into their proper context. But the left lemmings continue to pretend otherwise.

2) Yes, the left wing lemmings have also spun his bomb Iran song into much more than it was as well.

3) But please, continue providing the humorous out of context rantings. They mean little.
Thank you for providing such a nice example of the idiocy that is coming from the left.....

1) McCain said IF there were no more attacks on the troops and they weren't dying in Iraq, then Americans wouldn't care whether or not there was a troop presence in Iraq for the next 100 years. That IF is huge in putting his comments into their proper context. But the left lemmings continue to pretend otherwise.

2) Yes, the left wing lemmings have also spun his bomb Iran song into much more than it was as well.

3) But please, continue providing the humorous out of context rantings. They mean little.

Oh he’s been taken out of context each and every time? Wow, I feel so bad now that you’ve explained it to me. I’m going to vote for him, and then you and I can be shocked together when he starts another war ok? We can be BFF’s.
Thank you for providing such a nice example of the idiocy that is coming from the left.....

1) McCain said IF there were no more attacks on the troops and they weren't dying in Iraq, then Americans wouldn't care whether or not there was a troop presence in Iraq for the next 100 years. That IF is huge in putting his comments into their proper context. But the left lemmings continue to pretend otherwise.

2) Yes, the left wing lemmings have also spun his bomb Iran song into much more than it was as well.

3) But please, continue providing the humorous out of context rantings. They mean little.
I'm John McCain and I approve THIS message.
You know if I had time I would love to see how many of you Latter Day McCain smoochers were applauding McCain's demise early in the election cycle when he was all out of money and looking like a real Maverick. A big oversized pinto with a weak ass straight 6 motor.
I call this The Real John McCain. The Maverick is back!

Thank you for providing such a nice example of the idiocy that is coming from the left.....

1) McCain said IF there were no more attacks on the troops and they weren't dying in Iraq, then Americans wouldn't care whether or not there was a troop presence in Iraq for the next 100 years. That IF is huge in putting his comments into their proper context. But the left lemmings continue to pretend otherwise.

2) Yes, the left wing lemmings have also spun his bomb Iran song into much more than it was as well.

3) But please, continue providing the humorous out of context rantings. They mean little.

He just sang a 'Rusty Humphries' song...from his spoof collection(CD) on the ME War...Started with a song about 'Obama'... The whole collection is a crack-up...and John just played on it!