I'm Seeing Spots Before My Eyes

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Damo, the dot by my screen name has changed from green to red. What gives?

Also, my little brother is now in Air Force Basic Training, as of Tuesday evening. He's going active duty. Prayers welcome from all who do them, for the next 8 weeks. :cof1:
Damo, the dot by my screen name has changed from green to red. What gives?

Also, my little brother is now in Air Force Basic Training, as of Tuesday evening. He's going active duty. Prayers welcome from all who do them, for the next 8 weeks. :cof1:

My best wishes for him.
My oldest Grandson goes in to Army Basic, in a couple of months.
His mom is a little unsure about this; but like I told her, this is something that he's been wanting to do.

He wants to get into MP duty.

Thanks to you, also.

If he's serious MP material, then he should handle Basic pretty well. I'm a bit worried about my brother, because he's way less mature for his age, and he is 19 whereas I was not yet 18 1/2. Plus, AF Basic is harder then when I went through!!
If he's serious MP material, then he should handle Basic pretty well. I'm a bit worried about my brother, because he's way less mature for his age, and he is 19 whereas I was not yet 18 1/2. Plus, AF Basic is harder then when I went through!!

He wants to get the training and experiance; because he wants to get into SWAT, when he eventually leaves the service.
He stands at 6' 1" or 6' 2" and has a shoulder width like me.
He's a big boy.

I tried to talk him into going into the AF; but he had his mind set of the Army.
He wants to get the training and experiance; because he wants to get into SWAT, when he eventually leaves the service.
He stands at 6' 1" or 6' 2" and has a shoulder width like me.
He's a big boy.

I tried to talk him into going into the AF; but he had his mind set of the Army.

That's awesome, SWAT is a pretty serious path to pursue. I am 6' .5'', and my bro is 6 even. The plus that I see him having over me, is that even though he is behind me emotionally, he is much smarter (still no idea why he is scared to begin college asap) and a bit tougher than me. He will go to electronics school, which I could never have hoped to go anywhere near.
That's awesome, SWAT is a pretty serious path to pursue. I am 6' .5'', and my bro is 6 even. The plus that I see him having over me, is that even though he is behind me emotionally, he is much smarter (still no idea why he is scared to begin college asap) and a bit tougher than me. He will go to electronics school, which I could never have hoped to go anywhere near.

He's been trying to get everything done, for over a year.
The first recruiter missed two appointments and just stopped talking to him.

Now that he's signed, I"m going to sit down and talk to him.
I want him to understand that basic is forever and that they're going to try and find what buttons they can push.

I fugure that if he can put up with me, then he'll do OK. LOL

Is your brother planning on being a Carreer guy, or does he have other plans??
He's been trying to get everything done, for over a year.
The first recruiter missed two appointments and just stopped talking to him.

Now that he's signed, I"m going to sit down and talk to him.
I want him to understand that basic is forever and that they're going to try and find what buttons they can push.

I fugure that if he can put up with me, then he'll do OK. LOL

Is your brother planning on being a Carreer guy, or does he have other plans??

I'm actually not sure. I've always planned to go 20 years, and I am looking to switch over to the Active Guard in the near future. He did sign for 6 years instead of 4, which is what I did.

My recruiter was a bit inept, and halfway through my senior year, I met with him, did my physical, took the ASVAB, and got my security clearence. Then his office lost my file, and they temporarily lost my security clearence in cyberspace. When I came back after graduation, he was like, "oh, damn, I remember you. Someone seems to have lost your file." He also never spelled or pronounced my name correctly, and he got all sorts of other personal info wrong on my forms...
I'm actually not sure. I've always planned to go 20 years, and I am looking to switch over to the Active Guard in the near future. He did sign for 6 years instead of 4, which is what I did.

My recruiter was a bit inept, and halfway through my senior year, I met with him, did my physical, took the ASVAB, and got my security clearence. Then his office lost my file, and they temporarily lost my security clearence in cyberspace. When I came back after graduation, he was like, "oh, damn, I remember you. Someone seems to have lost your file." He also never spelled or pronounced my name correctly, and he got all sorts of other personal info wrong on my forms...

I started to go in to the AF back in 78.
Took all the tests and blew them out of the water.
The recruiter said they were looking for Jet Mechanics and MP's.
I've always been good with my hands; but the MP's interested me.
Told him that I would sign for a 6 year stint; but I wanted one concession and that was I wanted to be stationed in AZ, for my first 2 years, after basic and/or any speciality training.
He asked why and I told him that I knew that I was responsible for moving my family, in the first 2 years (at that time); but after that the AF would do it.
I also told him that I was older then most of the other recruits and that I wasn't one that was going to be going on leave and getting arrested for drinking and/or whoring.

He told me that he couldn't do that and then I guess he got upset; because I told him that I had already talked to my Uncle, who had been a lifer, and yes he could.

I would have probably stayed in for life.

He got an attitude and I told him; Fine, take the guy who got second best place on the tests.
Congrats and thanks to both young men entering the service.

Basic sucks and they will do all they can to push their buttons.

The best advice I got still holds true. They own the bat, the ball, the field, and they pay the umpires. You can do it their way and come out even or you can fightthe system and lose. If you go into it wanting to get into it, you will do fine.

Untold numbers have survived basic and come out ready to serve. So will these two fine young men.
Congrats and thanks to both young men entering the service.

Basic sucks and they will do all they can to push their buttons.

The best advice I got still holds true. They own the bat, the ball, the field, and they pay the umpires. You can do it their way and come out even or you can fightthe system and lose. If you go into it wanting to get into it, you will do fine.

Untold numbers have survived basic and come out ready to serve. So will these two fine young men.

Thanks and I'll pass on that advice, when I talk to my Grandson.
Damo, the dot by my screen name has changed from green to red. What gives?

Also, my little brother is now in Air Force Basic Training, as of Tuesday evening. He's going active duty. Prayers welcome from all who do them, for the next 8 weeks. :cof1:
You would be browsing "invisibly" if your dot is red.
If he's serious MP material, then he should handle Basic pretty well. I'm a bit worried about my brother, because he's way less mature for his age, and he is 19 whereas I was not yet 18 1/2. Plus, AF Basic is harder then when I went through!!
How is it harder, do they now make you walk the 2.5 miles before lunch? I was in AIT at Fort Gordon, and the Air Force had permanent duty station people there. There PT test was a joke.