Images that should effect your vote!


Well...the right is right
reason number one

reason number two...


Indoctrinated from birth by fundamentalist schools...


Breed to hate with the bombardment of state run media...


What they will bring to the ME and America



"After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers"
George W. Bush


"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain"
Abraham Lincoln, second inaugural address...

We cannot afford to surrender to terrorists, least the ideology and movement that perpetuated the murder of innocent Americans will grow stronger with victory, and they will attack us again at home. 9/11 wasn't the first time we where hit, not to take away from the over 3,000 innocent American's murdered in cold blood, but there will surly be more to follow, if we retreat and hand the terrorists a victory. This war, our provocation, boils down to our coming to the aid and preventing war in Islam's holiest sites perpetrated by Saddam Hussein in 1991, and votes in Congress in 2003, on a wave of public support, and the legal authority of the 1991 cease fire agreement Saddam was in violation of, both democrats and Republicans voted to send our soldiers to war, some on principle some one the polls, and Soldiers have died for it. We owe them to honor their sacrifice with the victory they've gave so much for. Those who voted with the polls now want to forget the soldiers sacrifice, tuck tail and run, that is dishonorable behavior from our leaders, and it would be a dishonorable vote to cast.

"This point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart."

Franklin D. Roosevelt
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reason number one

reason number two...


What they will bring to the ME and America





We cannot afford to surrender to terrorists, least the ideology and movement that perpetuated the murder of innocent Americans will grow stronger with victory, and they will attack us again at home. 9/11 wasn't the first time we where hit, not to take away from the over 3,000 innocent American's murdered in cold blood, but there will surly be more to follow, if we retreat and hand the terrorists a victory. This war, our provocation, boils down to our coming to the aid and preventing war in Islam's holiest sites perpetrated by Saddam Hussain, and votes in Congress, on a wave of public support, both democrat and Republican, and Soldiers have died for it. We owe them to honor their sacrifice with the victory they've sacrificed so much for.

You are right little willie. These pics do profoundly impact me on how I will vote.

That god damned arrogant incompentant ideological moron has had almost 7 years to find and kill Bin Ladin and has triped over his own useless dick every step of the way. The moron created a power vacuum in the persian gulf that had created vastly more Islamic extremism then before 911 and has vastly increased the threat and risk to terrorism around the world. George W Bush, factually, has been the greatest recruiter of Islamic terroist in world history. He has taken us from being the most respected nation in the world to being feared and reviled.

Yup, thanks for reminding me of why we should vote Democrat.
You are right little willie. These pics do profoundly impact me on how I will vote.

That god damned arrogant incompentant ideological moron has had almost 7 years to find and kill Bin Ladin and has triped over his own useless dick every step of the way. The moron created a power vacuum in the persian gulf that had created vastly more Islamic extremism then before 911 and has vastly increased the threat and risk to terrorism around the world. George W Bush, factually, has been the greatest recruiter of Islamic terroist in world history. He has taken us from being the most respected nation in the world to being feared and reviled.

Yup, thanks for reminding me of why we should vote Democrat.

Only if you make Bin Laden's declarations about America true with our retreat... So much blood on both sides, for what? That will foment terror ten fold rather than seeing this through to victory which will allow a great swath of the Middle east the chance to have an alternative choice to radical Islam. We didn't build the schools that indoctrinated them, we didn't control the media that re-enforced the view. We have removed many of the pillars of terrorism, the root causes, and you're a partisan hack not to even acknowledge that in the slightest. And what's the great democrat plan to win the war on terror, to prevent the unimaginable chaos that this ideology brings, retreat, ignore it, let religious radicals that make nazi's look like school girls control a great % of the worlds principle resource and hope they don't attack us again, after they have time and time again.
Thanks for reminding me why I'll be voting Democratic for the first time ever.

Leaving Iraq would create a state that makes Iran look like a good neighbor, if they are not controlling the country. A nation, our group of terrorists controlling the oil markets, using those funds for terrorism, is why you are voting democrat?
They want us to leave , the American people want us to leave.

To stay is stupidity.

You have never been right about any political stance you have taken in the whole time I have known you wirl.

You have been wrong at every turn.
Leaving Iraq would create a state that makes Iran look like a good neighbor, if they are not controlling the country. A nation, our group of terrorists controlling the oil markets, using those funds for terrorism, is why you are voting democrat?

I'm voting Democrate because, unlike the Republicans, I expect them to be competant. Now, unlike W, I can only hope an wonder where we would have been as a nation if either McCain or Gore would have beaten W in 2000 (Oh...I forgot....Gore did!).

You're argument is not only a strawman but it's a negative argument which cannot be proved. It also only demonstrates the elder Bush's wisdom and his son's total folly of invading Iraq in the first place. As this has created the power vacuum and the attraction for for Islamic terrorist.

The whole situation can be resolved only AND ONLY through a political solution and that's what you right wing idiots don't get.
reason number one

reason number two...


What they will bring to the ME and America





We cannot afford to surrender to terrorists, least the ideology and movement that perpetuated the murder of innocent Americans will grow stronger with victory, and they will attack us again at home. 9/11 wasn't the first time we where hit, not to take away from the over 3,000 innocent American's murdered in cold blood, but there will surly be more to follow, if we retreat and hand the terrorists a victory. This war, our provocation, boils down to our coming to the aid and preventing war in Islam's holiest sites perpetrated by Saddam Hussain, and votes in Congress, on a wave of public support, both democrat and Republican, and Soldiers have died for it. We owe them to honor their sacrifice with the victory they've sacrificed so much for.
Which of these pictures has ANYTHING to do with Iraq. The guy at the top of the page is Saudi and currently lives in the region of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Never lived in Iraq and no evidence that he consulted with Saddam before he sent his murderous group to crash planes into buildings. That big smoked filled picture at the bottom of your posting is actually his doing. But we sought to do nothing against the people that caused it.

I asked you in another post a few days ago this question: as of February 8 2008 there are 3954 confirmed dead and 5 pending DoD confirmation for a grand total of 3959. We have been told over and over by Bush and those that reside in his ass that we are fighting Iraq so we don't have to fight the terrorists over here. Everything else being equal, us going to Afghanistan, revamping intel gathering agencies, homeland security, the whole thing. If the only difference was, we didn't go to Iraq, would this many american lives have been taken by Saddam Husein, Uday and Qusay? Would the world be under threat of a direct military attack by Iraq? Would there be almost 4000 dead at the hands of an otherwise contained dictator. Right now EVERYTHING else being equal?
We owe those deaths and we intend to pay for them with MORE DEATHS! The only good moslem is a dead moslem! We need to kill kill kill until they bend to our will and there is a walmar in every Moslem city in the world! Only then will we have won! Only then can we come back to the US and be safe from terra! So what that there was NO wmd's! So what that there was NO Nuclear (nucular) program in Iraq. So what that there was NO one related to the WTC attack in Iraq on the day we attacked it. So what. This war is not directed at the enemy that attacked us! It is an utilitarian war! So long as we attack and defeat ANYONE, millions of Americans will feel we have done SOMETHING to keep them safe and avenge the dead in the rubble of ground zero. ANd when the american people begin to grow tired of our useless and aimless war we will show them this:


And THIS will silence those that say we have not avenged the 3000 dead at WTC and it will silence those that say we have not truly gone after Al Qaeda but merely created Al Qaeda in Iraq. This is America damn you all. We have NEVER been wrong and if you don't agree well then fuck you and your right to petition the government, LEAVE! America! My Country Right or Wrong!
reason number one

reason number two...


What they will bring to the ME and America





We cannot afford to surrender to terrorists, least the ideology and movement that perpetuated the murder of innocent Americans will grow stronger with victory, and they will attack us again at home. 9/11 wasn't the first time we where hit, not to take away from the over 3,000 innocent American's murdered in cold blood, but there will surly be more to follow, if we retreat and hand the terrorists a victory. This war, our provocation, boils down to our coming to the aid and preventing war in Islam's holiest sites perpetrated by Saddam Hussain, and votes in Congress, on a wave of public support, both democrat and Republican, and Soldiers have died for it. We owe them to honor their sacrifice with the victory they've sacrificed so much for.

This did not affect my vote, sorry.
I'm voting Democrate because, unlike the Republicans, I expect them to be competant. Now, unlike W, I can only hope an wonder where we would have been as a nation if either McCain or Gore would have beaten W in 2000 (Oh...I forgot....Gore did!).

You're argument is not only a strawman but it's a negative argument which cannot be proved. It also only demonstrates the elder Bush's wisdom and his son's total folly of invading Iraq in the first place. As this has created the power vacuum and the attraction for for Islamic terrorist.

The whole situation can be resolved only AND ONLY through a political solution and that's what you right wing idiots don't get.

hold up, I'm sorry, please remind me again what alternative strategy did the dims offer up besides retreat, after the fact so many voted to go in, yes real competence, lets roll, no wait lets pull back, no let's roll, THIS WAS A MISTAKE what major plan did democrats propose to stop radical Islam
? (Oh...I forgot...they just sat on their butts and never offered up an alternative!) Must be politically safe, even if it appears cowardly. Yeah I forsee them being real bright, like when the stalled any solution to Social Security why again, oh yeah, because they'd rather play politics, and hate George W. Bush than fix a serious problem facing America. Yep we got the competent boys coming warm the Senate benches throwing Chinese money at problem they don't even take the time to understand. The only thing the dims will do with victory in Nov. is force an American defeat, raise American taxes, and hasten the decline of our economy with their massive giveaways, finally pushing our 9 trillion dollar debt to it's tipping point, taking us all down with it.
this is just like the watermark joke posts lol.

I have a new slogan:

"9/11 - Get over it! It's been seven years"
stupid retard cave dwellers are not going to be able to continue a worldwide conspiracy against us. it's not feasible. Yes we have to be on the lookout for suspicious activity and be proactive in making sure we have an adequte defense but this is nothing to be wetting your pants over. You really need to relax, get some more sex, and just stop thinking about killing all the durka durka mohammed's and fighting valiantly against ISLAAAAAMOOO FACISM!!!
stupid retard cave dwellers are not going to be able to continue a worldwide conspiracy against us. it's not feasible. Yes we have to be on the lookout for suspicious activity and be proactive in making sure we have an adequte defense but this is nothing to be wetting your pants over. You really need to relax, get some more sex, and just stop thinking about killing all the durka durka mohammed's and fighting valiantly against ISLAAAAAMOOO FACISM!!!

Stupid retarded cave dwellers could have been delt with before we spent a decade retreating from them letting the problem ferment into 9/11. September 10th, you would have said 9/11 was impossible, we have been lucky because we have been vigilant, it isn't from a lack of trying, and if we are to bury our heads in the sand it will surely return, only stronger. We face a cultural problem, from the cradle to the grave this radical ideology is instilled in these people, and now if we hold our nerve, have courage, a great swath in the Middle East has a chance to grow up in an atmosphere not dominated by radical Islam, where independent idea's will defeat terrorism, we are by no means proposing a military solution to terrorism, only recognising the fact we cannot change a thing without the military.

"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education."
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
reason number one

reason number two...


Indoctrinated from birth by fundamentalist schools...


Breed to hate with the bombardment of state run media...


What they will bring to the ME and America



"After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers"
George W. Bush


"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain"
Abraham Lincoln, second inaugural address...

We cannot afford to surrender to terrorists, least the ideology and movement that perpetuated the murder of innocent Americans will grow stronger with victory, and they will attack us again at home. 9/11 wasn't the first time we where hit, not to take away from the over 3,000 innocent American's murdered in cold blood, but there will surly be more to follow, if we retreat and hand the terrorists a victory. This war, our provocation, boils down to our coming to the aid and preventing war in Islam's holiest sites perpetrated by Saddam Hussain, and votes in Congress, on a wave of public support, both democrat and Republican, and Soldiers have died for it. We owe them to honor their sacrifice with the victory they've sacrificed so much for.

"This point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Sometimes I wonder if you're a plant from the left to make conservatives look like fear mongering idiots.
wow, what a compelling argument I admit I was wrong, we should just abandon this task we've sacrificed so many lives for, I don't think terrorism will grow from the pain the Iraqi's will feel when we abandon them to the terrorists, and I surly now know that the terrorists are badly misunderstood patriots, and we are evil Nazi's trying to build an empire in the sand. How could I have been so misled...
Fuck off Willie. Quit using the pain of others to pursue your own unassociated political goals. Go after bin Laden anytime you like.