Images that should effect your vote!

reason number one

reason number two...


Indoctrinated from birth by fundamentalist schools...


Breed to hate with the bombardment of state run media...


What they will bring to the ME and America



"After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers"
George W. Bush


"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain"
Abraham Lincoln, second inaugural address...

We cannot afford to surrender to terrorists, least the ideology and movement that perpetuated the murder of innocent Americans will grow stronger with victory, and they will attack us again at home. 9/11 wasn't the first time we where hit, not to take away from the over 3,000 innocent American's murdered in cold blood, but there will surly be more to follow, if we retreat and hand the terrorists a victory. This war, our provocation, boils down to our coming to the aid and preventing war in Islam's holiest sites perpetrated by Saddam Hussein in 1991, and votes in Congress in 2003, on a wave of public support, and the legal authority of the 1991 cease fire agreement Saddam was in violation of, both democrats and Republicans voted to send our soldiers to war, some on principle some one the polls, and Soldiers have died for it. We owe them to honor their sacrifice with the victory they've gave so much for. Those who voted with the polls now want to forget the soldiers sacrifice, tuck tail and run, that is dishonorable behavior from our leaders, and it would be a dishonorable vote to cast.

"This point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Every one of those images makes me want to Support Obama even stronger. We need to win the fight against Islamic extreemists, not Saddam Hussen's old followers. I am all for fighting Islamic Extreemists and consentrating our efforts there and not on Iraq.
Every one of those images makes me want to Support Obama even stronger. We need to win the fight against Islamic extreemists, not Saddam Hussen's old followers. I am all for fighting Islamic Extreemists and consentrating our efforts there and not on Iraq.

Islamic Extremists, like the ones Saddam would give 25,000 to the families of if they blew themselves up? Islamic Extremists like when Saddam Hussein said on state run media, the perpetrators of 9/11 are within the collapsed buildings, man if your really think this, than the terrorists have already won. Pulling out, giving them a wealthy modern state to operate as the Taliban would mean we where attacked for the dozenth time, and it finally took dead people in the streets of New York City, to motivate us to topple the government supporting our foes, only to lose our nerve and give them a wealthier more modern state, with a good hold on the worlds principle resource. You and this mindset is exactly what Bin Laden uses to lambast us and rally support that he can use to attack us. 9/11 happened before Iraq, the USS Cole happened before Iraq, Khobar towers happened before Iraq, Chemical agents where deployed, unsuccessfully on US soil before Iraq.
Islamic Extremists, like the ones Saddam would give 25,000 to the families of if they blew themselves up? Islamic Extremists like when Saddam Hussein said on state run media, the perpetrators of 9/11 are within the collapsed buildings, man if your really think this, than the terrorists have already won. Pulling out, giving them a wealthy modern state to operate as the Taliban would mean we where attacked for the dozenth time, and it finally took dead people in the streets of New York City, to motivate us to topple the government supporting our foes, only to lose our nerve and give them a wealthier more modern state, with a good hold on the worlds principle resource. You and this mindset is exactly what Bin Laden uses to lambast us and rally support that he can use to attack us. 9/11 happened before Iraq, the USS Cole happened before Iraq, Khobar towers happened before Iraq, Chemical agents where deployed, unsuccessfully on US soil before Iraq.

2003 called, it wants its fear-mongering back.
I'm voting Democrate because, unlike the Republicans, I expect them to be competant. Now, unlike W, I can only hope an wonder where we would have been as a nation if either McCain or Gore would have beaten W in 2000 (Oh...I forgot....Gore did!).

You're argument is not only a strawman but it's a negative argument which cannot be proved. It also only demonstrates the elder Bush's wisdom and his son's total folly of invading Iraq in the first place. As this has created the power vacuum and the attraction for for Islamic terrorist.

The whole situation can be resolved only AND ONLY through a political solution and that's what you right wing idiots don't get.

you can never get to any political solution without the military regarding the root causes of radical Islam. We had sanctioned the heck out of Iraq, thrown every diplomatic weapon available at them, and they where still in violation of a very simple cease fire accord, funding terrorism, etc. etc.

It took the US Military 21 days it took to begin the process of real and actual change in Iraq. And like most nations, like our own which took 13 years before we settled on a government and elected George Washington, it will take some time, but violence is down, political progress is being made, and Iraq has dropped off the election radar. To hand the terrorists a victory now would be irresponsible to a degree unmeasurable, it's evil, and it will come back on us.
you can never get to any political solution without the military regarding the root causes of radical Islam. We had sanctioned the heck out of Iraq, thrown every diplomatic weapon available at them, and they where still in violation of a very simple cease fire accord, funding terrorism, etc. etc.

It took the US Military 21 days it took to begin the process of real and actual change in Iraq. And like most nations, like our own which took 13 years before we settled on a government and elected George Washington, it will take some time, but violence is down, political progress is being made, and Iraq has dropped off the election radar. To hand the terrorists a victory now would be irresponsible to a degree unmeasurable, it's evil, and it will come back on us.
There is NO George Washington in Iraq. 13 years before we elected him HE fought for HIS country. He didn't wait for someone else to come in and do it for him. He fought most of him time backwards and lost most battles but continued to fight on. WHERE is this in Iraq willie? Where is Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and Alexander Hamilton? Where are any people like them? Are you telling me they are just sitting on their hands bidding their time till it strikes them to speak up?

This crap about handing the terrorists victory is pure and simple scare tacticts. The reason, pure and simple, that the US has not been attacked again is NOT because we are fighting in Iraq, it is because we have beefed up our intel. You really think ALL of the Islamic terrorists are there and not anywhere else? That is such delusional thinking. How long do we have to stay there Willie? What is the number of troops that need to die before you say enough? How many years do we stay before we say, there is no Thomas Jefferson. How long do we prop them up? All of these questions come at time when the Army Chief of Staff is questioning our ability to handle a crisis anywhere else in the world. There are questions of how thinnly we have stretched our toops. There are something like 20,000 troops in Iraq for the FIFTH time! That is outrageous and completely contrary to the DoD's own findings. Since Vietnam they have had rules about only serving one tour in a combat zone. FIVE! what do you think that does to morale there willie boy? I know what I was told by 4 troops I met that had just returned from Mosul and they NEVER wanted to go back again and they didn't believe in the mission anymore. But as you know, being in the active military and speaking out during a time in which the military in deployed can cause much trouble for a soldier. This has got to end and you seem to think that with our limited troop strength we can go on and on forever and ever. Just keep doing stop loss and sending troops back.
WRL I want you to know how hard I've fought the urge to add porn pics on this thread as "Images that Should Affect Your Vote."

So far, success. But if it keeps staying at the top I don't know how long I can hold out.
There is NO George Washington in Iraq. 13 years before we elected him HE fought for HIS country. He didn't wait for someone else to come in and do it for him. He fought most of him time backwards and lost most battles but continued to fight on. WHERE is this in Iraq willie? Where is Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and Alexander Hamilton? Where are any people like them? Are you telling me they are just sitting on their hands bidding their time till it strikes them to speak up?

This crap about handing the terrorists victory is pure and simple scare tacticts. The reason, pure and simple, that the US has not been attacked again is NOT because we are fighting in Iraq, it is because we have beefed up our intel. You really think ALL of the Islamic terrorists are there and not anywhere else? That is such delusional thinking. How long do we have to stay there Willie? What is the number of troops that need to die before you say enough? How many years do we stay before we say, there is no Thomas Jefferson. How long do we prop them up? All of these questions come at time when the Army Chief of Staff is questioning our ability to handle a crisis anywhere else in the world. There are questions of how thinnly we have stretched our toops. There are something like 20,000 troops in Iraq for the FIFTH time! That is outrageous and completely contrary to the DoD's own findings. Since Vietnam they have had rules about only serving one tour in a combat zone. FIVE! what do you think that does to morale there willie boy? I know what I was told by 4 troops I met that had just returned from Mosul and they NEVER wanted to go back again and they didn't believe in the mission anymore. But as you know, being in the active military and speaking out during a time in which the military in deployed can cause much trouble for a soldier. This has got to end and you seem to think that with our limited troop strength we can go on and on forever and ever. Just keep doing stop loss and sending troops back.

I need to address a few things here...

Yes the circumstances in Iraq and the early US are different, I wasn't saying it was an exact comparison, I'm just using a familiar reference to a point almost universal. Democracy takes time to develop, George Washington may have been elected, but as you note he was a soldier, and was asked to run. Do I see anyone of the calibre of George Washington, of course not, I'm a biased observer...

This isn't scare tactics and I'll tell you why, there are people in Iraq putting their lives on the line, daily, working on legislation to share oil revenues, undoing debathification, that coupled with the declining violence has Iraq completely off the table in the elections it seems. And disturbingly the reason seems to be our success??? That disturbs me... And wow did you just give Bush credit for something? There isn't a single reason we haven't been attacked since 9/11, it's because we've done a lot of things, namely throwing our whole might towards destroying every lose end of terrorism. Financial, Intel, military, we went after the terrorists and their networks, the fundamentals propping them up, Democrats may think we need to pull back some of those forces, that somehow will more effectively bring an end to this conflict, if you really believe that... And yes I do believe the front lines of the war on terror are drawn in Iraq. They have all their eggs in this basket now, and we have a great strategy to defeat them with Gen. Petraeus. To withdraw now with success finally taking shape, would be handing the terrorists a victory, and would validate Bin Laden's positions against us all along.
I need to address a few things here...

Yes the circumstances in Iraq and the early US are different, I wasn't saying it was an exact comparison, I'm just using a familiar reference to a point almost universal. Democracy takes time to develop, George Washington may have been elected, but as you note he was a soldier, and was asked to run. Do I see anyone of the calibre of George Washington, of course not, I'm a biased observer...

This isn't scare tactics and I'll tell you why, there are people in Iraq putting their lives on the line, daily, working on legislation to share oil revenues, undoing debathification, that coupled with the declining violence has Iraq completely off the table in the elections it seems. And disturbingly the reason seems to be our success??? That disturbs me... And wow did you just give Bush credit for something? There isn't a single reason we haven't been attacked since 9/11, it's because we've done a lot of things, namely throwing our whole might towards destroying every lose end of terrorism. Financial, Intel, military, we went after the terrorists and their networks, the fundamentals propping them up, Democrats may think we need to pull back some of those forces, that somehow will more effectively bring an end to this conflict, if you really believe that... And yes I do believe the front lines of the war on terror are drawn in Iraq. They have all their eggs in this basket now, and we have a great strategy to defeat them with Gen. Petraeus. To withdraw now with success finally taking shape, would be handing the terrorists a victory, and would validate Bin Laden's positions against us all along.


This is reality. This is what we face, this is not something to ignore, this will not just go away if we leave Iraq, remember this was before Iraq, leaving the country tattered and torn will only breed tens of thousands of more terrorists, where as victory will plant the seeds that will defeat the root causes of terrorism, the strangle hold on education and media but thugs promoting this extremism as a mechanism they can use to control their populations, or fight, without using their names...
Yeah I have noticed that the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly ass kicking the Palestinians have taken at the hands of the Israelis for the last 50 years has kept them from strapping bombs to themselves and blowing them up in crowded places.
This is reality. This is what we face, this is not something to ignore, this will not just go away if we leave Iraq

Yes it will. Pax Americana. We leave everyone else alone, they leave us alone. If we try to interfere, even if our intentions are good, it will come back to haunt us. So just let them go fuck themselves. America should do what's best for America.
I bet you cry yourself to sleep at night knowing that your images influenced no one and changed no ones mind.